Sometimes in this life, you have
to fish or cut bait. After walking away from a miserable job and an even worse
boyfriend, Talia Marby has no regrets. She’s returned to her hometown and is
happy to help her dear friend Bea Lambert by working at Lambert’s Fish &
Chips, a cornerstone of a charming shopping plaza designed to resemble an old
English village.
But not all the shop owners are
charming. Phil Turnbull has been pestering Bea to sign a petition against a new
store opening up, and his constant badgering is enough to make her want to boil
him in oil. When Talia and Bea stumble upon Turnbull murdered in his shop, the
police suspect Bea. Now it’s up to Talia to fish around for clues and hook the
real killer before her friend has to trade serving food for serving time . . .
I’m visiting with Linda Reilly today. Linda interviewed with me
two years ago after her first book, Some
Enchanted Murder was released by Five Star. The book garnered a 2014 Silver
Falchion Award nomination.
Berkley Prime Crime published Linda’s new book, Fillet of Murder, the first in the Fresh
Fish-Foul Play mystery series. I wanted to catch up with Linda to find out about
the new series, how it came about, and where she’s taking it.
Please welcome Linda Reilly back to WWK. E. B. Davis
First, some background about your main character, Talia Marby.
What was Talia’s major in college? Why is she circulating her resume for
property management jobs?
Talia majored in business, mainly because she was young
and didn’t know what direction she wanted her life to go in. As a business
major, she could go in any of several directions. It was generic enough to
serve her in a variety of professions. She stumbled on property management
quite by accident when an interesting position fell into her lap. After she
bailed on her fiancé and the horrible brokering job she’d accepted at his
urging, it felt natural to seek another job in the profession she’d actually
enjoyed—commercial property management.
Why and when did Bea and her husband come to this country from the
The Lamberts emigrated from the UK in 1989. Like so
many before them, they were seeking opportunity and a different (better?) way
of life. Yet part of them missed their charming town of Edenbridge, in the
county of Kent. When they spied the faux English shopping village in the town
of Wrensdale, they knew it was a perfect locale to open a fish and chips shop.
Your setting is the Berkshires? I’m not familiar with them. Is
this an area or a mountain range, like the Poconos?
The Berkshires are located in the westernmost part of
Massachusetts. They are famed for their gently rolling hills and lush fall
foliage, as well as a plethora of cultural sites. The Norman Rockwell Museum in
Stockbridge is a huge tourist draw, and Tanglewood, home of the Boston Pops, is
another. Herman Melville lived in the Berkshires for a number of years, and
it’s where he wrote Moby Dick. Many artists and musicians, such as Woody
Guthrie, have made their homes in the Berkshires. Summer theatre is also
popular. My mom and I were browsing in a tiny bookstore in Lenox last year, and
we’re pretty sure we spied Olympia Dukakis poking through the bookshelves.
When Bea is accused of murder, Talia investigates. What makes
Talia so protective of Bea?
Bea has always been like a second mother to Talia. Not
that Talia’s real mom isn’t wonderful – she is. But Talia’s folks went through
a rough patch when she was a teenager, and her part-time job at Lambert’s Fish
& Chips gave her the break she desperately needed from the angst going on
at home. Bea is childless, and has always thought of Talia as a kind of daughter.
They bonded early on, and Talia never forgot Bea’s kindness to her. She knows in her heart that Bea is not a
killer, so she’s determined to clear her name and find the real killer.
Talia is at a pivotal time in her life. What precipitated these

Talia never gives the reader an answer about why she capitulated
to Chet during their relationship. Did she find the answer, or will that be
revealed in a later book?
Talia capitulated to Chet because it was her nature to
be non-confrontational. “Keep the peace,” was her clichéd motto, and “don’t
rock the boat” was another. As an only child, she never learned the art of
standing up for herself. She discovers her core strength – and her
resourcefulness -- when she has to defend Bea; turns out it was there all
along. Chet might pop up in a future book, but that remains to be seen.
Do you have BFF rules?
Nah. Just be the best friend you can be. That’s the
only rule.
What is it about parental roles that inhibit adult relationships
between their children and parents? When do the roles change?
Judging by my own upbringing -- my parents are terrific
people, but have always been excessively over-protective. My dad, who’s nearing
ninety, still goes into panic mode every time I get onto the highway. Talia
experienced a similar type of upbringing, which is why she doesn’t tell her
folks all the bad stuff that’s happening to her. The roles change when the
parents begin to fail, either mentally or physically. I think that’s when the
role reversal kicks in.
Is there a supernatural element in the series or is Talia
imagining Nana’s presence?
There is a slight supernatural element, but it’s so understated
that a reader might wonder if it’s only a figment of Talia’s imagination. The
fact is that her Nana is always with her, watching over her. Nana’s powerful
presence is so loving that it occasionally seeps through to the earthly realm.
You were published by Five Star with Some Enchanted Murder. Two years later, you have a series with
Berkley Prime Crime written under your own name. How did this come about?
In 2011, after Some Enchanted Murder was accepted by
Five Star, I thought I’d reached the pinnacle. But I found myself struggling to
construct the plot for book two—something I should have been way ahead on at
that point. In the summer of 2012, Jen Stanley posted on the Guppies listserv
that she occasionally hears of “write for hire” opportunities with Berkley. She
asked writers to contact her privately if they were interested in trying out for
such a gig. At that point I was toying with the idea of writing a culinary cozy
series, so I contacted Jen. She responded immediately and referred me to her
agent, Jessica Faust. Jessica asked me for some materials, which I immediately
supplied. About two months later Jessica called me, offering representation.
That was truly a surreal moment—I never thought I would ever have an agent! We
talked about different themes, and we both loved the idea of the deep-fried
eatery. I wrote a proposal (which took longer than I’d hoped), and in June 2013
I received the contract offer from Berkley for the Deep Fried Mystery series.
What’s next for Talia and Fry Me A Sliver?
Talia is going to expand the physical dimensions of the
eatery, but she’s also going to develop her relationship with the new guy in
her life. Her expanded menu translates to new employees, and the two she hires
will be a challenge, for sure. She’s also going to meet her elusive and
mysterious landlord. And, of course, she’ll have to solve a few murders.
What is your background, Linda? Did you always write? What brought
you into this industry?
I always loved books, and I always loved writing. But I
never thought I could actually write something that was publishable. In college
I majored in Criminal Justice with the idea of doing crime lab work, but my
life actually took a twist when I needed a job and took a position as a
paralegal with a small law firm. Real estate became my specialty, and I knew it
was right for me. At some point during the 1980s, I discovered Woman’s World
magazine. Their weekly mini-mysteries fascinated me, and I daydreamed that one
day I might write one and submit it. Fast forward to the mid-1990s. Recently
married, I strolled into our new B&N one day and spied a Writer’s Digest
magazine with the blaring headline WRITING AFTER 40. Huh. That was me, for sure. I bought it, and
became enthralled with the idea of writing for publication. Within a year, I
had my first short mystery accepted by Woman’s World. At that point I figured I
could die happy. But once I’d achieved that tiny success, I wanted more. After
that first one, I sold a lot more short stories, but knew that a full-length
novel was what I truly craved. It took a long, long time to get to where I am
now. I guess it’s been a 20-year journey.
Welcome back to WWK. It's fun to revisit writers and see what they've been up to.
ReplyDeleteAfter writing a successful novel for Five Star, it was no surprise to me that Linda obtained a contract with Berkley. It was also no surprise that a Guppy served as the go-between helping Linda get that contract and agent! A happy departure that I hope fulfills Linda's writing goals. Thanks for the interview, Linda.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Warren, for the welcome. And thanks to E.B. for doing such an insightful interview. Some of those questions made me crank up my brain cells!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful interview. I look forward to this entertaining. (I've met Linda so I know it will be entertaining) new series.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Terrie! That's very kind of you. It was fun meeting you at Malice!
ReplyDeleteVery nice interview as always, E.B.! Thank so much for coming, Linda! I loved the conversation about single women in their thirties--so true to life. I'm in my thirties, and though I'm not single, I know plenty of women who are and you nailed it on the head!
ReplyDeleteCertainly sounds like a book I'm going to have to look into!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing with us.
Sounds like a fun read. Good luck with it.
ReplyDeleteSarah, I was in the same position as my character in my thirties -- single, working to pay the bills, not knowing where my life was headed. Didn't get married until I was 42. Thank you for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by to visit today, KM!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see a series set in the Berkshires! Your characters sounds delightful.
ReplyDeleteSandy, thanks for stopping by for a visit today!
ReplyDeleteKate, I grew up in the Berkshires and that's where my heart is. Thanks for stopping by today!
ReplyDeleteLinda, nice to have you here at WWK. I've been through the Berkshires at least half a dozen times. I love it there,
just as I'm sure I'll love your book.
Thank you, Gloria. It's a pleasure to be here!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great interview, Linda. I learned so much about your new series, and about you. Hmm. Women's World? I might have to look into that market. Can't wait to read the new book!
ReplyDeleteEdith, it's always a pleasure to hear from you. If you have any questions about Woman's World, please be sure to let me know. The format of the mini-mysteries has changed quite a bit over the years from real stories to "brain teasers." Since it's a weekly mag, they need 52 mysteries a year, and that's great for writers!
ReplyDeleteSorry I am late to the party, Linda! I, too, love the Berkshires and can't wait to check out your series. (I also like the stories in Woman's World - I'll be watching for yours!)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Shari! I don't have anything coming up in WW in the near future, but after I complete book #3 of Deep Fried I'm hoping to submit something. I'm happy that you stopped by.
ReplyDeleteI love that each success drove you on to working on something new. Congratulations on all that you've achieved.
ReplyDeleteLinda, I'm 20 minutes from the Berkshires - just lovely. Woman's World has become the challenge of a lifetime for me. =0) Years of trying with the romances and I've recently sent them a mini mystery. Fingers crossed, it's a tough gig. Your book series sounds enchanting. Great interview!
ReplyDeleteHi Susan, thanks for stopping by! Don't give up on WW -- it does take persistence. I always tell people to just keep reading the stories every week to get a feel for what they like. For the mini-mysteries, I've found that the "clues" can be very simplistic. Don't exceed 700 words or it will be too long. I keep my "minis" at about 650 words if possible. I get rejected a lot, too, but once in a while I manage to sell one. If you ever have any questions about them, I would be happy to answer them. You can contact me easily through my web site!
Grace, first of all I want to say that I was so happy to meet you at Malice! I found that it was hard to really get to talk to all the people I met there. Such a huge conference. Thanks for stopping by today, Grace.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! It was fun to learn more about Talia, Bea and of course, Linda, the author! This is a charming book. Congrats on Fillet of Murder and here's to the sequel!