Death in an Ivory Tower
It's a
scholarly conference at Oxford and the subject is "The Lingering Effects
of the King Arthur Tales on Life in Elizabethan England," but two
participants don't fit in. Dotsy Lamb, PhD candidate from Virginia, has inadvertently
invited a couple of New Agers from Glastonbury. Their agenda is to prove to
these arrogant academics that King Arthur and Guinevere were real people. As a
big surprise, Bram Fitzwaring plans to produce their royal bones.
Fitzwaring doesn’t show up for his mind-blowing speech to the conference
because he’s in his room—dead. An insulin-dependent diabetic, Fitzwaring
appears to have died from hypoglycemia. But Dotsy, also diabetic, says his
symptoms prior to his demise do not spell hypoglycemia. They spell murder.
If you are an armchair
traveler, and even if you aren’t, you’ll love Maria Hudgins’ Dotsy Lamb Travel
Mystery series and her Lacy Glass Archaeology Mystery series. In her books, Maria
takes readers to far-flung locations such as Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Scotland,
and Italy. I recently read Death in an
Ivory Tower, which transported me to Oxford, England. It made me want to travel more with Dotsy and Lacy.
Welcome, Maria, to Writers
Who Kill.
In Death in an Ivory Tower, Dotsy Lamb found herself in the midst of
heated arguments about whether King Arthur really existed and whether
Shakespeare actually wrote the works attributed to him—issues so contentious
they drove someone to murder. Where does Dotsy stand on these issues? Did
anyone convince her that Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, wrote Macbeth and not Shakespeare?
Maria Hudgins |
Dotsy believes in keeping an open mind. On the
subject of King Arthur, she recognizes that the evidence for his ever having
existed is thin, but a part of her hopes the future will bring new
evidence—that he did live and that he
was, if not a king, a hero to his people. Of course, there’s no chance at all
that he lived as the fables tell, because those stories are medieval and Arthur
would have been ancient history to medieval Englishmen.
As for anyone other than
William Shakespeare having written Macbeth, Dotsy gets angry at the suggestion,
because it’s invariably based on the idea that the son of a common glove maker
could not possibly be that intelligent. Dotsy has some choice words for those
elite snobs.
I, personally, do not
doubt that Dotsy is right.
The victim’s diabetes
provides Dotsy with a vital clue in solving the murder. She recognizes the clue
because she herself has diabetes. Is this new to the series, or has Dotsy’s
condition and the challenges of traveling with diabetes been featured in the
other books in this series?
Dotsy has been diabetic
throughout the series. In Death of an
Obnoxious Tourist, the first book in the series, she passes out on the roof
of a hotel due to low blood sugar. In each of the succeeding books, her
diabetes plays some role, but not always a big one. Since that first book came
out, there have been several medical advances in the management of diabetes.
These are making it easier for Dotsy to travel with little worry.
While at Oxford
University, Dotsy does research in the Bodleian Library, where I understand
they filmed some of the Harry Potter films. Did you gain admittance to the library
and browse the collection? Was it like being in a scene from Harry Potter?
I did, indeed. The main
ground floor room of the Divinity School (in the same complex) was used as the
Hogwarts Hospital. Accessing the book collection is not allowed unless you are
cleared for research and that is complicated. Harry Potter filming sites are
all over Oxford. I love the grand staircase in Christ Church College that, I
believe, twisted and reconnected in the movie. The Christ Church dining hall is
used as well. Remember the flying candles?
In their travels around
the world, Dotsy and her friend Lettie find themselves involved in a murder
investigation wherever they go. What
kind of challenges do you face making this plausible?
It is implausible but so far no one has complained. Readers don’t mind
suspending their disbelief if it’s a good story. I sometimes make references to
Dotsy’s previous exploits but not too often because the reader might decide
that this woman is bad luck!
I understand that you visit the places you set your
books to do research—a rather enviable task. Do you find yourself traveling to
write or writing to travel?
I travel because I want
to, but when I’m in a foreign spot, my eyes are open for good places to kill
somebody. My ears and nose are open for
the smells and sounds that make the place come alive. I take lots of notes in
my trip journal.
Which location did you
enjoy the most?
It’s hard to pick one, so
I’ll pick two. I love Oxford, England so much I’ve visited 8 or 9 times. I’ve
stayed in St. Hilda’s College and in Jesus College. Jesus is the prototype for
St. Ormond’s College in Death in an Ivory
My other choice would have
to be Egypt. I wrote an archaeology mystery called Scorpion House, available on Kindle, based on my first trip there
and the historical thriller I’m working on now is set in Upper Egypt, near
Aswan. I hear Egypt calling me so I may have to go back soon.
Does setting your
mysteries in different locations present any difficulties in sustaining a
series with the same characters?
I can’t exactly have a
whole village full of characters the readers know, can I? My continuing
characters—Dotsy Lamb and Lettie Osgood—are sometimes joined by Marco
Quattrocchi, Ollie Osgood, Chet Lamb, or one of Dotsy’s or Lettie’s children.
There’s no need to read the stories in order, because a brief introduction is
all these characters need.
Both your series feature
gutsy women: Dotsy Lamb, an educator, and Lacy Glass, a young archeologist
(featured in The Man on the Istanbul
Train). Which of the two do you identify with most, discounting age?
Both women are similar to
me in some ways: Dotsy is tenacious and I am, too. She’s somewhat a product of
her rural, mid-20th century upbringing, and I am, too. Lacy Glass is
headstrong and accident-prone, like me. She loves science, especially the
physics and chemistry of color. My master’s thesis was on a bluish plant
pigment you’ve never heard of.
Where will Dotsy’s travels
take her (and you) next?
She’s going to Istanbul.
I’ve visited this exciting city twice. The book, At the Spoonmaker’s Hotel, is slated to come out in 2017 or 2018
because my publisher, Five Star/Cengage, is scheduling that far ahead. After
that, she will return to Italy for some life-changing events. But I’m getting
ahead of myself . . .
Was there anything in your
background as an oceanographer and earth science teacher that helped prepare
you to write about murder and mayhem?
There is always science in
what I write. I can’t help it. If you don’t like science you can skip those
parts. I do think that a bit of explanation about shellfish contamination or
ocean currents make a story more real.
Do you have a favorite
place to write?
I write in my den where my
dogs keep me company and I can take my laptop from the desk to the sofa to the
recliner to keep from sitting in one place too long. Sometimes I take my laptop
(MacBook Air) to my new sunroom where I have a chaise to recline on. The dogs,
birds, and squirrels entertain me.
Thank you, Maria.
In her bio, Maria said: "I’m the luckiest of all possible people. To be able to write what I
want to write, spend time with my friends when I want, and with the friends in
my stories when I want. All this without having to starve in a garret." Read
more about Maria and her travel adventures at