Christmas, no matter how bright the tree, fragrant the food, bountiful the
merry the fellowship, would ever be as sweet, as soul satisfying,
that one had been more than thirty years ago….
A. McKevett, Murder In Her Stocking,
(Kindle Loc. 66)
As the Moonlight
Magnolia Agency revisits old memories on Christmas Eve, Granny Reid takes the
reins back thirty years to the 1980s—back when she went by Stella, everyone’s
hair was bigger, and sweaters were colorful disasters. But murder never went
out of style . . .
Christmas has arrived in sleepy McGill, Georgia, but holiday cheer can’t keep temperamental Stella Reid from swinging a rolling pin at anyone who crosses her bad side—and this season, there are plenty. First an anonymous grinch vandalizes a celebrated nativity display. Far worse, the scandalous Prissy Carr is found dead in an alley behind a tavern. With police puzzled over the murder, Stella decides to stir the local gossip pot for clues on the culprit’s identity . . .
Turns out Prissy held a prominent spot on the naughty list, and suspects pile up like presents on Christmas morning. Unfortunately, the more progress Stella makes, the more fears she must confront. With a neighbor in peril and the futures of her beloved grandchildren at risk, Stella must somehow set everything straight and bring a cunning criminal to justice before December 25th . . .
Christmas has arrived in sleepy McGill, Georgia, but holiday cheer can’t keep temperamental Stella Reid from swinging a rolling pin at anyone who crosses her bad side—and this season, there are plenty. First an anonymous grinch vandalizes a celebrated nativity display. Far worse, the scandalous Prissy Carr is found dead in an alley behind a tavern. With police puzzled over the murder, Stella decides to stir the local gossip pot for clues on the culprit’s identity . . .
Turns out Prissy held a prominent spot on the naughty list, and suspects pile up like presents on Christmas morning. Unfortunately, the more progress Stella makes, the more fears she must confront. With a neighbor in peril and the futures of her beloved grandchildren at risk, Stella must somehow set everything straight and bring a cunning criminal to justice before December 25th . . .
The first book in the Savannah Reid mystery series, Just Desserts, popped into the market in
1995. Written by prolific writer Sonja Massie under the pseudonym, G. A.
McKevett, the twenty-third in the series, Hide
and Sneak, was released in April 2018. To say the least, the series has been
a hit for the author and Kensington Press.
Murder In Her Stocking is the first Granny Reid mystery, which will be released
on October 30, 2018, and appears to be a spinoff of the Savannah Reid mystery
series. It is presented as a memory flashback of Granny Reid, who is attending
a family Christmas gathering at Savannah’s California residence in the present
time. I’m so glad that it appears to be the first of its own series because I
have so many questions about what happens after this book ends.
In Murder In Her Stocking, Granny (Stella)
Reid tells the story of her favorite Christmas throwing the reader back in time
to the 1980s and back to their hometown in Georgia, when Savannah was
twelve-years-old. Savannah is the oldest of her many siblings and must help
Granny solve a mystery. But in doing so, the family solves a larger problem. It’s a true Christmas story that focuses on the
fundamental elements of life. I enjoyed the story very much.
welcome G.A. (Sonja) McKevett to WWK. E. B. Davis
every town no matter how small have a resident pervert?
Unfortunately, there are probably more sexual predators
per capita, in both tiny towns and major cities, than we want to believe.
Though I doubt most are as easily identified as McGill’s resident pervert.
Shall we say, Elmer lacks…um…subtlety?
you grow up in a small Southern town?
I did. And in northern towns and western towns and
eastern towns. My father didn’t believe in paying his income taxes and
participated in somewhat shady schemes that brought him to the attention of
various states’ attorney generals. The result was a rather nomadic existence
for the family. It wasn’t unusual for me to come home from school, find the car
packed with our belongings, and be told we were moving on. It was an adventure.
And an education.
I remember mercurochrome, but what is Merthiolate?
Both mercurochrome and Merthiolate (pronounced
mah-THIGH-late by us Southerners) contain mercury, are red, and sting like the
dickens when applied. Seriously! Back in the day, we hid our skinned knees and
elbows from well-meaning parents for fear of a treatment. It was applied with a
little glass wand that was attached to the inside of the bottle cap. My folks
would smear it on the boo-boo and then immediately start blowing like crazy on
the wound to take away part of the sting. I hear Merthiolate was used during
surgeries at one time. (I’m guessing the surgeons didn’t blow on their
patients’ incisions.)
is known for her sleuthing. Describe for our readers the cases she’s solved in
McGill prior to this story?
Being nosy by nature and an astute observer of human
nature, Stella has always been able to figure out “who done it,” sometimes,
even before they do it. But she gained her reputation as the town’s prime
sleuth after she uncovered the villain who vandalized Miss Abigail’s flower
garden on the evening before the County Rose Competition. She also figured out
the miscreant baker who laced the brownies at the church social with Ex-lax.
And it was she who identified the teenage hoodlums who had placed numerous
outhouses (not their own) on top of barns (also not their own) on homecoming
All in all, crime-prone McGilllians worried more about
Stella exposing their misdeeds than Sheriff Gilford.
it unusual for a white Southern lady in her fifties to have a black woman as a
close friend? How did Stella and Elsie Dingle form such a friendship?
Yes, such a close, mixed-race friendship would have been
unusual, but not unheard of. In the small town’s one church, attendees would
have opportunities to get to know one another in meaningful ways, share their
commonalities, celebrate each other’s joyful experiences, and offer support during
life’s trials.
But Stella and Elsie share a dark, childhood connection
that will be revealed in the second book of the series, which I’m writing now, Murder in the Corn Maze. Sorry. I can’t
tell you much about that at the moment.

It isn’t Florence’s affluence that hurts her relationship
with Stella, and the other citizens of McGill. It’s Florence’s need to
constantly talk about it. She isn’t as cruel as she is thoughtless and
uninformed. Never having been poor herself, she doesn’t realize how painful it
can be to have one’s poverty pointed out. She’s never felt indebted to anyone
and doesn’t understand what a heavy burden “gratitude” can be.
seemed to me that Florence would have more legal/financial power against her abusive
husband, Bud, than she realized. Community property, joint bank accounts, etc.
Was she totally naïve or totally powerless?
Sadly, then as now, legal intervention and financial
assets don’t always translate into “power” for victims of domestic violence.
She could have a fortune in the bank in her own name, but if her husband beats
her because she forgot to buy his favorite beer, she has to wonder what he
would do if she withdrew that fortune and tried to use it to escape him. Even if local law enforcement is enlightened
and understanding of her plight, and even if she can get to a phone and call
for help, it could take them five, ten, thirty minutes to arrive. A great deal
of damage can be inflicted in literally one minute during an attack. And who
knows that better than one who has been attacked over and over again?
Tragically, wealthy, intelligent,
resourceful victims of domestic violence are hurt, maimed, even killed just
like the poor, less privileged among us. Domestic violence knows no boundaries:
social, financial, educational, religious, gender, age, race, sexual
orientation, or any other human “classification” imaginable.

Stella’s reputation is mostly based on the exaggeration
of her “attack” on Bud, thanks to the town’s highly imaginative gossip mill.
The frying pan whacking she gave Bud, was two smacks, not exactly the “Stella
Reid Skillet Massacre” that became part of McGill folklore.
That fateful Sunday, Florence had come running to
Stella’s house to escape a beating-in-progress at the hands of her husband. Stella
had just finished cleaning her 14-inch cast iron skillet, when Flo charged into
her kitchen, nose bleeding, terrified, and looking to her for protection.
Stella called the sheriff, but before he could arrive, an enraged Bud broke
down Stella’s back door, intent on fetching his disobedient wife and taking her
back home to finish the job he’d started.
Was Stella emotional when she smacked him twice with the
skillet and changed his mind? No doubt. I’m sure her heart was pounding as she
defended her friend, her home, and herself from a vicious bully. Was it
cold-blooded? I don’t believe so. I think it was instinctive and incredibly
Waycross has a heavy burden being the only male child.
The only father figure he ever knew was his late grandfather, Stella’s late
husband, Arthur Reid. Does Waycross have the ability to talk with his dead
I believe, with his own sweet, childlike faith, Waycross
hears his grandfather and communicates with him. How much if it is “real” and
how much is based on the stories Waycross has heard about his remarkable
ancestor…I’ll leave that up to the reader. And Waycross.
this story, there are seven grandchildren. But in later Savannah books, there
are nine children. Are there “oh, no, not again” issues that will occur in
subsequent books?
Oh yes. There will be a couple more. Shirley’s so fertile
that if she walks by a peach tree, it bursts into bloom.
Stella finds the town hussy dying in an alley behind a bar, Stella shows her
nothing but respect. Is Stella’s faith the reason she withholds judgment or
does she understand that circumstances often draw good people to make bad
I suspect it’s a combination of both. Stella takes her
faith to heart and, as best she can, tries to follow its precepts in her daily
life, not just inside the church walls on Sunday morning. She has also seen
many good people make bad choices and bad people perform virtuous acts, so she
at least tries to withhold judgement. Regularly, she reminds herself that it’s
hard enough for her to understand why she, herself, does what she does. How can
she truly know another person’s heart?
Stella’s daughter-in-law, Shirley, doesn’t want to mother her own children—why
doesn’t she give custody to Stella?
We all have to look in the mirror from time to time, and
we want to like the person we see there. We humans can rationalize almost
anything to excuse the man or woman looking back. Shirley has done a lot of
rationalizing, so she’s good at it. She has convinced herself that she’s a
pretty great mom, considering what a lousy hand Life has dealt her. She
figures, any “minor” shortcomings she might have as a mother are due to other
people’s downfalls, not her own.
To surrender her children to Stella would be to admit her
own weaknesses and acknowledge Stella’s strengths. Plus, it’s a control issue.
She would never give up her control over her children to any woman, let alone
one she hates.
“Most things that are worth doin’ at
all are worth doin’ well.”
Savannah paused in her fudge cutting
and looked at Stella, confused.
“I thought the first part of the
saying was ‘Anything that’s worth doing at all.’”
“That’s for overly persnickety folks.
The truth is, there’s a lot that’s not worth doing
at all, let alone worth doing well.”
(Kindle Loc. 3205)
does Stella point out that distinction for Savannah?
Having once been young and a perfectionist, Stella has
learned over the years that her time and energy aren’t limitless, as she once
thought. She has come to realize that some things must be left undone, or done
with only minimal time and energy, so that one can address what’s most
important. Not everything is worth the resources required to do it “well.”
Sometimes, “good enough” will suffice. And some things can simply be set aside.
next for Stella and the kids?
As I mentioned before, in this next book, Stella
confronts some unresolved issues from her own childhood. Even though most of
the grandchildren will, thankfully, be too young to understand what happened
all those years ago, the mature-for-her-age Savannah will. And for readers of
the Savannah Reid Mysteries, it will illuminate some aspects of the adult
Savannah’s character.
In closing, I’d like to thank you for your interest in
this new series and for the opportunity to connect with you and your readers. I
wish you well and thank you for all you do for those of us who love this genre.
I'm Southern small town raised too (though my dad was the postman, which was a different kind of adventure than yours). Congrats on your new series!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your new series! I lived in Atlanta for 15 memorable years and love a good Southern read. And I write about a fictional small town in Ohio.
ReplyDeleteOh, I remember mercurochrome. It hurt much worse than whatever happened to need its application. Sounds like a great new series. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteOh how I begged for the spray stuff over the mercurochrome. I also have a book entitled Just Desserts--a small world!
ReplyDeleteHow delightful the way your new series weaves and wraps around the birth series. Who could resist? This sounds like a visit to home I won't want to miss!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the interview. Your books have a down-to-earth appeal that makes readers feel at home. I'll be looking out for the next in the series.
ReplyDeleteTINA: Yes, growing up in a small town is far different from city dwelling. I've done both, and I think small towns offer a lot to kids. If for no other reason, you're more likely to behave because, if you don't, your parents will hear about it five minutes later.
ReplyDeleteMARGARET TURKEVICH: Congratulations on YOUR series! :) Isn't Atlanta beautiful? Forests everywhere. The smell of the pines in the air, ahhhh. I love that city.
WARREN BULL: Oh, that mercurochrome was EVIL stuff! I'm sure it was a powerful antiseptic, because it would have burned the daylights out of any living thing on contact! (Though you did get a lot of sympathy because of the bright red stain it left. Everyone knew what you'd been through and felt sorry for you.)
VICKI BATMAN: I don't know if it's because I'm older than you or the non-sting stuff was too expensive for my family, but there was no option. Other than pulling your knee socks up higher to cover your skinned knee, so your mom wouldn't see it and "dose" you. Ugh! (Congratulations on your great book and title.)
KAIT: Aww, thank you. I hope you enjoy your "visit." I'll tell Granny you're coming. She'll put the coffee pot on and bake an apple pie.
E.B. DAVIS: I really enjoyed the interview. You asked such thought-provoking questions! Most original. Thank you for this opportunity and your support of the series here on your great blog!