“Who drinks Bud Light in a British pub? Liars, cheaters, and
killers. Oh my.”
Hollon, Pane and Suffering (Loc.

Kensington signed Cheryl to a three-book
deal. I can’t wait to see how Cheryl develops Savannah Webb and where it will
take her.
Please welcome Cheryl Hollon to WWK. E. B. Davis
Would you give our readers a synopsis of Pane and Suffering?
After Savannah's father dies unexpectedly of
a heart attack, she drops everything to return home to St. Petersburg, Florida,
to settle his affairs—including the fate of the beloved, family-owned glass
shop. Savannah intends to hand over ownership to her father's trusted assistant
and master craftsman, Hugh Trevor, but soon discovers him dead also of an
apparent heart attack.
As if the coincidence of the two deaths
wasn't suspicious enough, Savannah discovers a note her father left for her in
his shop, warning her that she is in danger. With the local police unconvinced,
it's up to Savannah to piece together the encoded clues left behind by her
father. And when her father's apprentice is accused of the murders, Savannah is
more desperate than ever to crack the case before the killer seizes a window of
opportunity to cut her out of the picture.
After her father’s funeral, Savannah’s first hurtle
is teaching glass-working classes to novices, a commitment her father made. Why
is she unprepared?
The death of her father affected Savannah
deeply. She knew him to be a man of commitment, therefore, the continuation of
classes at Webb’s Glass Shop became a way to honor her father’s memory. She
felt unprepared because her current glass expertise focused on glass blowing,
which demands a completely different set of skills and techniques. She was out
of practice, that’s all.
Although Savannah feels guilty because she relocated
to Seattle and hasn’t been home for a while, she and her father were close.
Close enough, that when he leaves her a set of clues to his murder, she
understands his logic and specific language to break codes. Why does her father
use code?
John Webb was paranoid and knew that about
himself. But, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that you might not be
in danger. He knew he could be very, very wrong, but just in case. . .
How old is Savannah?
As I am fond of saying: a woman who will tell
you her age will lie about anything.

The church panels are stunning and intricate.
A little self-doubt is good for an artist especially when contemplating the
central panel of The Last Supper. Who wouldn’t be a little hesitant?
Is the Pilchuck Glass School real? Is the Payne
Glassworks of Paterson, NJ (in the story, the original creators of the church’s
stain glass windows) real?
Yes and yes. The Pilchuck Glass is real,
founded in 1971 by Dale Chihuly, Anne Gould Hauberg and John H. Hauberg. Visiting
both the studio on a former tree farm in Stanwood, Washington and the
administrative offices in Seattle is high on my list of research locations to
After George L. Payne passed away in 1981,
the Payne Studio lives on in the form of a merger with its main competitor and
collaborator, Rohlf’s Stained and Leaded Glass. Both were family-led forces in
the early stained glass industry. The church in St. Petersburg, FL is one of
the finest representations of their early work. There is a sign outside the
church that announces a tour of the panels every Wednesday.
Is glasswork your hobby?
My husband and I have a small glass studio in
a separate building behind the house. In Florida, this is known as a
mother-in-law cottage. We are advanced amateurs and have sold pieces through
Grand Central Glass Shop in the past. We now happily spend our studio time
making gifts for friends and family. I also make promotional swag for
conferences and book signings.
You live in St. Petersburg, FL,
where your book is set. Webb’s Glass Shop, the family business, is located in
the Grand Central District in St. Pete. Is Grand Central a historic commercial
area? Why did you set your story there?
The Grand Central District was formed in 2001
and received the designation as a Main Street community by both the National
Trust for Historic Preservation and the Florida Main Street program. More than
1,500 communities across the country have adopted the Main Street Approach,
which is one of the most powerful economic development tools in the nation,
combining historic preservation and economic development in local
revitalization initiatives. The stained glass shop that inspired Webb’s is one
of the many eclectic businesses that have taken advantage of the
preservation-based revitalization initiatives and as a result of the owner’s
hard work, they have created a thriving business district. It’s the perfect
environment for a sole proprietor business
Jacob Underwood, an apprentice of Savannah’s father,
has Asperger’s. He’s an interesting character because of his character and his
talent. Have you known those who have Asperger’s? Tell our readers about Jacob,
his mother, and Suzie, please.
Jacob first came onto the page as a
14-year-old struggling to connect with the social pressures of everyday life.
However, in order to be more fully engaged with Savannah, Amanda and Edward, he
needed to be nearer their age. So one of my massive rewrites of Pane and Suffering was to age Jacob—I
like him better as an awkward near adult. I know a few people who are ‘on the
spectrum’ just like everyone else nowadays. I appreciate Jacob’s unique
perspective and adore his service dog, Suzy, modeled after one of my childhood
pets. I wanted his parents to be devoted, supportive, pragmatic, and sensible—a
successful recipe for raising Jacob.
After Hugh Trevor, her father’s close associate and
assistant dies, two men make Savannah offers on the shop. Why does she dislike
them and put them on her suspect list?
Many of us are plagued with people in our lives
that irritate, exasperate, frustrate and generally annoy us beyond our
patience. Just like real life, we still have to deal with them. As I’ve seen on
t-shirts: Careful, or You’ll End Up in My Novel.

The neighborhood where the family Craftsman
house is built is located near the Historic Kenwood District. The Kenwood
neighborhood was initially developed by Charles R. Hall, who in 1913 built 10
houses on Central Avenue for a combined cost of $30,000. At that time, the
nearby area was an avocado grove. The area has one of the highest
concentrations of 1920s Craftsman style bungalows in Florida. Most Kenwood
homes were built on site during the early 1920s. But during the mid-1930s,
approximately 170 were moved to the area having been displaced from downtown.
True to the age of the area, Historic Kenwood features brick streets, large
trees, and garages facing alleys.
Edward Morris, owner of the English pub located next
door to Webb’s, befriends Savannah with tea and scones each morning. She’s
attracted to him. Why can’t she trust him?
After the ugly breakup with her Seattle
boyfriend, Savannah is naturally reluctant to trust anyone who is making
overtures even when he seemed to have been a trusted friend to her father. The
cranberry scones, however, are weakening her resolve.
You do a great job of keeping readers guessing
whodunit. Did you know the killer’s identity when you started writing?
It’s funny that you mention that—I usually
change the killer after the first rough draft. This is the first time my
original villain remained the same.
How does Savannah react when police order her
father’s body to be exhumed?
Savannah struggles with conflicting feelings.
How maddening to finally get the investigation attention that you want and then
endure a sickening punch to your emotions.
Are you a fan of tea and craft beer?
I have enjoyed small batch and locally brewed
beer since I lived in England in the late 90s. When I moved back to Florida, I
was delighted with the quickly growing list of microbreweries that make St.
Petersburg a beer destination. There are at least fourteen in the Tampa Bay
area and the growth is still on the climb. All the breweries and pubs in the
book are real places with a thriving and lively patronage.
You go very light on Nancy, a student in Savannah’s
class and a husband-nagger. I wanted this bothersome glass student to get a good
comeuppance. Why didn’t you slam her?
Well, what can I say? In the end, I didn’t
want to add to her husband’s already heavy burden. I haven’t forgotten her—she’ll
be back.
There’s only one aspect of your book that doesn’t
ring true to me, Cheryl. Coming from rainy Seattle to sunny St. Petersburg,
where she grew up, why doesn’t Savannah go to the beach to contemplate murder?
One of the odd aspects of being a long-time
resident of Florida is that you don’t go to the beach very often. I know – I
know, that’s why we moved here in the first place so many years ago. We used to
go to Treasure Island beach at least once a week if not more. Now, we may go
for a long weekend at a beach resort perhaps once a year. Yep, it makes no
sense, but that’s how it is with locals.
Have you plotted the next book in the series? What’s
next for Savannah?
The next book is Shards of Murder (Webb’s Glass Shop #2) due for release on February
23, 2016. Here’s a synopsis:
As the new proprietor of Webb's Glass Shop,
Savannah has been appointed to fill her late father's shoes as a judge for the
Spinnaker Arts Festival, held in downtown St. Petersburg, Florida. With her
innovative glass works, the clear winner is Megan Loyola, a student of
Savannah's former mentor.
But when Megan doesn't show up to accept her
$50,000 award, rumors start flying. And when Savannah discovers the woman's
dead body on festival grounds, the police immediately suspect her of murder. To
keep from appearing before a judge herself, Savannah sorts through the broken
pieces of glass scattered around the victim for clues as to who took this
killer competition too far.