Monday, June 3, 2024

How do I kill Thee? Let me count the ways by Teresa Inge

While participating on the Women Solving Crimes panel at Malice Domestic this year, the moderator asked us about the different weapons we use to kill people in our novels and short stories.

Fortunately for me, the panel had received the questions in advance, which gave me time to review all the homicides I’d written and determine my methods of murder. With sixteen books, I was beginning to lose track of how I kill people!

I began my murderous review with Mutt Mysteries, a four-book series with dogwalker, Catt Ramsey, who solves crime and murder with her dogs, Cagney and Lacey. I had multiple victims and killings in these books. The weapons include a cutting board, knife, gun, pruning shears, and a dog trimmer. All of which fit right into each killer’s homicidal hands.

In Virginia is for Mysteries, a three-book series, I was on a killing spree with boards! I gave one victim a blow to the head with yet another cutting board, then used three wooden boards in various stories to kill people, smashed a killer in the face with a chalkboard, and used a glass vase to kill another.

In other books, I used different methods and weapons. These include strangulation with a lanyard lassoed around a victim’s neck, a chest stabbing with a road sign, a stab in the neck with a pink beach charm, and three shootings in three stories. I then pushed a killer over a riverboat’s balcony and shot him for good measure before lodging a corkscrew in a victim’s neck…twice. I finished the review with blunt objects to kill two victims, and a fatal allergy reaction to another.

After the review, I realized that I had never poisoned anyone. What would Agatha Christie think? That’s when I began tracking my methods of murder and vowed to use poison in my next story. Check out the attached graph to see the weapon that I used the most.




  1. Debrs H. GoldsteinJune 3, 2024 at 2:18 AM

    But for poison, You certainly appear to be an equal opportunity killing author.

    1. Thanks, Debra. I loved creating the graph of all the weapons I've used.

  2. What fun to go back over your works and discover your murdering tendencies. Also missing from the list are beatings, vehicular homicide, and in addition to boards there are many other things you can use to clunk someone over the head. Have fun with your new murders.

    1. It was fun to look back at all the weapons I’ve used. I like the list you added!

  3. The opportunities are endless! Mwahaha.

    1. Ha! So many weapons!

    2. I meant to add my name to the above!

  4. Fun blog (if a bit on the morbid side.) The murderer I'm working with now prefers bloodless killings, since any clean-up is difficult for her.
    I worked in a state prison and one of the inmates on my work crew, when asked if he had learned anything from his conviction, said, "Never kill anyone so much bigger than you that you can't move the body without leaving traces."

  5. Hysterical, Teresa! We are a bloodthirsty bunch.

    Welcome to WWK!

  6. You are one dangerous woman, Teresa. Excellent!

  7. You are one murderous lady!

    Grace Topping

  8. This is one crazy chart! The corkscrew really creeps me out.
