hidden money and connections to reach past his prison walls, the Happy Reaper
threatens to avenge his capture and eliminate the entire McCree clan. Seamus
must neutralize him, but how?
DNA can answer the question of who’s included in the McCree clan. Every family has secrets. Who has the right to know?
DNA can answer the question of who’s included in the McCree clan. Every family has secrets. Who has the right to know?
After reading too many cozy mysteries, James M.
Jackson’s books are the antidote. His main character, Seamus McCree, doesn’t
cook or even taste his food, drinks Diet Dr Pepper for breakfast, not lattes,
stares down a hit man while trying to bribe him, and he’s polite to women but
thinks ungentlemanly thoughts sometimes. Nope, no cozy mysteries.
women in Seamus’s life are typical. His dart-throwing mother has many secrets,
so many that for a time she didn’t speak—literally. His ex roils hot and cold
as do her thoughts on Seamus. His granddaughter is sweet even though Seamus is
considered a bad influence on her. We’ll see how sweet she becomes as the
series progresses. I doubt she’ll have a spinoff cozy series.
even with all those un-cozy elements, I still am glued to the page due to the
action, discovery, and plot switch-backs. Furthermore,
a novella, is number 6.5 in the Seamus McCree mystery series.
welcome former WWK blogger, Jim Jackson, back to WWK.
E. B. Davis

Of course, readers are always right. That doesn’t mean you have to
listen to them.
Fans of False Bottom (Seamus McCree #6) wrote to ask who the
parents of Colleen Carpetti, a minor character, were. That answer requires a
Boston-area setting. My intention for the seventh Seamus McCree novel is to bring
Seamus back to his home in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, where Cabin Fever
and Empty Promises took place. Rather than make readers wait until book
eight, I developed an idea for this novella that addresses their question in a
But if I was going to write this story, I wanted to maintain the
standards I set for the series: intricate plot with twists and turns, complex
characters, and it had to stand on its own without requiring prior series
knowledge. In this case, doing it all in fewer that 20,000 words, I chose the
confrontation with the Happy Reaper for the central story, allowing family relations—including
Colleen’s parentage—to occupy the subplot. Based on the reviews, I succeeded on
all accounts.
Will we find out how Colleen Carpetti, who was
adopted by an Italian family, still ended up with an Irish first name?
I think it’s fair to say the adoption was not blind.
Since Colleen had contact with Uncle Mike, she also
subscribes to his three rules. Remind readers of they were, please.
Uncle Mike was a hard-nosed Irish cop who never had kids of his
own, but acted as Seamus’s surrogate father after his real father’s death. His
rules were.
1. Honor your mother and father.
2. Stand up for what you believe in, no matter the cost.
3. Never drink alone.
Why does Lizzie, Seamus’s ex and Paddy’s mom, think
Seamus is The Bad Influence on Megan, their granddaughter?
Seamus relishes his grandfather role, part of which he sees as
allowing Megan to have experiences her parents might not condone. For example,
he’s probably the one to teach her to read under the covers when she’s supposed
to be sleeping and to show her how to balance a teaspoon on her nose at the
dinner table. He’s already taught her the joys of peeing in the woods. When she’s
older, he’ll teach her how to ride an ATV and to drive a car as soon as her
feet can reach the pedals.
In what decade was Seamus born? (which may explain
why he is a “leg” man)
Seamus was born in the early 1960s.
Seamus must make a bargain with the devil (aka The
Happy Reaper). What are his objectives in doing so?
As revenge, the Happy Reaper wants to kill Seamus and his family,
leaving Seamus for last. The Happy Reaper has correctly assessed that at each
death, Seamus will suffer from the loss of a loved one and by knowing he
has failed to protect his family. Seamus hopes to redirect that revenge into a mano
a mano contest and spare his family.
an accountant with a firm specializing in audits, suspects her client of fraud
and one of the accounting firm’s partners of covering up the fraud. Why does
she seek out Seamus’s advice?
Based on the stories she’s heard from “Uncle Mike,” she believes
Seamus is a financial crimes expert.
Why are sexual harassment law suits difficult to
prove or disprove?
I answer as a layman, not a lawyer. Sexual harassment often occurs
with no corroborating witnesses, making proof difficult. Rarely does a paper
trail exist. Often, because of economic or psychological fear, victims do not
report the crime until long after the event. By that time, memories are
sometimes less of the actual event(s) and more of the stories the individuals
have told themselves about the event(s). That can result in the defense being
able to disprove a minor aspect of a claim, casting doubt on the entire event.
Why do endorphins beat logic?
Endorphins are internal chemicals we produce that affect our
feelings of pleasure and reward: little boosts of positive reinforcement. Most
of us prefer to experience pleasure even when we know what we are doing isn’t
good for us. Seamus delivers that line because he feels good when helping
others and knows he chases those good feelings even when logic suggests the end
result will be a problem for himself.
What is “sniffer” software? Why is it used?
As the term is used in Furthermore,
it means a computer program residing on the company’s network that scans
documents (emails, memos, reports, downloads, etc.) for specific terms.
Management at an accounting firm might be interested in learning of any use by
any employee of the words fraud, scam, illegal, etc. When you direct message a
Facebook friend to ask what kind of riding boots a character you are writing
about might wear and are deluged by Facebook ads for riding boots, it’s because
Facebook’s software sniffed out your riding boots interest and hopes to entice
you to click the ads and make them money.
What are the possible scenarios that Seamus mulls
over as far as Colleen’s heritage?
Colleen was adopted by Bruno Carpetti, who worked with Uncle Mike
and Seamus’s father when they were all Boston cops before Bruno moved to the
state police force. Those connections, plus her physical appearance, makes Seamus
wonder if she is a relation and, if so, whose child. In False Bottom
readers learned that the timing of Colleen’s birth coincided with a McCree
family crisis (whose details could be spoilers for False Bottom and
aren’t necessary for enjoying Furthermore).
That makes him wonder if she is his sister’s love child or maybe his mother’s.
Others wonder if Seamus is the father.
What does fear smell like?
When we are afraid, we generate a raft of chemicals that flood our
bloodstream. We excrete some of these in sweat and others can sense those
chemicals. Subjects in scientific studies have not put descriptors to the
smell, or often even noticed there is one. However, brain scans light up when subjects
are presented the scent[i].
How about that for TMI and not answering the question?
What is the “whistled Morse Code W” that trains
Well, this is embarrassing. I blame my father, who was a railroad
fan, for sticking me with the wrong information. When a train in the U.S. or
Canada approaches a crossing, they whistle a long-long-short-long pattern as a
warning. The final long continues until the train has entered the crossing.
So engineers know when to begin the whistle sequence, railroads
often place a sign with a W along the rails. W for whistle, right? So far so
good. I thought (and since Dad is gone now, he can’t refute that he told me)
that the long-long-short-long was Morse code for W. Turns out it belongs to Q!
By the time you read this, the electronic versions of Furthermore will be corrected. <Sigh>

I love beef and barley stew. Older generations will remember it as
a stove-top preparation; younger folks use a slow cooker or instant pot. Drinking
styles also follow generational lines. Younger people switched from hard liquor
to wines and beers as their alcohol of choice. Seamus’s Mom comes from the
generation of hard Irish drinkers, and she isn’t alone.
Why does Seamus need visual aids? He places a blank
piece of paper to remind himself to have no preconceived notions. Does it work?
We don’t all learn the same way. Some learn better by listening;
some by doing, using their hands; some, like Seamus, by seeing and visualizing.
Over time, we learn tricks to help us accomplish different tasks. Seamus picked
up the blank page technique because it forces him to create relationships
rather than analyze what someone else has presented.
Why does Seamus’s encounter with overtures from
Lizzie, his ex, parallel to Ravel’s Bolero?
Ravel’s Bolero starts with a single snare drum and builds slowly
to include more and more instruments and develops greater intensity ending in a
climax. Here’s a
fun flash mob performance (8:26) if you are not familiar with the piece.
Even when both are in wheelchairs, Seamus and the
Happy Reaper are formidable opponents. Will it always be quid pro quo with
I’ve found I am most intolerant of traits in others that are the
things I like least about myself. Perhaps that is why neither Seamus nor the
Happy Reaper can walk away from their confrontation. They see much of
themselves in the other: a massive competitive drive, a focus on task, an
obsessive sense of honor, extremely resourceful. A little shading here, a
different decision there, and each could see himself as the other—an abhorrent
Unless one of them dies, I don’t see this changing.
Thanks for the interview, Elaine. As always, your questions are
interesting—even if I must admit I screwed up. I look forward to WWK comments
and questions.
James M. Jackson authors the prize-winning
Seamus McCree series consisting of six novels, two novellas, and several short
stories. Full of mystery and suspense, these thrillers explore financial
crimes, abuse of power, family relationships, and what happens when they mix. A
lifetime member of Sisters in Crime and prior president of the 900+ member
Guppy Chapter, Jim splits his time between the deep woods of Michigan’s Upper
Peninsula and the city delights of Madison, Wisconsin. You can find out more
about Jim and his books at https://jamesmjackson.com.
Welcome back, Jim! And congrats on the new release!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Annette.
ReplyDeletecongratulations on your new release! Have a great summer.
ReplyDeleteHi, Jim. I really enjoyed your new novella. Fast paced, interesting family, nice twists.
ReplyDeleteThe novella was perfect... tied up some loose ends and created some new story premises. congrats on the release!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Margaret. Feels like high summer up here today: temps are supposed to get to the mid-70s!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Susan. It was a fun challenge to pack all the things readers expect from a Seamus McCree novel into only 20,000 words.
Thanks, Debra. You know that line about when one door closes, another opens is a must for a series, unless you plan to kill it off!
I really like your cover! Congratulations on the novella.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you.
ReplyDeleteThanks Vicki -- since this is sort of a continuation of the False Bottom story, I kept the same general cover design, but made the Celtic Cross smaller and faded.
ReplyDeleteHey Warren -- good be to here again!
Like Susan, I thought it was a great way to tie up the loose ends from the last book. It was a fast read--I enjoyed it--even if you have no recipes! How about some UP over-the-campfire recipes, like Lake Trout?
ReplyDeleteI've been following Seamus from the beginning, and I'm looking forward to reading your new novella.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, Jim, and congratulations on the new release!
ReplyDeleteOkay, this interview made me hungry for beef and barley stew. I thought you answered the smell of fear question pretty well, Jim. Great interview, Elaine. Is that one fantastic cover and plot. I am finishing up a beta read and Furthermore is on the top of my TBR pile!
ReplyDeleteElaine -- this is Seamus we're talking about. He's not much of a cook. He did supply are recipe for his "famous" pizza with applesauce on top. It's published in KP Authors Cook Their Books, which I guess along with Kindle Press in no longer available.
ReplyDeleteKathleen -- I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks, Kait. You know how it is: everyone wants to know when the next book is!
Hi Donnell -- glad you enjoyed the interview. Elaine always has the most interesting questions, doesn't she?
Nice to see you back here at WWK! Congratulations on 6.5. I love novellas and it's great to see Seamus back in action.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Shari.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! Congrats on the new release, Jim!