Using the right words
can help set your book in a real place. In my Mahu Investigations, which take
place in Hawai’i, I often have the need to use words from the Hawaiian
language, or olelo. I’m faced with a
couple of difficulties when I do this.
The first of these concerns the oddball punctuation marks
used in Hawaiian, the okina and the macron.
I have agonized over these issues since the first publication of Mahu in
Hawaiian makes liberal use of the okina, a backwards
apostrophe that indicates a glottal stop. For easier typesetting, I use a
regular apostrophe in names like O’ahu and Hawai’i. This helps readers know
that the state’s name should be Ha-wai-ee, with a brief pause after wai, not
The macron over a vowel is harder to explain. The closest I
can get is that it means a longer emphasis on the vowel. Mahu, a term in
Hawaiian which various means gay or two-gendered, should be properly presented
as Māhū, and should be read as “maaah-huuu.”
This presents two problems, though. First is that English
readers are accustomed to thinking of a macron as a long vowel—May-hu. Second,
the ASCII character for an ā is not the same as the one for a, so converting to
different fonts or different uses (for example on a web page) can be a big
mess. The result is that after trying for the first couple of books, I’ve given
up on the macrons. My apologies to Hawaiian readers who miss them!
The second issue concerns defining and italicizing foreign
words. According to Kris Jacen, the Executive Editor of MLR Press, who put out
many of the books in the series, “Italics should be used the first time you use
a foreign word. After that it should be presented in regular type.” This is the
way I teach college students as well, so it’s the rule I stick to – in
Because I often use Hawaiian pidgin in dialect, I don’t
italicize those words unless they’re quite unfamiliar. A greeting like “Eh,
brah, howzit?” needs no definition. The pidgin is close enough to English that
readers will understand.
My character, Honolulu homicide detective Kimo Kanapa’aka,
spends a lot of time on the road visiting crime scenes, interviewing witnesses,
and so on. At least once in each book I have to provide the way that he
references directions.

Sometimes I assume readers will figure out a word from the
context. When Kimo’s mother announces, “I joined a hula halau three
months ago, and I practice with them twice a week,” I hope readers will figure
out that a halau is a hula school or club.
Sometimes I feel the need to define, while other times I
hope readers will figure things out. Here’s an example of both:
“Then behind us, the kumu hula, a slim man with gray
hair pulled back in a ponytail, pounded once on a pahu hula, a tall,
narrow drum carved from a segment of coconut palm trunk. Dried sharkskin had
been stretched across the top, and it made a deep, resonating sound.”
From the context, I hope readers will understand that the
kumu hula is the leader of the group. But I need to define ‘pahu hula’ because
without explaining that it’s a kind of drum, readers would be lost.
It’s all about the reader experience, to me. I want readers
to feel immersed in Hawaiian culture without being confused or overwhelmed. I
hope I’m successful!
He can be found almost every morning at a Starbucks, drinking
a café mocha and tapping away at his laptop. He is a professor of English at
Broward College in South Florida, where he lives with his husband and their
rambunctious golden retrievers.
His website is
Fascinating. Look forward to reading your work!
ReplyDeleteSounds like fun! Thanks for blogging with us.
ReplyDeleteA reminder of how narrow-minded we can be about punctuation, pronunciation and our writing.
ReplyDeleteLanguages and geographic names sometimes just don't fit into our style-manual oriented minds.
Its fascinating to open up our recognition of different ways of expression.
Tough problems! Thanks for this discussion. It helps.