As a member of the Gulf Coast Chapters of Sisters in Crime I
attended a marketing day at the Sarasota Barnes & Noble. I have to admit,
initially I only did it because I thought I had to. Not for me, but for my
publisher. First of all, Sarasota is 100 miles away from my home—and that’s a
crow flies distance. Second, I had to be
there by 9:45 AM. Third, like most writers, I’d rather hunker down in my cave
and write. Fourth, the Florida rainy season has been hitting with a vengeance
most days this week and the thought of driving an hour and a half through gator
gushers... Why then, did a reasonably sane woman leave her house at 6:30 AM
with thunder lighting the western sky? Did I mention about my publisher? And,
oh yeah, bookstores are catnip to a writer.
This is the second part of a two-part blog, the first part
appeared on Motive
Means Opportunity on Monday, June 20, 2016.
Tricky, huh.
My second thought was far less personal. If someone had
asked me (and I base this on my sales and on the sale of other writers) I would
have said that book stores were in their death throes. The majority of my sales
are e-books. It’s rare to see someone with a paper book anymore. These days,
it’s far more common to see someone with an e-reader. The volume of folks
coming through the door, and the volume of folks walking out the door with
packages told a far different tale.
My third thought really warmed my heart. I loved the number
of kids running (not walking) into the store. Parents well and truly in their
wake while the kids bargained for more than one book. It was exciting to see
this new generation of readers. One family walked in and the older child ran to
the children’s table, grabbed up a book, thrust it at her younger brother and
said, “You have to read this, it was my favorite when I was your age.” It was
intoxicating to see the whole family in the checkout line – each with at least
one book in hand.

Wendy had some really fun and insightful questions for the
group and each of us had a turn to answer. What amazed me was the similarity among
the responses. All three of us felt that marketing was the hard part. What we
really wanted to do was spend our time writing. We’d each thought if we wrote
it, readers would come. That would be osmosis marketing. It didn’t work for any
of us. Our books were all character driven. Didn’t matter what we plotted. At
some point, the characters took over. We differed on our themes, the degree of
heat in our books and how we approached our writing. It was as much of a learning experience for me
as it was for the audience. And the audience questions were really, really,
insightful. They wanted to know where the characters come from. How much of us
were in our books. Did we really write for our own motives or to tell a great
Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. I had a great time, and
I think the audience did too.
Kait loves to hear from fans, check out her website at; follow her on Facebook
on twitter at @kaitcarson, or e-mail her at
I always enjoy times I can talk with readers at event like yours, whether they are my readers or have never heard of me. I always come back from those experiences with a bit of extra energy (even though I am a big time introvert).
ReplyDeletegood for you, coming out of your writing cave for a SinC event. I suspect you made some fans who will read your books.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a fun event! I like to have the opportunity to chat with people who love books. I remember reading that something like your first 5000 fans are from personal contact. I have a ways to go.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a wonderful time! It is wonderful to see how excited children are about books. You saw our next generation of readers and perhaps a writer who was inspired by seeing you at the book store.
ReplyDeleteIt was a great time. Seeing the kids was fantastic. Had you asked me before, I would have said that video/computer games held more sway than books. Wrong! It was clear that the love of reading came from the parents too. In all cases the kids were accompanied by both parents and both were just as excited as the kids.
ReplyDeleteI have often found that it is the things I dread most in contemplation that I enjoy most in doing. Kait Adverse??????
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your post. It's confirming to know other writers share the same struggles. I used to think there must be some secret I'm not aware of, but since I've been at it I've come to learn it's the old one step at at a time strategy that grows our chops.
Write on!
Nancy Cole Silverman.
PS. Send some that rain westward. We need it in California.
Kait, it sounds like you had a great time. I'm one who is not good at promoting my books, but sometimes opportunities come along where I can do it like my church's Christmas craft sale. Last year was the first time there was an opening for me. I did quite well at that and there will still be an opening held for me for next December, too. I was also asked to speak at a Rotary Club meeting in an area where I used to teach. That, too, was productive and both times I loved talking to those who came. Most recently a woman who has an independent radio station where she interviews people contacted me and wanted to interview me. I know she heard about me from one of my SinC chapter friends. For a donation of $52.00 to a charity for veterans, it will be available for others to hear for 52 weeks.
ReplyDeleteHi Nancy, Thanks for the encouraging words. Yep, one step at a time is what works best. I think writers are by nature introverts. We'd rather be in our caves scribbling and not out in the trenches. That said, I found the feedback I received invigorating.
ReplyDeleteHi Gloria, sounds like you've had great experiences too. Each one makes the next so much easier, and more enjoyable I think. Are you going to do the radio show? Sounds like a wonderful opportunity, and the cause is a good one.