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We all want to sell books, right?
A long time ago in a world that has almost vanished, I was a student at Lincoln Junior High School in Rockford, Illinois—seventh through ninth grades. In addition to the novelties of switching classes and finally meeting at least a few boys who were as tall as the girls, my junior high also offered the thrilling privilege, beginning in eighth grade, of leaving the school grounds for lunch.Every school day for two years,
three friends and I showed up at Hedlun’s and put in our order, which never
varied: three cheeseburgers and one tuna salad sandwich; three chocolate cokes
and one vanilla coke. Guess who was the odd girl out?
Some people read only non-fiction (“Why bother with something that never happened?”). Others read only fiction but focus on certain genres—historical, literary, romance, traditional mystery, cozy mystery, suspense, international thriller, legal or medical drama, police procedurals, psychological thrillers, fantasy, science fiction, Christian, domestic suspense. Some people read widely. Some read only bestsellers. Others use those lists as a reliable what-not-to-read guide.
Here's my point: not every type of book is everyone’s cup of tea. That’s something writers must accept. Not everyone will read your books. Not everyone who reads them will like them. The trick is to identify your audience—those who want to read the kind of books you write—and reach out to them. How does that happen?
In case you’re not a marketing expert (I’m not), here are five simple strategies to try:
1. USE AVAILABLE TOOLS to identify your target audience.
This is a huge and complicated subject, but even a cursory dive into online statistics tells me that readers of mystery and crime fiction (what I write) tend to be older female adults. In fact, a recent Nielsen survey revealed that a whopping 63% of my readers are over the age of 50. This makes a difference when I’m deciding how best to use my time on social media. Statistics tell me my peeps are most likely to be found on Facebook, Goodreads, and Pinterest. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t use other platforms. It just helps me set priorities. In addition, most social media platforms offer targeted demographics, like “Audience Insights” on Pinterest and Instagram—showing your followers according to age range, gender, and location. That leads to the next strategy.
2. JOIN SOCIAL MEDIA GROUPS with interests that overlap with your writing.
Since my books take place in England and appeal to people who like history, travel, and antiques, my favorite Facebook groups include British Book Club, I Heart Britain, English Cottages, and British Mystery Series Readers. I also follow mystery groups like Sleuths in Time Book Club, Readers’ CafĂ©, Cozy Mystery Crew, and Diva’s Cozy Mystery Group. I also follow certain Twitter hashtags and favorite sites on Pinterest, like English Country House and Antique Trader Magazine. When appropriate, I let other followers know about the books I write.
It isn’t enough to log onto social media sites and lurk. Be part of the conversation. Get to know the other people who follow those sites and/or follow authors who write in your genre. Respond and comment. Follow them and they will follow you. Offer interesting content and comments. Share ideas. This doesn’t need to eat your life. If you tend to be an organized person, set a daily schedule—one hour for social media first thing in the morning, for example—and stick to it.
I love the Malice Domestic motto—“No one needs to fail so that I can succeed.” If you support and promote other authors, chances are they will reciprocate. Joining with other authors, Especially those who write in your genre, can be lots of fun when planning events, either online or in person. Panel discussions, conversations, joint events—you are not only reaching out to your own fans, but you are also getting to know their fans. It’s called cross-marketing, and it’s a smart idea.
Invite them to review and recommend. Let’s face
it—interacting with readers has been difficult during the pandemic—conferences
cancelled, no in-person author events, no book signings. Nevertheless, we’ve
gotten creative with Zoom, and there has been an upside. This year I’ve appeared
at a number of book clubs in places I couldn’t easily have reached in person.
And I’ve participated in several multi-author events, one from our car on the
way to Florida. Don’t be afraid to ask for reviews. Give followers an
opportunity to sign up for your newsletter or blog. Include links whenever
possible. Develop a mailing list and keep readers up-to-date on what you’re
doing in both your author life and your personal life. Hold or join with others
in giveaways of ARCs, books, or e-books. Ask for your followers’ opinions on
book covers or logos. Lately I’ve had bookplates printed, which I will mail to
readers who preorder my latest book, The Art of Betrayal (out June 8). The
bottom line? Be creative and be personal. Statistics are informative, but real
people buy books. I love meeting and interacting with readers, and there’s
nothing like word-of-mouth advertising.
NEW WRITERS are routinely thrown
into the world of publishing with little or no help in terms of publicity and
marketing. Nevertheless, they are expected to learn quickly. I hope these five
very simple strategies will help.
AUTHORS, what is the best marketing
tool or strategy you’ve ever used? (I want to know!)
READERS, where is your favorite
place to meet and interact with authors?
Great advice Connie.
ReplyDeleteOn one of Dana Kaye's recent podcasts, the guest speaker said she read her bad reviews, not as a form of torture, but to determine the readers who were NOT her target audience so she didn't waste time and money promoting to them. I haven't been brave enough to do that yet, but the idea does have merit.
Excellent points.
ReplyDeleteMy readers, like yours, tend to be AARP-eligible females. I've found that being my natural self is the most successful approach to finding readers. When I do stuff I strongly dislike, it shows -- and my natural enthusiasm comes through when I do marketing things I enjoy.
Good points, Connie. I post many flower and travel photos and have picked up social media followers on FB and Instagram.
ReplyDeleteExcellent advice, Connie. I'm still working out the kinks in the marketing thing and looking forward to being able to get back to face to face!
ReplyDeleteThis is great advice, Connie, and it mirrors my experience. All I can say is how much I value readers, especially the ones that take the time to leave reviews or send a little note to say they enjoyed a book.
ReplyDeleteAs far as marketing, Donna Andrews tells a funny story. Early in her career, she was at a group signing, and as a newbie author she had very few readers coming to her table. Suddenly a voice rang out. "Donna Andrews? Donna Andrews!" A woman ran through the crowd shrieking her name, her voice loud enough that heads turned. As she chatted with Donna, other readers came to Donna's table and picked up a book to see what the fuss was about. Donna ended up meeting many readers and selling lots of books thanks to that one lady. Donna's takeaway? Every writer needs that "noisy reader" who will tell the world about your book.
A valuable guide for all of us. Thank you, Connie.
ReplyDeleteThis is great information, Connie. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteShari, the "noisy reader" ploy works! A friend and I were at a signing as readers rather than writers - one of those lonely signings we all worry about. Going on the principle that people like to eavesdrop, I convinced my friend to do some playacting with me. We pretended to casually bump into each other in several places around the store where people were browsing. We'd chat and she'd she'd say she was looking for a present for her brother. I'd say something like "Oh, hey, does he like mysteries? I just bought this for my husband," and go into a quick, enthusiastic spiel for the book - holding it up for her to see - and telling her she could get it signed to make it extra special. That got a few more people over to the signing table.
Connie, your suggestions were on point, but I got a kick out of some of the comments, too. Anyone want to be my noisy reader?