Sunday, August 25, 2024

Waiting For Christmas: Writers Version by Annette Dashofy

Most of us who grew up celebrating Christmas remember the feeling of anticipation as November rolled into December. We knew there were packages with our names on them, but we didn’t know what was inside. 

Unless we peeked, but that’s a topic for another time. 

Assuming we didn’t peek, we knew what we’d asked Santa to bring us. What we didn’t know was if those objects of our youthful desire were inside those colorfully wrapped boxes. 

For those of you reading this who are not authors, imagine that anticipation without knowing what day Christmas fell on. Would we be able to open our presents in mid-December? Late-December? Sometime in January perhaps? 

That, dear readers, is what we writers go through on a regular basis. 

I turned in my manuscript for the third Honeywell mystery in March. Between then and now, I’ve rewritten and revised and corrected according to my editor’s and copyeditor’s recommendations. I was informed that the updated manuscript was approved to be passed along to proofreading. For the first two Honeywell mysteries, I received my title and book cover well ahead of this stage of the process. This time, I’ve been told they’re working on it. That was about a month ago. 

For me, opening that email, clicking on that file, and seeing the image of what my new book will look like stirs all the same emotions as those long-ago Christmas mornings. I know what I’m hoping for (more or less), but I won’t know how the real thing holds up to my wishes until I get that email.

 I just don’t know when I’ll get that email. 

I would be more than a little anxious (maybe they’ve changed their minds and don’t want it), except it’s available for pre-order in the UK, which is where my publisher is located. I looked it up, which is the author equivalent of searching our parents’ favorite hiding spots to see if our gifts are there yet. And this is what I found.

So, no, they haven’t changed their minds, but I still have no clue what the cover looks like or what the title will be. 

And there’s no way to even sneak a peek. 

Fellow Writers Who Kill, do you share my cover anxiety? And readers, are you as eager as we writers to get a first glimpse at the cover of a much-anticipated new book?   


  1. Oh, I feel your pain and trepidation. Same thing I have felt for each book and for those that came out in other versions (like mass market from hard back, etc). Almost every time, I've been relieved, but there was that one time....... Wishing you the cover of your dreams.

    1. Thanks, Debra. There have been more than one time for me, but thankfully that was an earlier publisher.

  2. I hope your cover turns out to be fabulous to match your book.
    Grace Topping

  3. I was fortunate with my traditionally published books not to have had that experience. But I can certainly understand worrying when things don't follow the pattern you are used to. (If that's delayed, what else is wrong, my brain would ask-- particularly at 3 in the morning when all I want is to go back to sleep.)

    1. Hahaha! Exactly, Jim. I keep telling myself a big part of the delay is summer vacations. Hopefully, everyone will be back at work in September.

  4. I completely understand the angst. Fingers crossed for a fabulous cover and title soon!

  5. Good luck! Hope it's the best cover ever...until the next one.

  6. Not knowing is the worst part.

    I remember Donna Andrews, she of the over 50 published books, including the Meg Langslow series, saying you can never really trust that the publication is going to happen until you have the final product in your hands. "Many a slip between cup and lip."

    1. So true. And I mean, who in their right mind would argue with anything Donna Andrews says!?

  7. Ugh! I was hoping you'd have it by now. Can't wait to see it!

  8. Annette, I'll just be thrilled to make it to that point! But I hope they get your cover soon.

  9. I love seeing authors' cover reveals! I hope you gets yours soon! As for my covers, when I give them a summary of my book, I let them know which elements are important and what time of year it is. My editor and I discuss what we want it to look like -- she always has great ideas. Months later, I get an early version of the cover, so I can make suggestions to it. My editor sends me a copy of the final cover usually very close to my deadline, when I'm wiped out. So it's perfect timing -- I get so excited to see it that it spurs me on in those final weeks of writing. But then it's super hard not to share it right away, kind of like when you buy a great present for someone and can't wait for them to open it!
