Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Good Writing Day by Carla Damron

Yesterday was a good writing day. You know what I mean. Yet I’m fairly sure that if I asked you to define “a good writing day,” I’d get dozens of different answers. Maybe it’s breaking through a plot tangle. Maybe it’s all about word count. Maybe it’s pushing through writer’s block or finally perfecting a difficult scene.

Or maybe it’s a fresh feeling of “yes, I see where we’re headed now.”

For me, it happens when I’m completely submerged in my story. I’ve left planet real life behind. I see what my protagonist sees, feel what she feels. I’m exploring who she is under all those layers she wears to keep others guessing. I so enjoy my day with her (or him) that I lose track of time.  She is a huge secret I closely guard until I’m ready to share her with others. I become selfish, savoring this private connection non-writers wouldn’t understand.

A good writing day doesn’t make me joyous or giddy. It makes me contemplative, content, and satisfied in a way little else does. Do painters or sculptors have the same emotions? Perhaps.

I suspect dopamine receptors are involved. Our own version of getting high.

I’m pretty sure actors and directors experience something comparable. I grew up in a theatrical family (in more ways than one). I’ve watched plays progress from words read awkwardly aloud to performances that soared. I suspect this happens when the actor reached a deeper, nearly magical connection with his/her character. I suspect that is a good acting day.

I have no control over what writing day will be a good one, though I wish I did. If it was available in pill form, I’d be an addict. Heck, I’d be a dealer and make a fortune. It’d be better than winning the lottery. But that is not how it works.

Maybe a good writing day is my random intermittent reinforcement. I remember from psych classes that behavior rewarded this way is the hardest to extinguish. Five days of sucky writing are easily overcome by a single good writing day, and we plow ahead hoping for another. (Real true fact: for golfers, an eagle on a single hole erases five balls lost in the woods). 

So my wish for you: thousands of good writing days ahead. Now, tell us about your version of a good writing day.


  1. I know what a runner's high is, and after a good day of writing, I can't compare the two. I wish I could because then my confidence would go up. If I ran well, I know it. But I've been surprised at times by reactions to my writing. A piece I think is mediocre readers will love. A piece I love, they don't appreciate. The only way I judge a "good" writing day is if I've written a piece (chapter) that includes all of the points I wanted to include and wrote it in a way that I think will appeal.

    I'm glad to hear that you've had a great writing day, Carla. Does that mean that your next book is nearing completion?

  2. Carla, you're right. Directing a production can give you the same satisfaction when all the actors and factors come together. If only we could find what causes the combination to occur . . .

  3. Oh an eagle erases many more than five lost balls!

    You describe what athletes call being “in the zone.” Everything is in sharper focus, yet peripheral vision is enhanced. For basketball players you know where everyone is now and where they will soon be. Passes are sharp, shots smooth, etc.

    ~ Jim

  4. I think you're right, Jim; it's being in "the zone." I recognize that feeling and connection with my characters. But alas, although it does always result in me feeling like I know my characters better and I'm feeling good about it, it seldom results in a good writing day for me. I go back and read what I have written, and it is more in depth character study and anecdotes than it is narrative.

  5. I usually recognize a good writing day when I look at the clock and see that hours have passed while I have been so involved in writing that I did not notice the passage of time.

  6. A good writing day for me is when I finish a chapter or a short story and feel good about it. That it all seems to work well.

    Other good days in addition to good writing days are when I'm finished projects that have been on my "to do" list for eons.

  7. A Good Writing Day (afternoon or evening is closer to reality) is when I look up and notice, as Warren does, that hours have sped by. I've left Planet Real Life (love that, Carla!) and I feel like I've been living along side my characters. That's when the plot moves effortlessly.
    It's the Best Writing Day when I read what I've written and it makes sense. Bonus points if the funny (on purpose) parts make me laugh.

  8. I like the idea of the zone for writers. I wish to move in there.

  9. A great writing day for me is when I can't stop smiling at a perfect bit of dialogue or a line that just FITS after far too much time waiting for it to come to me. It really doesn't have to be an especially prolific writing day. Really, if I only write 100 words but all of them make me feel like all is right in the world (and that 100 words of manuscript), I'm a happy camper!

  10. A good writing day for me is when the pieces of the story puzzle fit together and the characters click with each other. Everything flows and feels right. Maybe that's being in the zone? But, I've noticed this only happens on the days when I'm not interrupted and can concentrate (not often enough).

  11. So THAT'S why I keep writing. Addicted to the occasional high of getting it right.
