Sneaking into her sister’s hotel room and searching for stolen jewelry was not how Valencia Lancaster had planned to celebrate New Year’s Eve. Val turned her head left then right to make sure she was alone in the hallway. She inserted the keycard she had swiped from Sienna’s purse into the slot and heard a click. As she slowly turned the door knob, Val noticed that her hands were still dry from the winter weather. With grim humor, she thought that the night began innocently enough when she borrowed a jar of hand cream from her sister’s purse. What she found inside the jar, had changed everything.
held her breath and quickly entered the room. She exhaled and leaned against
the closed door. Sienna would kill her for this. Val pulled a flashlight from
her purse and pressed the button. She didn’t want to turn on the overhead light
in case Sienna, who was at the New Year’s Eve party in the interior hotel
courtyard, would see her room illuminated.
pawed through neatly folded clothes and eyed a cute camisole in her favorite color. Better leave it. Regretfully,
she closed the drawers then searched the bathroom and closet. Nothing. Both suitcases were empty too. Her hunch that the rest of
the stolen jewelry was in Sienna’s room was either wrong or she had overlooked
a hiding place.
Perhaps she was just jealous of Sienna’s quick rise in the family jewelry business. Val
thoughtfully nibbled her lower lip as she sat on the bed. Did she secretly hope
that her sister was guilty? Yes, maybe…no. Admittedly, she had been hurt that
her father was grooming her sister for the CEO position. Plus, Sienna had begun
relying heavily on her new assistant, Gemma, relegating Val to outsider. Hurt
feelings aside, she knew something was very wrong. That something could damage
her family and their business.
stood up, turned toward the door, and stubbed her toe against an object. Val clenched
her hand into a fist, trying not to cry out. Moving the flashlight to examine
her foot and the open toed, black Ferragamos she had borrowed from Sienna, her
light shone on the offending object she’d tripped over. A backpack? She knelt
on the carpet and pulled it completely out from under the bed, unzipped and folded back
the cover. Val frowned as she saw a large battery operated drill and several
drill bits. Odd.
sudden loud knock at the door followed by a gruff voice, froze her. “Anyone
by the ache in her knees from kneeling, she listened. Beads of sweat formed
under her Christian Dior dress.
heard the familiar click of the door being unlocked. Hastily she shoved the backpack
under the bed and dove behind an arm chair. From her vantage point she saw the
outline of a man with a flashlight reach under the bed and pull out the
backpack. He picked it up and left.
was silence except for the sound of Val’s teeth chattering like clinking castanets.
10:05 p.m.

evening. I believe you’re Sienna’s sister, Valentine?” A well-dressed dark
haired man looking like he belonged in a fairy tale walked up to Val.
went weak at the knees. “Yes, I’m Sienna’s sister. My name is Valencia.”
I’d kiss your hand but...” He shrugged, and Val saw he held a glass of
champagne in either hand.
at a disadvantage since I don’t think we’ve met.”
me. I’m Alexsandr Cerovic, Gemma’s significant other. Shall we join them?”
nodded, then sagged. This incredible man was dating Gemma? Life really was
unfair. Alex led the way as they walked past happy partygoers, heading toward Sienna
and Gemma who stood with a group of people.
have you seen the ice sculptures?” Alexsandr nodded his head toward a door with
a short line of people outside.
I haven’t had a chance to walk through the exhibit. Too busy with the jewelry
show and the aftermath.”
looked at her. “Sorry to hear about the theft. That must have been a blow to
your business. So many pieces of white glass, I mean diamonds, were stolen
including the Derouin Diamond.”

pursed his lips. “It was clever of the Panthers to put a ‘wet paint’ sign on
the bench so nobody would sit on it and witness the robbers leaving. I heard the
police don’t have any leads on the jewels or thieves although it’s rumored that
they lost the ring.” He gazed intently at her. “Do you know anything about
felt a sudden chill. She hugged herself and rubbed her arms with her hands.
Probably delayed nerves from sneaking into her sister’s room and almost getting
caught by an unknown man.
“thwack”, hit near her eye then tickled as it retracted. She jumped.
New Thear!” A drunken man stumbled off, blowing his pink-feathered noisemaker.
This night couldn’t end soon enough.
shook his head. “How bourgeois.”
easily spotted the back of Sienna’s floor length dress. It was an elegant Zhang
Zhifeng haute couture contemporary version of a traditional Chinese dress made
from red silk with applique flowers scattered across it. While Val preferred
wearing a simple black dress, Sienna liked elaborate clothing.
said, “Look who I found on my way back with drinks. Valarie.” He handed Gemma
Sienna a glass of champagne.
reindeer made from ice and bumped into a snowman sculpture. Her elbow hit his carrot nose. It fell off and shattered on the ground. The jewelry thieves turned around.

Val didn’t bother to correct him and elbowed her
way into the tight knot of admirers surrounding her sister. Most people ignored her, only referring to her as
Sienna’s sister.
grabbed Val’s arm and pulled her close. “Where the hell have you been?” she
hissed. “Where’s my purse you took without asking? I noticed you’re wearing my
shook her arm from Sienna’s grasp. She smacked her sister’s rhinestone clutch
into her arms. “I borrowed the jar of lotion from your purse. I’ll give it back
later.” She watched to see if Sienna showed signs of being scared or panicked.
Val noticed that Sienna looked upward as if asking the heavens for patience to
deal with her annoying sister then clasped her purse to her side. But she
didn’t seem nervous.
cream is expensive.” Gemma folded her arms across her body. “You’d be wise to
return the jar.”
raised her hand. “It’s okay, Gemma.”
reached into her own purse and took out the cream. She started to hand the jar
to Sienna but Gemma intercepted it.
put it in your room, Sienna, since I still have your second key card.” She tucked
the jar into her satchel.
raised his eyebrows and gave Gemma a long, considering look.
needed air and began walking away. Sienna turned toward her. “Don’t you dare
leave the party, Valencia Lancaster. You’re never there when I need you.” She
turned back.
10:30 p.m.
stood on the patio next to a bench, the outside entrance to the now cancelled
jewelry show behind her. White lights twinkled on trees surrounding the peaceful harbor.
Decorated boats, moored to the wharf, gently rocked on the water. It looked magical.
her left she saw Alexsandr and Gemma walk on the dock and stop under a light. A
large man stepped off a nearby speedboat and met the pair. He looked like the
man who had been in her sister’s room! Her intuition on high alert, Val stood in
a half crouch behind a planter so she could see the trio without calling
attention to herself.
snippets of their conversation drifted close, she heard Gemma mention white
glass. Wasn’t that the expression Alexsandr had used to refer to diamonds?
Other words didn’t make sense like birdwatcher, violin, and lizard. But it
sounded like their plan was to take the speedboat to an airstrip then fly to
boat captain handed Alexsandr a backpack. Then he gave Gemma a small
rectangular card. Was that the extra keycard to Sienna’s room that Gemma had
mentioned? A cold chill slid down Val’s spine. She bet these three were the
jewel thieves and they were using her sister’s room to hide incriminating
evidence. How dare they set up Sienna and rob her family.
10:45 p.m.
and Gemma left the harbor area. Val followed. If she was correct, they would
lead her to the stolen jewelry. They walked through the lobby and into the ice
sculpture exhibit entrance. She waited, then walked in the anteroom containing
warm clothing for guests. Grabbing a thermal jacket and pants Val threw them
over her clothes then kicked off her shoes and pulled on a pair of boots. She
slipped on heavy gloves.
for the bracing nine-degree cold, Val opened the door and entered. As the door
swung shut, the clamor from the party ceased. Most people viewed the sculptures
during the day so the exhibit was deserted. The beautiful and whimsical
sculptures glistened under bright lights like shiny jewels.
followed the carpeted path winding its way through the sculptures and saw Alexsandr
and Gemma walk into a room containing ice sculptures depicting New York City.
They stopped in front of a large red apple obviously meant to represent the Big
shrugged off the backpack and set it down. He pulled out the drill and began boring
into the apple around the crystal clear ice stem. Val gasped and threw her
gloved hands over her mouth. Small pieces of ice flew out shimmering in the
light. He stopped and removed the stem. Gemma reached in the hole, pulled out a
clear bag, and set it on the ground.
get a closer look, Val crawled on the carpeted floor and up—onto a taxi bench
inside an oversized ice taxi used for photos. She lay down out of view, but where
she could still peek out of the doorless taxi. It looked like loose diamonds in
the bag. They must have taken the diamonds out of the settings before hiding
them. According to the news, the gang’s usual modus operandi was to immediately
take a motorboat and get away after a theft, but apparently they had altered
the plan.
11:10 p.m.
What was she doing here? She watched as her sister slowly stepped out from
behind a reindeer made from ice and bumped into a snowman sculpture. Her elbow hit his carrot nose. It fell off and shattered on the ground. The jewelry thieves turned around.
Gemma yelled at Sienna. “Give me the Derouin diamond ring. I know you have it.
It wasn’t in your hand cream where I hid it.”
started. “Gemma, you took the ring? You double crossed me! You’re the reason we
didn’t leave on time. You’re dead.” He threw the apple stem on the ground which
fairytale shine disappeared. He turned into a thug.
darling. You’re not as clever as you think.” Gemma continued advancing on
don’t have your ring.” Sienna backed up further, holding her hands in a
defensive position in front of her face.
Gemma pushed her.
hit a sculpture, twisted, and fell to the ground clutching her ankle.
with fear, Val couldn’t move, but Sienna was in danger. She had to act. With an
inner strength she hadn’t known she possessed, Val sat up. “Gemma. Stop! Here’s
the ring.” She flung it out of the taxi. It pinged off the Empire State Building
sculpture and rolled across the ground. Gemma leapt after the ring, grabbed it,
and ran toward the exit.
toward Val like an angry bull, Alexsandr spit out, “You’ve ruined everything.
You will pay.”
slid out of the taxi, scooped up the bag of diamonds from the floor, and bolted
up a nearby ramp. At the top she hesitated realizing she was on the second
floor with an ice slide the only way down.
advantage of her pause, Alexsandr caught up to her. He grabbed her right arm
twisting it backward. “Give me the diamonds.”
them.” With her left arm she hit him in the face with the diamond bag. He
winced and let go of her but grabbed the bag kicking Val behind her knees. She
fell backward onto the ice slide, hurtled to the bottom, and landed in a heap.
held up the bag and waved it. “I won.”
his foot slipped on the ice. Lurching and swaying to maintain balance, he
dropped the bag. It opened upon impact and diamonds spilled out, rolling and plinking
down the slide. As he
reached down to collect them, Alexsandr slid on loose diamonds. He fell face down, hitting the ice with a “crunch”. His still body started to slide down the icy chute.
came to a stop at the bottom, diamonds continuing to roll around him.
Gaze fixed on the audience, she said, “The New Year is a time for new beginnings so I’ll start again. My name is Valencia Lancaster. My sister, Sienna, and I are happy and honored you are with us tonight to celebrate New Year’s Eve and the grand opening of our East Coast headquarters.”
reached down to collect them, Alexsandr slid on loose diamonds. He fell face down, hitting the ice with a “crunch”. His still body started to slide down the icy chute.
somersaulted to her feet to get out of the way.
holding onto an ice wall for support yelled at his body, “My name is Valencia.
V-a-l-e-n-c-i-a. Don’t forget it.”
11:45 p.m.
walked back to the atrium lobby, Sienna leaning heavily against her. She told
security about Alexsandr and Gemma and instructed them to call the police. Then
she helped Sienna to a chair and propped her foot up on another chair.
said, “I can’t believe we made it out alive. I went looking for Gemma because I
needed help with my speech and saw the three of you go into the ice sculpture
exhibit. I just wish Gemma hadn’t gotten away with the ring.”
smiled. “She didn’t.” Taking her glove off, she twisted a ring on her finger. This
is the real Derouin. I threw her my replica. If she’s lucky, she’ll get ten dollars.”
serious Val said, “You need to see a doctor for your ankle, Sienna.”
until after the opening speech.”
can’t stand and give a speech in that condition.”
know, Val, but you can.”
snapped her mouth shut. “I’d rather die than give a speech. I…I can’t.”
you can save us from a notorious group of jewel thieves, you can give a speech.
I have faith in you. Look, Val, I do things even though I’m scared. Most days I
feel like a fraud trying to run a business—a cubic zirconia among diamonds.” Sienna
patted her arm. “Go.”
11:55 p.m.
walked onto the stage nervously fingering the speech that Sienna wrote. A
spotlight shone in her eyes momentarily blinding her. The music stopped
although the chatter continued. She felt everyone looking at her and couldn’t
decide whether to faint or throw-up. Sienna nodded and smiled encouragingly.
lowered head and in a quiet voice Valencia began reading from Sienna’s speech. “Welcome…”
She paused and gulped.
yelled, “Louder.”
chatter grew as people became restless. Val straightened, then dropped the
speech to the ground.
Gaze fixed on the audience, she said, “The New Year is a time for new beginnings so I’ll start again. My name is Valencia Lancaster. My sister, Sienna, and I are happy and honored you are with us tonight to celebrate New Year’s Eve and the grand opening of our East Coast headquarters.”
paused until the clapping died down.
moments are life changing. Tonight was one of those moments for me. A few hours
ago I never would have been brave enough to speak in front of a large crowd. So,
face your fears that hold you back. If I can, you can. Let’s celebrate this year
of new beginnings together. Everyone ready?”
small diamond ball began to slide down a pole.
pointed to the crowd. “You know what to do. 10, 9, 8…3, 2, 1.”
At Midnight
New Year!”
crowd went wild with noisemakers. Through the floor to ceiling windows, Val saw
fireworks explode outside in the harbor, lighting up the night sky. Sienna gave
her a thumbs up. Valencia grinned and felt like a million bucks.
While there is a group of professional diamond thieves referred to as the Pink
Panthers, the characters and situation in this story are fictional.
Photo of pink diamonds courtesy of http://00alisa00.deviantart.com/art/Pink-Diamonds-93334920
Photo of boats in the harbor courtesy of Christopher Martin.
Thank you to my niece for playing the part of Valencia Lancaster.