By Barb Goffman
Each time we put out a call for stories for another volume
in the Chesapeake Crimes short-story
series, I usually get at least one email
asking me if we made a mistake in the listed dates. The deadline isn’t really
ten months from now, is it? The anthology isn’t really scheduled to come out
three years from now, is it?
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The most recent
Chesapeake Crimes
released in March
Ah, but it is, I reply. No mistakes have been made. The
deadline is far off, and the publication date, well, you can’t even see that
sucker on the horizon.
You see, with the Chesapeake Crimes series, we like to take
our time. My fellow editors Donna Andrews, Marcia Talley, and I have found that
a leisurely pace pays off. Every volume in the series has stories that have won
or been nominated for major mystery awards. Chesapeake Crimes stories have won
the Agatha, Anthony, Derringer, and Macavity awards. We’ve also had a story
final for the Thriller Award. We have high hopes for the stories in Chesapeake Crimes: Fur, Feathers, and
Felonies, the eighth volume in the series, which was recently published by
Wildside Press. Submission to our anthologies are open to members of the
Chesapeake Chapter of Sisters in Crime.
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The previous
Chesapeake Crimes
Why? Some writers could come up with great stories in a
flash, but others may need more time. Perhaps they’re busy with day jobs.
Perhaps they need a lot of time for story ideas to percolate. Or perhaps
they’re new to short stories, and they need the time to write a first draft and
then revise and revise some more. Whatever the reason, since we have the time, we’re
happy to give it to the writers. Our goal is to put out great books, and an
important step toward that goal is giving authors a lot of time to polish their
Then comes decision-making time. For each volume, we have
three authors who review all the submissions and choose which stories are
accepted. The people who choose the stories can’t submit to that volume, so
they have no skin in the game. They also don’t know who wrote each submission.
We like this so-called blind approach because it aims to ensure that stories
are accepted or rejected based on their merit, not on who wrote them. (That’s
why Donna, Marcia, and I can submit for each volume—we don’t choose the stories
and our names aren’t attached to our submissions.) Because we know that
acceptance decisions are subjective, we use a different three-person panel for
each volume. If the same panel chose the stories for each volume, an author
whose style wasn’t to a panel’s liking could be shut out regularly. But with
different authors choosing the stories for each volume, an author has more of a
chance of getting in.
There’s something else different with our anthologies, and
it comes into play at decision-making
time. A lot of other anthology editors
look for stories that are pretty much ready to be published. Maybe some light
line editing or copy editing will be done. Not us.
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Chesapeake Crimes
When it comes time to choose the stories, we tell our
panelists that they shouldn’t look only for stories that are ready for
publication. Instead, we ask our panelists to choose stories they enjoy that
could become publishable with work—because after the stories are chosen, Donna,
Marcia, and I edit them, in the true sense of the word. Do we love stories that
are in great shape at the outset? Of course. But a story that’s in mediocre
shape that could be become great with work, we’re happy to have that story
accepted. In fact, for me, helping make stories shine is much of the fun of
working on the anthologies. For many of our chapter authors—including
me—publication in Chesapeake Crimes is their first fiction publication credit.
It can be a dream come true, and I love playing a part in making that happen.
Indeed, when the Chesapeake Crimes series began, it was with the idea that the
books would serve as a learning experience for our chapter authors. We want to
help them improve, and we’re willing to put in the time to do it.
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Chesapeake Crimes
As the primary editor, I’ve worked with authors whose
stories have gone through five drafts, maybe seven, over a several-month period.
It starts with a developmental edit, which can take multiple drafts. Then a
line edit and a copy edit. (Depending on the shape of the manuscript, the line
edit might occur with the developmental edit.)
Why not one round of edits? Well, after the first revisions
are done, new problems can appear. Maybe they’re newly introduced problems, or
maybe they’re problems that were buried in the manuscript before, but you
couldn’t see them at first. Inconsistencies. Factual matters that need to be
corrected. Dialogue that sounds off. All
of this work takes time—spotting the issues and then correcting them. When I
edit a story and send it back to the author, I try to give him or her several
weeks to work on the revision. And then several more weeks if it’s returned
again. And again. I’m sure I’ve annoyed authors by returning a story with yet
more questions, but we aim for the stories to be the best they can be, and I’m
willing to be a pest for us to reach that point.
Once each author’s story is deemed done by her primary
editor, the other two editors review. This is a vital step in our process,
because even after multiple drafts and months of work, problems can be
overlooked. Two extra pairs of eyes make it much more likely such problems are
spotted and
fixed before publication.
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Chesapeake Crimes
# 4
Does it sound like we should be done by now? Nope. Once
Donna, Marcia, and I think the stories are good to go, we decide on the story
order, and then we send the draft off to Wildside Press, where the eagle-eyed
Carla Coupe reads the book. Sometimes she just spots typos. Sometimes she spots
bigger problems all of us have missed, and a story goes back to its author one
more time.
Eventually we come to the proofreading stage, then review
copies go out, and finally, finally, the book is published—three years after
the call for stories was put out, two years after the submission deadline. Is
it worth it, putting all this time into each book? We think so. But the real
test comes upon publication. What will the readers think? That’s where we are
now with Chesapeake Crimes: Fur,
Feathers, and Felonies. We’re waiting to see what the readers think. The
few reviews we’ve had so far have been good. Fingers crossed on those to come.
Thank you to Barb Goffman for joining us with some of the backstory behind the anthologies produced by Chessie Chapter of SinC.
KM Rockwood
Thank you to Barb Goffman for joining us with some of the backstory behind the anthologies produced by Chessie Chapter of SinC.
KM Rockwood
Barb -- Thanks for sharing your process. Quality takes time and many today are too impatient to produce excellent work.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great glimpse into the process. Thanks, Barb.
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving us the inside scoop.
ReplyDeleteInteresting glimpse of the other side of anthology publishing.
ReplyDeleteI was pleased that Barb was willing to outline the process for us!
ReplyDeleteThanks to all you Writers Who Kill for hosting me today and for commenting on my post. The Chesapeake Crimes anthologies are a labor of love, and I'm glad to have the chance to share the process with you all.