Do you
have a plotting method?
Not exactly. I usually
start with an idea. When I decided to write Dying
for a Change I was living in a small town in California that was about to
get a Wal-Mart. The town was in an uproar, some for, some against, and the
conflict gave me the idea for the book. The rest sort of grew, and that’s how
it happens with each of them.
the rest of your series, your latest release, Murder By Syllabub, takes place in Williamsburg, Virginia. Was
there any particular reason why you decided to take your cast there?
I took a chance on that one. I love Williamsburg, having
been there several times. That period in our history, the formation years and
all that lead up to it fascinates me. I have long wanted to lay a story there,
but I didn’t want to set it in the eighteenth century. Moving Ellen and Aunt
Mary there for one mystery seemed a good idea, and it worked out.
research the book, you learned about colonial hearth cooking, which I loved
reading. What is syllabub, and was there anything you learned surprising?
Syllabub is a colonial
dessert drink. It is made with lemon, sugar, white wine and cream. Today we
whip the cream, back then, I’m told they milked the cow right into the drink,
which doesn’t appeal to me at all. What was surprising was how similar some of
our food is to what was prepared then. My spinach salad looked a lot like the
one prepared in the Peyton Randolph house and we frequently cook meat on a spit
over a fire, only we use a barbeque.
In the
first book, Dying for a Change, Ellen
is a woman in transition. Why did she stay with her awful ex, Brian, so long?
Ellen, like a a lot of women,
stayed for several reasons. Her daughter, economics, and plain not knowing what
else to do. He was verbally abusive, but she wasn’t worried he’d kill her, so
it took longer to work up the courage to call it quits.
lawyers the root of evil?
No, I don’t think so, at least not all of them. Some of them
are avenging angels to some women. Especially the female ones.
Ellen’s daughter, doesn’t seem to be cautious about relationships. Did Ellen
keep the truth about her first marriage from Susannah or is she just young and
in love?
She kept the truth from her for a long time, but as Susannah
grew, she also started to understand what
kind of man her father was. She and
her mother were close, her father indifferent, so it wasn’t much of a choice
who she would live with, and she really likes and respects Dan.
Santa Louisa seems to be a small
town that could be located anywhere. But, it is on the central California coast.
Why no beach or boating scenes?
The town Santa Louisa is very loosely patterned after is
Paso Robles, where I lived at the time. It is somewhat inland from the coast,
and grows tons of grapes, some cows and horses, and has lots of rolling hills
and huge old oaks. They’ve gone over the hill for dinner, but don’t live near
the water.
Ellen and
Dan don’t seem to fight. Will they ever go head-to-head?
Like the old Spencer Tracy/Katharine Hepburn movies? No, I
don’t think so. Spats, misunderstandings that they will be able so solve, but
on the whole, they understand and respect each other and bitter fighting just
isn’t in their relationship.
My mother was as close as I got to one, but she was
wonderful. I could talk to her about anything and she had a pretty clear-eyed
view of the world.
had many dogs. Will Ellen and Dan get a dog?
Jake won’t allow it but I’m planning on giving Aunt Mary
Of all
the places you’ve lived, which have you liked best?
That one’s tough. I lived in Paso Robles where I wrote the
first three books. I loved it, but when it came to retire from real estate I
wanted to try somewhere I’d never lived before. The south had always fascinated
me, the mountains, the small towns, the history, so I moved to S. Carolina. Am
now in Georgia, which is beautiful but the traffic around Atlanta is as bad as
In Murder Half-Baked, you return to the
theme on women in transition. But this time, it’s not Ellen. Playing a central
part in this mystery, Grace House, a charity, serves women who are going
through transition from whatever those transitions may stem, divorce, spouse
abuse, alcoholism, etc. What is
it about transition that interests you?
I think everyone goes through many transitions in their life
but some women end up going through all of the things you mentioned. I have met
a number of them, some were friends. I did a lot of research on this before I
wrote the book, and continue to be particularly interested in women who can get
themselves out of pretty awful spots.
switched from Poison Pen Press to Camel Press as your publisher. Why?
I had contract with PPP for another book, but during the
writing process I ended up in the hospital
traveled, having mentioned traveling from coast to coast in this country and
all around Europe. But which do you like better, beach or mountain?
Mountains. The beach is lovely, and I grew up in S Cal., so
have spent a lot of time on it, but I love the beauty of the trees, the
mountain springs, everything about the mountains. I’m near the Blue Ridge
National Park and have visited it many times since I’ve arrived in the south.
For further reading about Kathleen's delightful mystery series go to her website.
I now have some more books to add to my TBR list! I love visiting Williamsburg, too, and it will be fun to read a book set there.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing some details of your writing career with us.
If there is a theme for writers who share with us, it is persistence. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to WWK, Kathleen. Like KM, I now have even more books to add to my TBR list. I visited Wiliaimsburg once and want to go again especially since one of my former students works there in some role or other.
ReplyDeleteLike you, I prefer the mountains and all they have to offer; beauty, serenity, peace and trees.
Kathleen, welcome to WWK! It was so good to meet you in Alabama at Murder in the Magic City and Murder on the Menu. I'm looking forward to reading your books.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by, Kathleen! The books look great!
ReplyDeleteIf you do, be sure to drop by the Payton Randolph house and visit the kitchen. Quite an experience. Thank you all for your comments and your welcome. I've enjoyed this.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Kathleen, for sharing your insights. I, too, think the transitions we make in life make for fascinating reading. Thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteA fine interview!
ReplyDeleteI happened on Kathleen's series on Amazon. One of those happy serendipity things. I loved reading them and hit the buy button again, and again, etc. Thanks for the fun reads, Kathleen, and keep them coming.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great interview! I travel through Paso Robles often as we head to the coast. Lived over 20 years in Oxnard, a mile from the beach, now live in the foothills of the Sierra.
ReplyDeleteWonderful interview, Kathleen. I enjoyed learning about you. I have a step-niece who owns a B&B in the uarea and she loves it there. It looks like I'll be adding Delaney books to my TBR stack.
ReplyDeleteMarja McGraw
Enjoyed Murder by Syllabub. We miss you in South Carolina, and I'm sure we'll have more lunches on the border.