James M. Jackson writes the Seamus McCree series, consisting of 8 novels (Ant Farm, Bad Policy, Cabin Fever, Doubtful Relations, Empty Promises, False Bottom, Granite Oath, and Hijacked Legacy) and two novellas "Furthermore" and "Low Tide at Tybee."
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Q. What name(s) do you write under?
A. Whatever the publisher decides to use. Most of my fiction uses James M. Jackson because that website (https://jamesmjackson.com) was available and jimjackson.com was not. I have also had works published as Jim Jackson, J M Jackson, James Montgomery Jackson, and Giles Elderkin.
Q. Then why use a 22-character moniker like "James Montgomery Jackson" for this blog, when a simple "Jim Jackson" would do?
A. It’s the name my parents gave me. Have you met other Jim Jacksons? Me too. Some of them were fine people, but none of the others were me.
There are several James Montgomery Jacksons in the U.S. But in a Google search my writing shows up prominently, so it's easier for people to find me that way.
Q. Why do publishers make different choices?
A. My bridge book: One Trick at a Time: How to start winning at bridge is written in a casual style, so the publisher, Master Point Press, used Jim Jackson. My novels use the name James M. Jackson because it matches my website https://jamesmjackson.com and that's what the publisher wanted.
I have to admit that I am responsible for the variation in usage for my short stories, which was before I understood author brands.
Q. What fiction do you write?
A. Mostly domestic thrillers with a twist of financial crime featuring justice-seeking characters with heart. The Seamus McCree series includes 8 novels (Ant Farm, Bad Policy, Cabin Fever, Doubtful Relations, Empty Promises, False Bottom, Granite Oath, and Hijacked Legacy) and 2 novellas (Furthermore and Low Tide at Tybee).
You can read some of my work and learn more about me at my website https://jamesmjackson.com.
You can contact me at jmj@jamesmjackson.com.
~ Jim