Explosive violence rocks Canada’s Slocan
Valley after the shooting deaths of three teenagers in a bombing attempt at the
Brilliant dam. A joint US-Canada military force locks down the area to protect
dams critical to both countries but martial law incites more violence.
Geologist Alex Graham refuses to let politics
stand in her way. She evades military patrols to slip into a restricted zone in
her hunt for a silver mine to claim as her own. But her plans are derailed by
an intentionally set fire that almost takes her life.
Someone wants her out of the Valley.
When Alex discovers a gunshot victim in an
abandoned mine, she fears she could be next. But she’s never been one to wait
for trouble to come to her and she tracks a suspicious man seen once too often
in the lonely mountains.
All eyes are on the dams, but the true threat
lies elsewhere.

The story is presented in multiple POVs. The
reader becomes acquainted with the reasoning and values of various characters.
Each one is caught in their problematic roles within the larger context of Canadian-American
forces protecting four dams in the Slocan Valley, an area fraught with political
Please welcome Katherine Prairie to WWK. E.
B. Davis
Your book is based upon fact. Explain the
treaty between the US and Canada concerning the Columbia River. In the
beginning of the book, I researched the treaty online. But after that, I
wondered what was real and what was fiction. How much controversy occurred in
Canada? Were military troops ever discharged to the area to safeguard dams?
The Columbia River Treaty is real and so are the security
agreements signed by the United States and Canada that allow the military of
either country to assist in civil support operations, which include hurricanes,
earthquakes, floods and the effects of terrorist attacks. Each named agency,
such as the Columbia River Treaty Inter-Tribal Commission or the Columbia Basin
Trust, is also real. So too is current controversy over the terms in the
renegotiated treaty, although to my knowledge, there have been no threats made
against the dams.
What’s interesting to me is that most Canadians, myself included,
have never heard about this treaty. For 50 years it has quietly existed, coming
to the forefront only as the renegotiation date loomed. Yet back in 1964 when the treaty was first
signed, it was not without controversy, even though it sought to control death
and economic losses from spring flooding.
It took almost twenty years and much political wrangling to
negotiate this treaty, which required three dams be built in Canada. Canadians
were concerned about a plan that looked like it benefited only the Americans
even though Canada would financially benefit from the sale of hydroelectric
power generated by the dams. But those same dams meant significant flooding
along the upper reaches of the Columbia River, which destroyed farms, displaced
residents and covered the ancient Sinixt villages and burial sites near Arrow
Lakes, a tragic loss of important First Nation cultural artifacts.
Despite the controversy, both past and present, I can find no
evidence of military troops sent in to safeguard the dams. For Thirst, I looked
at the real-life situation of the Columbia River and simply asked: what if?
What was the position of the native tribes?
Neither American Tribes nor Canadian First Nations were consulted
when the Columbia River Treaty was originally negotiated, but they are pushing
to be heard now. I don’t feel qualified to speak to all aspects of their
position, but I can tell you that the Tribes and First Nations have long been
vocal about the importance of careful environmental stewardship and they are
particularly concerned about the impact of the dams, especially on salmon.
Your setting is real, in British Columbia.
Please describe the Slocan Valley, the town of Nelson, and their proximity to
one another.

Nelson lies barely outside the Valley, to the southeast, about 55
kilometers or 34 miles from the Canada-U.S. border. This city of about 10,000
people serves as an important economic and civic center for this remote region
of British Columbia.
Alex, your main character, is a professional
geologist. She is scouting locations of possible silver mines in a
geopolitically sensitive area. She wants to keep her mission secret so as not
to tip off other bidders. Because she has the first option to buy, would it
have mattered if others knew her purpose?
Alex has the first option to buy a select group of silver claims,
but this is by no means the only available land to be claimed in the Slocan
Valley. There are thousands of acres of mineral claims waiting to be purchased
and if even a hint of a good silver find surfaced, all available claims near
the find would be snapped up quickly by other geologists and prospectors.
Alex’s goal is to quietly lay claim to as much promising land as she can,
accumulating enough silver for a successful mine.
As a professional geologist have you ever
traveled to remote locations like Alex?
Absolutely. I spent a full summer in the Yukon, north of the 60th
parallel as part of a small crew exploring for base metal deposits. We lived in
tents and a helicopter ferried us into the mountains where we would hike for
10-20 kilometers a day carrying packs heavily loaded with rock samples, hammers
and survival gear. It had a lasting impact on me, and I choose to make Alex
Graham a mining geologist largely because I wanted to share some of that unique
experience. But I’ve also been fortunate enough to travel to remote locations
like Antarctica and the Arctic, and I hope to bring those experiences to my
readers as well.
After losing a patient, when a second patient
with the same symptoms walks into the hospital, ER doctor Eric becomes a
medical sleuth. His experiences of going through mainstream procedures have frustrated
him. From your research, do ER doctors often become medical sleuths?
I have a couple of good friends who are ER doctors and the one
thing I know about them is how affected they are by a patient’s death. In most
cases, they know they did everything they could, did everything right, but
still I’ve seen them agonize over their decision, replaying their actions. I
think it’s only natural – we all do it to one extent or another with decisions
or actions that lead to less than successful results.
And I really believe that good doctors always advocate for their
patients and they take on a fight against the system when they feel strongly
that more lives might be at risk. But Eric goes a little above and beyond, in
part because of events in his life that have shaped him, events that are yet to
be revealed.
Alex’s office sends two junior geologists,
whom she must mentor. What characteristics of Alex’s personality did you show
in this relationship?
Alex is a fiercely independent risk-taker who is well-practiced at
keeping her thoughts and feelings to herself. But when the two men arrive,
she’s forced to rein in her actions and take fewer risks so they all come home
safely. In addition, Alex is put in the uncomfortable position of having to
reveal more than she’d like with these men and to depend on them for her own
I was most sympathetic to Mountie Nathan
Taylor, a cop in the middle of a family crisis, who must track a killer. His
high school senior, Olivia, becomes involved in a radical group protesting the
presence of American forces in the area and their actions, which resulted in a
death of her friend. Kids get involved in political issues due to their sense
of rightness, but their thinking is black and white. Is gray thinking a sign of
I think it’s more a sign of experience than maturity. There are
people who go through life seeing the world as black and white, right and
wrong. But the more you encounter situations that are less clear, situations
with a spectrum of possible answers, all of which have something right/wrong
about them, that you start to change the way you think.
Murder is wrong, but is it right to kill to protect yourself or
your family? Would you slam your car into a wall killing yourself in order to
avoid running down a child? This last question was posed in a recent survey and
it’s surprising that 64% of people said they would kill the child rather than
The gray area is intriguing to me as an author and you’ll find
Thirst peppered with situations that are less than clear-cut.
Why did you choose to write Thirst in multiple POVs?
I tried several different types of POVs when I first started the
story, settling on this close-in third person from multiple perspectives
because it felt right for Thirst. I want my reader to be there with me, walking
in the shoes of my characters and feeling the story intensely.
How did you find your publisher, Stonedrift
I really wanted to be traditionally published. I pitched and
queried agents for a few years and although I had many full manuscript
requests, I didn’t get a contract. I hired a developmental editor to help
polish my manuscript and with her unwavering support, I came to realize that I
could publish Thirst myself. My husband and I set up our own small publishing
company, Stonedrift Press and we hope to open to other authors in the future.
I liked the relationships you created. After
Alex is injured, she becomes involved romantically with her ER doctor, Eric, a
relationship that will continue after the book. Is Thirst the first in a series?
By the time I finished Thirst,
I knew Alex Graham was coming back. There’s something about her character that
fuels my imagination and I’m thrilled to be working on the second novel
featuring this intrepid geologist. As for her relationship with Eric, you’ll
have to wait for the next book to learn more!
For vacation, Katherine, beach or mountains?
I’m not one to laze on the beach, but I do love the ocean. So
let’s say the mountains with a view of the ocean in the distance. Another one
of those gray areas!
This sounds fascinating!
ReplyDeleteI like to read novels with unusual settings and characters, especially where the author has the background to give us a good perspective of unusual things.
Another for my TBR pile.
To get EB to read something other than her favorite Cozies or Traditional Mysteries is a real feat. Best of luck with your series, Katherine.
ReplyDelete~ Jim
I have been on trip with geologists. They added very much to the understanding of the ground around us.
ReplyDeleteI fell in love with geology from the first lecture because it answered so many questions about the world around me. I have to admit though, that my friends aren't so sure about hiking with me because I spend too much time looking at rocks!
ReplyDeleteLike KM said, this sounds like one for the TBR.
ReplyDeleteAsking 'What if' is what writers do! Sounds like you have a real thriller here. The setting also sounds so rich and intriguing. I just googled Doukhobors - fascinating.
Best wishes for much success, Katherine!
I enjoy "hands on" thrillers in areas of the world I don't know much about. Looking forward to reading your book and learning more about silver mining and British Columbia.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Katherine, on the publication of this book, which sounds intriguing. It sounds like an entertaining book that will teach me some new things. I love books where I learn something new.
ReplyDeleteKatherine, this definitely sounds like a book I would love. I like books with multiple POVs. I think they're more interesting. I also like books set in a beautiful area like you have placed yours. I took a course in geology along with a workshop, too, and I enjoyed it immensely. I didn't choose that for a career, but I'm still fascinated by stones, land formations, etc.
ReplyDeleteI've written your book down to order soon.
I like stories that take me somewhere I've never been before, or introduce me to some interesting history too. I was hooked on the fascinating people and past of the Slocan Valley as soon as I started to research it, and it made the perfect setting for Thirst. I'm happy I can share this little known spot with all of you!
ReplyDeleteDespite what Jim says--I do read many genres and subgenres. A well-written book is the most important factor in what I assess for interviews--but of course--I mostly read traditional mystery because I love them. Thanks for the interview, Katherine, and good luck with your book!
ReplyDeleteFascinating story, Katherine. And what a gorgeous area. I look forward to the book.
ReplyDeleteI always get annoyed when I read of situations where Tribal entities were left out of negotiations. I am really looking forward to reading your book. It sounds fascinating.