I’ve been reading
Elaine Orr’s Jolie Gentil series from its start with Appraisal for Murder. There are now eight books in the series. As a
beach writer, I’m attracted to the setting of Ocean Alley, a coastal resort
town in New Jersey. Readers meet Jolie Gentil, a new divorcee, who must dodge
her ex’s gambling debts. She owns a cat and lives with her Aunt Madge, as she
did for a year in high school. Jolie rekindles friendships with a few of her
old classmates and rebounds from the trauma of her marriage while solving
murders often as a result of appraising houses, her new profession.
Please welcome Elaine Orr to WWK. E. B. Davis
Since 2011, you’ve written eight
books. You make me feel ashamed of myself. How can you write so fast? Do you
regiment your writing?
I tend to write fast—when I write. I let myself have
non-writing periods because I know the down time pays off in more creative
thinking later. That said, there are plenty of times I force myself to write.
Once I get into it, I keep pushing. One technique I don't advise is announcing
the month of release well in advance. However, it keeps me motivated, and so
far I have not missed one—by much. The advantage of self-publishing is you can
improve a book at your own pace.
Why did you choose to
I was in my late fifties when I finished the first two books
of the Jolie Gentil cozy mystery series. I strongly considered looking for an
agent (I had done that previously), but ebook publishing had just become more
feasible. I had put up a couple of stand-alones and figured out the formatting.
So, why not? If I sold few, I could start the agent process. I sold a few
thousand of the first couple books in the first year, so I just kept going. I
joke about being too old to wait for the agent/publisher process, but I'm not
twenty-five, so I wanted to see results.
Why give your main character
such an exotic name?

Jolie appraises real estate for
a living. Do you have experience in the field?
Not as an appraiser. When my sister took a course for a real
estate license I took it with her, for a lark. I passed the state test but
never used the license. Between that and buying and selling several houses, I
felt competent to at least research the profession. I wanted something that
gave Jolie time to get in trouble. An earlier book featured a school teacher,
and I had to have her break her arm so she'd have time to solve the mystery.
Ocean Alley reminds me of my
childhood vacations at Ocean City, NJ. Did you base Ocean Alley on a particular
town? Have you lived there?
I never lived in Jersey, but I've visited several of its beaches.
I wanted to create a town that reminded me of the Maryland beaches I visited as
a child – most are condo canyons now. Many Jersey shore beaches kept more of
their small town feel. I think of Ocean Grove as I write. I only visited there
twice, so the books are not modeled on that town, but I admire it.
In the first few books, Jolie
lives with Aunt Madge, who changes her hair color all the time. Why does she do
I wanted Aunt Madge to be an independent octogenarian who
didn’t represent stereotypes of widowed women in that age group. (Not to put my
foot in my mouth, but you don't often think of people as running a B&B at
that age.) The changing hair color was a way to be different, and a bit funny.
She still does it, but Jolie only notices it once or twice in each of the later
Although Jolie works, she’s also
busy managing and fundraising for a local food bank, Harvest For All. How did
she get involved with this charity?
Ah, good question. When she first moved to Ocean Alley, the
woman who ran it was a thorn in Jolie's side. Very needy and a bit intrusive.
Jolie avoided her at all costs. When the woman could no longer manage the food
pantry, the minister at the church more or less conned Jolie into it. She was
very reluctant at first, but she's absorbed it into her daily routine and is
pretty good at it now. The Harvest for All pantry fundraisers also inject a lot
of humor.
Your secondary characters are
vivid. Jolie re-meets Scoobie, an old friend from high school, who had a
challenging upbringing and drug issues. He is trying to recover and get on with
his life. His name reminds me of a cartoon dog, but more Shaggy than Scooby.
Tell our readers about Scoobie, and why you dubbed him as such?
Scoobie is my favorite character. Initially, the third book
was going to be called "Justice for Scoobie," because I planned to
kill him off. Bad idea!! Instead, he's the victim of an attack, and the book
was called "When the Carny Comes to Town." Scoobie is sort of an
amalgamation of several people I've known who worked hard to recover from,
shall we say, youthful indiscretions. The name took awhile to develop. I wanted
a silly nickname, and don't plan to let readers know how he got the name. Only
Aunt Madge calls him by his given name. Scoobie's poetry is usually my
husband's work. He doesn't write specifically for the books, but because he's
written a lot of poetry, I can usually find something that works with the plot.
George, a journalist, enlists
Jolie’s help to write his stories. Scoobie has helped with cases, but he also
cautions Jolie not to involve herself. It would seem that George and Scoobie
are at odds, and yet the two become best friends. How can these opposites
Because sometimes they do. Smile. Jolie would say George
works her into stories so he can make fun of her, but by book three she enlists
his help some. Scoobie and George have known each other since high school, and
they've looked out for each other. Both of them have a good sense of humor,
which can reach across any personality boundaries.
Are all amateur sleuths OCD, as Scoobie claims when he
asks Jolie to join a support group?
Hmm. An amateur sleuth has to be more than nosy, or s/he
would give up when the going gets tough. They don't have to be OCD-ish, but it
helps. When I did the prequel ("Jolie and Scoobie High School
Misadventures"), it shows an event that led Jolie to always want to get to
the bottom of things. Scoobie has worked hard to accept life as it is, which
gives them a chance to annoy each other at times.
Another interesting secondary
character is Max, a brain damaged veteran suffering from PTSD. What
I used to help a number of vets via my job as an assistant
to two members of Congress. (One Republican and one Democrat. That's Iowa for
you.) In 2003, the VA was faced with many new veterans needing help, because of
the Iraq war. The policy changed from "we're always here for you" to
"we'll only serve you if you meet certain criteria." Lots of Vietnam
vets who weren't already in the VA system were turned away, and sometimes they
came to the congressmen. On behalf of my bosses, I'd do my best to cut through
red tape and look for ways to get the VA to serve them. (It wasn't the VA's
policy choice not to serve; their budget was getting slashed just as there were
more vets to help.)
Anyway, between becoming an advocate for a number of vets
and working with several who had PTSD, I knew I had to put a vet in the story
as a continuing character. It doesn't work if I simply preach "help our
vets." People read for fun. So I've given Max some quirky characteristics,
and lots of people look out for him.
You seem to enjoy having pets in
your books. How did that come about?

I’m sure most police detectives
wouldn’t have a sense of humor if amateurs involved themselves in a case, but
Sergeant Morehouse has more humor than most. Why does he tolerate Jolie's
intrusions as well as he does?
Morehouse's humor becomes more evident as the books go on
Even in the first book, he definitely gets Jolie's goat a couple of times by needling
her, on occasion. I work hard to make the police not look like bumbling fools.
What's the point of dumb police work? That said, Jolie has to see something
they don't or be driven to solve something they would prefer she stay out of.
So, there's a "push and shove" quality to their relationship, and he
gives her firm instructions to butt out on many occasions. She ignores him.
There is one humorous line Morehouse has in every book. I challenge readers to
find it!
When you conceived of the
series, did you plot all the character arcs?
Not quite, but some. Scoobie was the easiest to evolve,
because he was deliberately changing his life. Some reviewers didn't like Jolie
in the first book. They saw her as so self-centered as to be unsympathetic.
Obviously, reviewers don't drive character development, but I do learn from
comments sometimes. I worked hard to have Jolie change slowly from someone
whose recent life traumas made her focus on herself to someone who thinks more
about others. Not too much, or she wouldn't have the ability to have some
snarky (and funny) thoughts about people who cross her path.
What’s next for Jolie and
I don't want to give too much away, but I will say the ninth
book will take place a couple years into the future. I wanted to inject some
new elements without putting readers through every phase of change. It'll be
Welcome to WWK, Elaine. I burst out laughing when you mentioned that you needed to break a school teacher’s arm in order to give her the time she needed in the book. We authors can write ourselves into corners if we don’t think far enough in advance.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that much of the Jersey shore has maintained its character from fifty years ago. I think because it was primarily middle class folks who went there, whereas the rich and famous headed to eastern Long Island or Connecticut or Rhode Island. (No facts to back that up, just an observation.)
~ Jim
I grew up going to the Jersey shore for vacations since my parents were from Philadelphia. That is perhaps, part of the attraction for Elaine's books. But I also love her characters. More please!
ReplyDeleteYour books sound cool and I really like the covers.
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by, Elaine! I really enjoyed hearing about your books - your output is impressive! If you have any more writing secrets you'd like to share, please do!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to WWK, Elaine. Your reasons for self-publishing sound like mine. I wanted to get my first book out and all the others I'd been thinking of doing in the series. I know I'll enjoy your books.
ReplyDeleteAbout the day this column came out I damaged my artificial knee and was scheduled for surgery. That's not a good excuse for not replying to the fun comments folks wrote, but it is the reason I'm stuck with! Surgery went well. Every time I do something funky to a joint I end up with ideas for the books. One of them (Vague Images) has a murder in the hospital. I think hospitals offer a lot of opportunities. In the tenth book (The Unanticipated Appeal, out in late spring 2016) hospital happenings also factor in to the plot. Thanks so much, and I'll pass on the compliments on the covers!