I knew how
hard it was to pull your roots out of the dirt that had made you,
leave that
ground behind no matter how poisoned it had become. All our regrets
and mistakes
and hauntings, they were always ours, always. We hauled our
own private
graveyards with us everywhere we went.
Whittle, Necessary Ends, Kindle Loc.
Tai Randolph
is no stranger to solving mysteries. With a taste for danger and a talent for
amateur sleuthing, she has helped put an assortment of murderers behind bars,
much to the displeasure of her lover, Trey Seaver. A former SWAT officer with
the Atlanta police department, Trey believes in letting the authorities handle
complex matters of crime and punishment.
But then the
Talbot case flares back to life.
It was the
crime that rocked Atlanta—actress Jessica Talbot shot dead in her Buckhead
mansion and her husband, movie producer Nick Talbot, accused of the murder. It
seemed an open and shut case…until a dirty cop’s secret forced prosecutors to
set Talbot free. Now, four years later, someone wants him dead, and the
evidence points to the man most convinced of Talbot’s guilt—Trey.
offers an irresistible deal—he’ll keep Trey’s name off the suspect list if Trey
agrees to a one-on-one interview. It’s a chance for Trey to determine once and
for all if Talbot really is a killer, but it could also expose secrets in
Trey’s own past, confidential information he has sworn to protect. Caught
between his drive for justice and his need for security, Trey does the
unexpected—he asks Tai to help him investigate.
It’s a
situation fraught with drama and potential disaster, the kind of case Tai
relishes. With Trey by her side—and in a killer’s crosshairs—she vows to use
every trick in her slightly sketchy playbook to stop a vigilante murderer from
claiming a fresh victim.
Whittle’s sixth book in her Tai Randolph/Trey Seaver series, Necessary Ends, moves fast. The plot
circles around relationships and doubles back. Like many mysteries, if the
truth can be determined, then the culprits will be discovered. It all seems so
black and white, but the truth is elusive. There is no clarity when “facts” are
every shade of gray as well as their perceptions.
of the most important parts of any novel to me is the backstory. I found myself
at a disadvantage because I hadn’t read the previous five books in the series.
Although Necessary Ends’ plot holds
together well without reading the first books, if you are like me and are
interested in the development of the main characters, start at the first book
because from what I gathered, Tai and Trey have a lot of backstory/changes
they’ve gone through—and I wanted to know their stories.
must do a lot of research for her books. I learned so much—like why wearing
clip-on ties puts men at an advantage in dicey situations, and why dash and
body cams provide officers’ alibis, (but even cams can be fudged). I also loved
the touch of fun and the unexpected donkey—nope, not telling.
Welcome to the other side of
WWK, Tina. E. B. Davis
Thank you! It’s very comfy and welcoming over here!
is under Tai’s brother’s care. Is Tai’s brother a psychologist?
Yes, an organizational psychologist, which means he works
with companies and individuals in the workplace. His specialty is helping
former police officers adapt to careers outside of law enforcement settings,
especially in corporate structures. This is how he met Trey.
Tai and Trey both suffering from PTSD—but due to very different circumstances?
Yes. One thing I’ve learned about PTSD—it doesn’t
necessarily need violence as a trigger: any traumatic event can bring it on. My
own grandmother suffered from it after losing her home in a tornado—severe
weather agitated her greatly in what I now recognize was a form of PTSD.
In Trey’s case, he first had to deal with it in the
aftermath of the car accident that killed his mother and gave him a traumatic
brain injury (TBI)—he’s comfortable using therapeutic measures to address his
psychological challenges, once he’s aware of them anyway. Tai isn’t. Being of
the “buck up and deal with it” school of thought, she’s spent her life
rejecting what she considers her brother’s overly analytical approach to mental
health. But now that she’s with Trey, his matter-of-fact acceptance of the
things one must do to keep one’s brain functioning is giving her a different
tries a technique her brother has suggested Trey use, reenactment therapy, in
which Trey has found success. When Tai tries it, she ends up in a panic attack,
followed by anger. I can understand “rewiring a response,” but I’m unsure of
how anyone can “rewire an experience.” It was what it was, wasn’t it? Is this
part of conquering fear?
I learned a lot about this type of treatment for PTSD.
It’s just one part of Prolonged Exposure therapy (PE) which
teaches you to gradually approach trauma-related memories, feelings, and
situations before taking on activities that are psychologically challenging.
Tai should have started with talking in a guided session before moving right
into a reenactment, but being somewhat impatient and headstrong, she went right
to the hard part.
Rewiring the experience refers to the body’s response as
the brain remembers. So much of the trauma is based on the connections between
memory and experience. If you can gain control over how you respond to the
memory, you “rewire” it so that it doesn’t trigger PTSD symptoms under similar
conditions. It works very well for Trey because he’s done a lot of the
emotional processing already—reenactment therapy in a SWAT scenario puts him
right in the driver’s seat. Tai…not so much. But she’s learning what does work for her, including the
necessity of defusing her internally violent response to her own anger.
One definition of decompensation is “the failure to
generate effective psychological coping mechanisms in response to stress,
resulting in personality disturbance or disintegration.” It can signal a mental
health crisis is on the way, which is why people can be hypervigilant about it
in themselves and their loved ones (Trey suffered from decompensation in the
fifth book, Reckoning and Ruin, and
now both he and Tai are ever-watchful in case he starts to slip again).
And yes, it can hit anyone. I tend toward anxiety myself,
and after the birth of my daughter, when I was overwhelmed and under-rested, my
usual methods of keeping myself calm didn’t work. Luckily, I had a good
therapist to help me get back on track, but I remain watchful, even twenty
years later.
to Trey’s brain damage he gropes for words—like playing charades with Tai. Does
she ever tire of the process? Does she possess great patience?
Tai has very little patience, but she has an extraordinary
ability to accept people as they are, in all their foibles and complications.
To her, Trey’s vocabulary hiccups are simply a part of him (the same way my
dear husband deals with the fact that every inanimate object in our house is a
“thingamajig” to me). It’s another part of their give and take, which I enjoy
writing very much.

Very well, actually, but then my readers are all
incredibly intelligent and accepting of characters who may be a little rough
around the edges. One reviewer dinged her for such behavior, calling her
“unlikeable,” which is code for “not behaving like women ought to.” My readers,
however, appreciate her in all her sneak-smoking, liquor-loving, muddy
boot-wearing, and fancy bra-sporting complexity.
made Tai a very responsible gun shop owner. Do you think most are?
This is a hard question. The ones I know are very
responsible, impeccable in their adherence to federal firearms law and their
own code of ethics. That said, I am not sure the industry as a whole is as
responsible as the people I know, and I think we as a country need to address
this situation, and pronto.
thought Tai’s merchandise was mainly Civil War oriented, but she does sell
modern guns, too, doesn’t she?
She does. The shop is first and foremost a gun shop,
which requires a Federal Firearms License (FFL) to run. She does specialize in
Civil War weaponry, however, both antique and replica, and has a special
license to sell explosives (she supplies black powder for several reenactment
groups in the Atlanta area).
was surprised that Tai had never met Trey’s old partner on the force and as
SWAT snipers. Why hasn’t Tai met Keesha Price before?
When Trey suffered the car accident, he went into
residential rehab for quite some time. And then when he came back to the force,
he was different—more guarded, less friendly, suspicious and anxious and
unpredictable. He has what is called “flat affect”: his expression often looks
bland and emotionless regardless of what he’s feeling. His new cognitive
challenges took up every ounce of his focus and energy, and he became very
self-conscious, so much so that he cut ties with almost everyone he knew except
for his best friend, Garrity (but even that relationship took a hit and remains
somewhat challenging for both men).
Keesha worked with Trey as a SWAT sniper; it’s tough,
demanding work that requires utter trust in one’s partner. For Trey to put up a
wall between them, after all they’d been through together, felt like a betrayal
to her. And it was. Trey is just beginning to reckon with the fallout from his
actions, and he’s trying in his own clumsy way to reconnect with her. I’ve known
about Keesha since the third book in the series, but she is headstrong and wary
and reluctant to be vulnerable with this man who hurt her once—I don’t blame
her for staying away until now. But that explains why Tai has never met her.
between Trey and Price is precise. Is this personality or the need for gut
survival tactics?
It’s a function of their former partnership, certainly.
Two-person sniper teams are one of the few law enforcement partnerships where
one has a permanent partner. That’s because snipercraft is meticulous,
mathematical work where milliseconds and millimeters stand between life and
death and there is no room for error. It attracts people with compatible
personality traits, and partners learn to size each other up quickly and
effectively. They learn to communicate with a personal shorthand, at least in
the field. That’s the dynamic I see at play with Keesha and Trey (or Price and
Seaver, as they refer to each other). What looks like emotionless precision is
in fact a testament to the professional intimacy and trust they once shared…and
might share again in some fashion.
of the characters has been involuntarily committed twice and his fiancée was
given custodial care. How is this legally done? How is someone deemed unfit?
Are there legal standards?
The standards vary from state to state, but all states
require that someone (usually a relative or a health care provider) file a
legal petition seeking to be appointed as a conservator for the person who has
demonstrated an inability to take care of themselves. Courts then appoint a
third party to investigate the claims, which sometimes leads to a full hearing.
If the claims are found valid, then the petition may be temporarily granted. A
conservatee can contest the decision, but in any case, the courts make the
final determination.
I based the specifics of my character Nick Talbot’s case
on the real-life situation of Britney Spears, whose father and family lawyer
became her physical and financial conservators in 2008. That conservatorship
seems to be working out well for all parties, unlike my fictional one (spoiler
Definition time!
What are:
BDU stands for Battle Dress Uniform, which refers to a
specific kind of armed forces camouflage that has since been phased out
officially. The term found new life in the civilian world and refers to any
type of tactical clothing, usually made of ripstop fabric and fitted with many
gear pockets.
ATACS is the acronym for Advanced
Tactical Concealment System. It’s a high-tech camouflage used by SWAT or
Special Ops teams to blend into their surroundings, especially useful for mixed
terrain concealment.
In the Atlanta Police Department, the Internal Affairs
division is called the Office of Professional Standards. They are the cops who
investigate the department itself should there be suspicion of official
A Civil war-era firearm designed by Jean Alexandre LeMat
of New Orleans, the LeMat is a cap and ball black powder revolver with a secondary
under-barrel that could function as a short-barreled shotgun. Notoriously
inaccurate but deadly at close range, the LeMat saw service with the
Confederate Army and was a favorite of CSA generals P. G. T. Beauregard and Jeb
of Proximal Learning?
This is a teaching term that refers to that sweet spot
between what a learner can do on her own versus what a learner needs help
accomplishing (often called the zone of proximal development). In practice, it
means keeping the assignments hard enough to challenge the learner but not so
difficult that she gets discouraged. Tai accuses Trey of violating this rule
frequently during their sessions in self-defense training, but she’s wrong –
he’s simply trying to teach her how to fight effectively even when she’s
Board Door?
An extra-large door that doubles both as a door and as a
slab for the laying out of the dead. It’s not a function of contemporary
design, but it came in very useful during the days of in-home wakes.
(Is it nationwide?)
(properly spelled LInX, but that looked very weird when typeset, so I adapted
it) stands for Law Enforcement Information Exchange. It is a nationwide,
multi-jurisdictional data base that correlates
information from across the country. For a number-nerd like Trey, it’s a way of
teasing patterns out of seemingly random information.
After Trey’s
accident, he changed his personal “front” to the world by driving a Ferrari and
wearing designer clothing. Why did he do this, and why is his identity tied to
these things?
One of the challenges of Trey’s particular injury is the
loss of identity, the feeling that the person he was doesn’t exist any longer.
Traumatic brain injury often creates personality changes, significant ones, and
Trey woke up from a coma only to find himself living another person’s life, one
that didn’t fit at all with the old one. So he created a new identity whole
cloth and stepped right into it.
It’s an extreme adaptation, but it worked. Tai describes
his Italian couture life as a container, one that can hold together the
disparate parts of his life until he himself can reconnect them. He’s learned
that there are a few of these things, however, like a well-tailored suit and
his black Ferrari F430, that really do reflect his identity.
Trey’s former girlfriend, helps with the case. What is her profession?
She is a massage therapist who runs a spa and boutique in
Buckhead. She also reads tarot cards for a select clientele and is a skilled herbalist.
lactone is a common ingredient in herbal anxiety formulations. But it can have
a psychoactive effect if mixed with prescriptions of benzodiazepine (and its
derivatives). Are there no regulations of herbal ingredients, which in
combination could cause an overdose?
Herbal remedies are regulated by the FDA, but they are
considered dietary supplements, not drugs. Manufacturers don't have to seek FDA
approval before selling them, but these products do have to pass quality
standards, be properly labeled, and if the company makes a claim about the
product’s general effects on health and body functions, they must provide
supporting evidence to back up that claim. The company must also state that the
FDA has not evaluated that claim. So as you can see, there’s a lot of gray area
here (as the contraindication of kava and certain prescriptions has
demonstrated). Caveat emptor is Rule Number One when supplementing one’s diet
with herbal remedies.
always thought of the Buckhead area of Atlanta as a sort of posh country club
sort of neighborhood. Has it undergone transitions?

is Kennesaw in relation to Atlanta?
About an hour northwest of the city center.
Doll’s Head Trail in Chastain Park? Or is the trail in a police training park
area? Why do people use trash to create roadside attractions there?
Doll’s Head Trail is a part of Constitution Lakes Park in
Dekalb County. An urban nature preserve open to the public, it is the reclaimed
site of a 19th-century brickworks factory.
Doll’s Head is its most well-known trail, a two-mile loop through
forests and over boardwalks that features trash repurposed as community art
(including, inexplicably, lots of baby doll parts). The idea of turning garbage
into art is the brainchild of resident Joel Slaton, who said that he wanted the
trail to have an air of “mischief and mystery.” Having walked it myself, I can
attest that he succeeded. I haven’t seen it closed for a police training (as I
have parts of the airport), but I imagine it would make an excellent location
for a search and rescue scenario.
Tai’s old friend, breaks cellphone passwords easily. Are they easy to break?
Most are like PINs—are they easily broken too?
There is a very simple hack—so simple that I can do
it—that will allow a user to bypass the passcode of an iPhone. It takes
advantage of a glitch in Siri’s programming that as a real person, I hope Apple
has fixed (or will fix) real soon. As an author, though, I like having phones
so easy to break into.
Necessary Ends, Trey and Tai make
progress in recovery, which necessitates changes in their lives. Have you
mapped out their character arcs for the series?
For the most part, yes, although I occasionally get surprised.
I can only stack the deck so far in advance before their free will as
characters starts to mess up my best-laid plans. This may sound odd to
non-writers—I’ll confess; it did to me before I started writing these two—but
I’ve found that I am in no way the boss of either Tai or Trey. They’re not the
boss of me either, though, so…we are in a constant negotiation.
next for Tai and Trey?
My husband provided me the clue to the inciting incident
in Book Seven when he picked up a stranger on the highway one morning—an
elderly man who was neat and clean, but who existed in a parallel reality all
his own. Our local police department revealed that he was a Known Wanderer, a
person with a home but a penchant for roaming hither and yon with anyone willing
to give him a ride, especially when he decided to go off his medication. I
wondered what would happen if some other Known Wanderer witnessed a heinous
crime—how would the authorities protect such a person? How would criminals find
him? And what could he have seen that would make him run away instead of roam?
As for Tai and Trey’s personal relationship, I can’t
spill too much without spoiling the final reveals in Necessary Ends, but I can assure readers of one thing—whatever they
do, they’ll do it together. How they define “together,” however, is leading to
some interesting plot developments.
I had the pleasure of reading an ARC of Necessary Promises, and can’t recommend it enough. Although as E.B. suggests, if you are one who enjoys reading a series from the start, this is a great one to do it with because all of the novels are terrific, and she has even written short stories and novellas to fill in the gap.
ReplyDeleteAnd speaking of novellas, her "Trouble Like a Freight Train Coming" was just announced as a finalist in the prestigious Derringer Award for 2017 best "Novelette" (8,001 - 20,000 words).
Congrats on your latest in the series and your Derringer nomination!
ReplyDeleteYay, Tina! Congratulations on the Derringer nomination. Thanks for the interview and for a great read.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview. Congratulations on your Derringer nomination.
ReplyDeleteGreat discussion about PTSD. You do a service to everyone who suffers from it by making it accessible through your writing!
ReplyDeleteI'll echo what Carla said about PTSD and traumatic brain injury. May your books fly off the shelves and big congratulations on the Derringer nom!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Tina. I look forward to reading your first novel in the series and continuing on. I also have a character in my book with PTSD. My critique partners really like him.
ReplyDeleteFiction is a good way to get information out about social issues, and it sounds like you do that in a very entertaining way.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck (although I'm very aware that it's hard work and perseverance more than luck) with the sales of the book.
Thanks, KM. And I'll take the luck. Sometimes that's exactly the boost that hard work and perseverance need!
ReplyDeleteThank you all! I've got my fingers crossed for the Derringer (and lots of gratitude for Jim, who invited me to be included in LOWCOUNTRY CRIME, and for his and his wife Jan's work editing the piece. It's a definite team effort!
ReplyDeleteI am so grateful when I hear from readers that I get the TBI and PSTD situations right in the story -- living with those are challenging for not only the sufferer, but for the entire family and friend network. I try to write Trey as a dimensional character and not just a walking diagnosis, but every aspect of his recovery (even some that seem outlandish, like his ability to tell when people are lying) is based on research. I may fudge travel times in downtown Atlanta, but I don't fudge science. :)
Tina, you are right, E.B. Davis is a terrific interviewer. All the questions I wanted to ask, and then some.
ReplyDeleteTerrific interview, Tina and Elaine. Your characters sound very well defined and evolving.