Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Jennifer David Hesse Interview By E. B. Davis

If two suspects each provide an alibi for the other,
shouldn’t that cancel out both alibis?
Jennifer David Hesse, Autumn Alibi, Kindle Loc. 1645

After a hectic year, Edindale, Illinois, attorney Keli Milanni is ready to welcome autumn by counting her many blessings. But a case of murder could cause her to fall behind . . .
Keli is hoping that Mabon, the Wiccan Autumn Equinox, will bring balance back into her life. But it’s death that comes calling when she’s asked to consult on an estate case. Recently passed, Elaine Turnbull left everything, including her valuable art and antiques collection, to her granddaughter, Lana. But Lana has been missing for years, ever since a tragedy tore her family apart. Also missing may be Elaine’s most recent will. Then there’s the not-so-small detail that Elaine’s death by natural causes may not have been so natural after all . . .

With the help of her boyfriend Wes, who knew Lana in high school, Keli starts digging into Elaine’s past—and her journals. Soon she discovers that everyone, from Elaine’s caretaker to her curator, had a motive for murder—along with a seemingly rock-solid alibi. Between missing people, missing documents, a string of vandalism against her friends, and the sense she’s being stalked, Keli is feeling a disturbing chill. Now not even her Wiccan protection rituals may save her from a killer with a cold heart that’s far from grateful . . .

I so wish I had found this series when it started. Autumn Alibi is the sixth in the Wiccan Wheel Mystery series written by lawyer Jennifer David Hesse. Jennifer’s main character, Keli Milanni, is a Wiccan witch and a lawyer. She’s a good person who has unconventional beliefs and sticks by them even when others scoff. 

What attracted me to this book? Keli has a reverence for nature that is appealing. Her boyfriend, Wes, is irreverent in ways other than nature, funny, and supportive of Keli. He’s a wonderful contrast to Keli, but at the same time complementary. A photo journalist, he competes to solve a part of her mystery, winning or losing household chores as prize. Her best friend, Farrah, is also a lawyer, but she doesn’t practice—she sells law practice software to firms—and is bored, making her the perfect partner in crime solving.

Please welcome Jennifer David Hesse to WWK.                                    E. B. Davis

What is a Wiccan Wheel?

​“Wiccan Wheel” refers to the Wheel of the Year. This is the yearly cycle of eight seasonal holidays observed by modern-day Pagans, Witches, and Wiccans. It consists of the two solstices and two equinoxes, as well as the “cross-quarter” fire festivals in between—including Beltane (also known as May Day) and Samhain (which is celebrated around Halloween). Honoring these holidays is a way to connect with spirit and nature, to be present, and to have fun!

Edindale, IL, is in the southern part of the state. Is it real or based on a real place?

Edindale is a fictional town, but the Shawnee National Forest (where some of the action occurs) is real. Also, since Edindale is a small college town, a county seat, and a place with abundant trees, I’ve had real towns in mind at various times, including Charleston, Urbana, and Carbondale—all in Illinois.

We know Wes is from Edindale, but where is Keli from?

Earlier books mention that Keli is from a small town in Nebraska. She came to Edindale for law school and decided to stay—partly because she felt a connection to the area. Years earlier, her aunt Josephine ran away to live on a commune in Edindale (until she disappeared under mysterious circumstances).

As a practicing Wiccan, Keli performs rituals worshiping nature in her backyard. But since Keli and Wes live in a townhouse community, she is often apprehensive of others observing her. How does Keli feel about others knowing about her beliefs?

Like a lot of real-life Wiccans, Keli is guarded when it comes to sharing her personal beliefs. There is a lot of misunderstanding about non-mainstream religions, so Keli is careful about who she tells. She doesn’t want people to fear or judge her—or think any less of her—because of her spiritual practices.

How does Wes feel about Keli being a practicing Wiccan?

Wes is cool with it. 🙂

Keli knows something in her past is coming for her. How does she know this?

Keli is observant (a useful skill for both a lawyer and a detective), and the impending danger was foreshadowed by earlier events. But she also has a keen sense of intuition. Sometimes she just has a feeling about things...

Crenshaw represents the late Elaine Turnbull, a wealthy art and theater patron. Why does he ask Keli to work for Elaine’s estate?

Crenshaw realizes he’s faced with a unique situation and could use some assistance. In fact, Crenshaw says it best himself when he tells Keli: “I was hoping you could, I don’t know, poke around a bit. Talk to people. Do whatever it is you do that results in your stumbling upon the solution to a random mystery now and then.”

Why do Keli and Crenshaw work better together now that she’s established her own practice than when they worked at the same law firm?

Now that they aren’t in the same firm, they are no longer competing for cases or partnership status. But they’ve also both grown and evolved. Keli is a little more open, and Crenshaw is a little (just a little!) less uptight.

What are the qualities in Wes that attract Keli?

In many ways, Wes is a good balance for Keli.  Where she tends to be more serious, he’s more laid back. Of course, she was first attracted to his slightly rough, “rock star” appearance. 🙂 But it was his kindness and curiosity that held her interest.

In the past, how has Keli found lost things?

As a Wiccan, Keli casts spells for many purposes. In Book 1, Midsummer Night’s Mischief, she used a finding spell to help guide her to a missing heirloom. But she also follows clues and talks to suspects, like all good amateur detectives.

Keli and Farrah drink beer. Are younger people into microbrews or is this a Midwestern attribute?

LOL. I suppose craft brews might appeal more to younger people, but Keli is not a connoisseur. She’ll drink different beverages at different times, whether it’s a glass of wine with dinner, a cold beer with friends, or a nice cup of tea with Mila.

Mila, a Wiccan High Priestess, wears a shag. Are shags coming back in style or does this style complement her Wiccan position?

The shag haircut may indeed be coming back in style, though some versions of it never really went away. As a breezy, casual look, it suits Mila’s bohemian aesthetic.

Mila suggests Keli try Astral Projection. What is this and does Keli have success?

Astral projection, or astral travel, is a type of out-of-body experience similar to lucid dreaming. Readers will have to check out the book to find out if Keli is successful or not. 🙂

Why does Farrah keep trying to guess Crenshaw’s middle name?

Farrah is a flirt by nature. And the more she’s around Crenshaw, the more intrigued by him she becomes.

Who is the Giftster? Why is Keli afraid to sleep in her own house?

​“The Giftster” is a nickname Keli gave to an anonymous trickster she first encounters in Book 5, May Day Murder. She tries to take away some of this person’s power over her by using the silly name. But the Giftster always seems to be one step ahead, which puts Keli on edge.

How is the Autumn Equinox related to balance?

Astronomically speaking, the earth experiences approximately the same amount of daylight as darkness on each equinox. (The word “equinox” is Latin for equal night.) The Autumn Equinox also marks a transition period from one season to the next. Wiccans often look to nature for spiritual lessons and guidance, so it makes sense to contemplate balance at this time of year.

In Wicca, does every season feature one of nature’s gifts to epitomize it, such as apples do for autumn?

Great question! Wiccans definitely appreciate nature’s gifts in all seasons, and there’s an abundance to choose from in each one. Some of the Wiccan Wheel Mysteries book covers feature some of these symbols, such as evergreens for Yule and flowers and butterflies for Beltane.

At first, I thought Celia might be a cool and comic character, but she turned out to be anything but. Why does Keli think she may have wanted Elaine dead?

Like all the suspects, there’s more to Celia than meets the eye. She has a history with the Turnbull family that Keli learns over the course of the book.

Keli seems like a traditional woman. She dreams of a family of her own, a more committed relationship with Wes, but then there is the Wiccan aspect of her life that is so unconventional. Who is Keli?

In Book 1, we learn that Keli is a Gemini, the sign of the twins, signifying duality—which definitely fits her personality. But in reality, I think most humans are complex characters with many sides. Keli is a sincere, imperfect, good-hearted woman, just doing her best like the rest of us.

Why would there be an oyster shell pathway in a place so far from the ocean?
LOL. While landscaping supply companies sell oyster shells throughout the country, it can definitely get pricy. This just goes to show how wealthy the Turnbulls are.

What is a Jeep convertible? Is it just a Jeep with its roof off? On all Jeep Wranglers, the top and doors come off. But why does Farrah have them off when it’s cold?

Yep! Farrah likes to feel the wind in her hair. (But she does put the top on when it gets too cold.)

Who is Arlen Prince and what is a necromancer?

In Book 5, Arlen is a new client of Keli’s, and he crops up in her life again in Book 6. While he isn’t Wiccan, he is Pagan, practicing in a shamanistic tradition. Necromancy is the magical practice of communicating with the dead, usually to ask questions or predict the future. Arlen calls upon animal spirits for divination and spellwork.

What is a Triple Goddess and why does Keli have a tattoo of it on her wrist?

The Triple Goddess is an archetype in Wicca that honors the three aspects of the Divine Feminine: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. (Or, as some more modern practitioners interpret it: Student, Creator, and Teacher.) The symbol of the Triple Goddess (a waxing moon, full moon, and waning moon) reminds Keli of the cyclical nature of life, as well as the fact that all phases of life have worth and beauty.

What does Keli mean when she thinks, I’m never really alone?

Keli is lucky enough to have close friends and loved ones, but she’s really talking about Spirit here (aka God, Goddess, or the Universe.) As a Wiccan, she feels a close connection with Divine Mother.

What’s next for Keli?

Plenty of adventures await Keli, including celebrations of two more holidays on the wheel of the year. However, she may be taking a slight break from mystery-solving as her creator (Yours Truly) works on some other projects. Without a crystal ball, it’s hard to say what the future holds!


  1. Welcome, Jennifer - I admit you are a new to me author, what a wonderful series. I can't wait to dig in.

  2. Great (and timely) interview. I have to look into this series.

  3. Thanks, Kait & KM! And thanks to E.B. Davis for the great questions! This was a fun interview. :)

  4. Thank you, Jennifer. Fun read. Wish I had started at the beginning, but other readers will get the benefit and start with the first book!
