Friday, September 25, 2020

Seasons of a Book 2 by Warren Bull

 SEASONS OF A BOOK 2 by Warren Bull

 Seasons of a Book 2 by Warren Bull



As I mentioned before, when I write I find the climate of a book changes over the course of writing. I usually start with a character who knocks on my consciousness to say he or she has a story they want to share. My role is to listen and type it out.  I am convinced that if my characters could type, they would gladly cut me out of the process. I know one writer whose characters do type. She describes her process as responding to the notes her characters leave her about what she got wrong and how she needs to fix it.


With my current work in progress, I finished a rough draft of the complete book. After that a minor character tapped me on the shoulder and explained with some exasperation the reason for a group’s odd behavior.  Right now, another character is trying to get me to see the obvious, to her, sources of another character’s wealth, which is necessary for the conclusion to be credible. She played a major role in accumulating the wealth. Thank you very much. She believes she should get credit for her actions. I have to agree. And the physician is wondering why I am still puzzled by the genetics. Fortunately, she is determined and persistent. I might have to ask my brother-in-law for help. He will tell you how to build a clock if you ask him what time it is.


Hang on. The characters now insist I need a door through that wall. I have no idea what waits behind the door. Not yet.


  1. So apt, Warren. Our characters do know best in the end. They are inhabiting the lives we are writing about. So, have you discovered what's behind the door?

  2. Our characters rule our writing! What a timely post. What's behind the door? It's driving me crazy.
