Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Killer Questions - What If We Don't Get Caffeine in the Morning?

 Killer Questions – What If We Don’t Get Caffeine in the Morning?

We promised we’d let you know each of us personally, so let’s start with something basic to us – What are we like if we don’t get caffeine in the morning?

James M. Jackson - I'm perfectly fine. Just don't ask me. It might be the last thing you ask anyone.

Connie Berry - You never want to find out.

Lori Roberts Herbst - No big deal. I love the taste and smell of coffee, but caffeine doesn't seem to affect me much—doesn't even keep me up at night!

Molly MacRae - I’m fine.

Debra H. Goldstein – I’m not much of a coffee drinker, but for years I was hooked on Coca Cola to give me my morning caffeine rush. Now, having broken the habit, I simply drag in the morning.

Sarah Burr - I get a headache…which means I’m not as productive as I’d like to be.

Grace Topping - Fortunately, I don’t need a caffeine fix in the mornings. I’m a tea drinker. Tea wakes you up and says “Good morning, time to get up.” Coffee hits you on the back of the head and says, “Get moving!”

Annette Dashofy - Sleepy, semi-conscious, unable to create words. If the lack of caffeine goes on long enough, I get a headache and become really cranky.

Heather Weidner - I am an early bird who’s had plenty of caffeine by 7:00 each morning. I’m a tad groggy if I happen to skip a morning dose. Caffeine and sugar are must haves for early morning writing sessions before my day gig.

Margaret S. Hamilton - A grizzly bear awakening from hibernation.

Marilyn Levinson - More sluggish than usual.

Mary Dutta - Very cranky, and that's even before the caffeine-withdrawal headache kicks in.

Susan Van Kirk - Actually, I know. After I had covid, my blood pressure blew up, and I had to give up caffeine. Now, I must drink decaffeinated coffee, and it isn’t the same, but you can learn to live with it, especially if it means you keep living.

Martha Reed - Let’s hope we never find out. 

Lisa Malice - I rise early and start my workday without caffeine, so it’s not a big deal. I’m at the gym by 7 a.m., working out with a low-cal protein drink with caffeine to get me ready for my workout.

Kait Carson - A brief story. I was in the hospital many years ago and an obvious newbie came around to take my blood pressure at oh my god o’clock. The woman turned dead white and said I had no blood pressure. I told her I never did before I had my coffee.

Nancy Eady - Not at all pleasant to be around.  When the forecast says snow here in the Birmingham area, other families dash out to the grocery store to buy milk and bread.  My family rushes to the store and stands in line with Diet Coke because my husband says he's not fixing to be snowed in with me without caffeine, and I don't drink coffee. 

Shari Randall/Meri Allen - Seriously, I am not fully conscious until 10 AM - and that's with caffeine.

K.M. Rockwood - I must have a caffeine dependency, since if I go two days without, I get a headache, but I don’t notice a difference if I don’t get any until lunch time, usually in the form of iced tea. I can drink coffee up until bedtime, too, without having any problems falling asleep.

E.B. Davis - Sluggish, sloth-like, snarly, sour and then very sad!

Korina Moss - I’m not a morning coffee drinker. My first caffeinated beverage of the day is Coke Zero and that’s not until late morning or early afternoon. It makes me feel a little more “can do.”  



  1. Well aren't we pretty much the adicted-to-caffeine Writers Who Kill.

  2. Good morning! Now where's my coffee mug?

  3. I probably get more caffeine from chocolate than from my beverages.
    Grace Topping

  4. I don't drink caffeine at all. No coffee in the morning. No soda. I come by it honestly, since my sister-in-law is the only one in the family who liked coffee.
