Friday, June 25, 2021

What’s Your Sign, er, Your Song? by Warren Bull


Image from pixabay


  1. Interesting.

    While I do like various forms of music, I wonder what it means that I absolutely love military marching music. I'm almost afraid to explore it.

  2. Fascinating! When we get a wedding save the date with a request to list my favorite song, I always pick "Light My Fire," The Doors extended version. It's my favorite floor dancing while I'm mopping floors and painting walls music.

    They never play it.

  3. This is fascinating, Warren. I'm definitely in the genre-fluid camp. Like KM, I love marches. I love "Light My fire." I also love "Old Dan Tucker," "Old MacDonald," Edith Piaf, Kathleen Battle, Patsy Cline, Yoyo Ma, Willie Nelson, and the minimalist, repetitive layers of Philip Glass.

    Margaret, I'm so sorry they never play "Light My Fire" when you ask for it. Their loss.
