Sarah Blair gets an education in slicing and
dicing when someone in culinary school serves up a main corpse in Wheaton,
Alabama . . .
Between working as a law firm receptionist, reluctantly pitching in as co-owner
of her twin sister’s restaurant, and caretaking for her regal Siamese RahRah
and rescue dog Fluffy, Sarah has no time to enjoy life’s finer things. Divorced
and sort-of dating, she’s considering going back to school. But as a somewhat
competent sleuth, Sarah’s more suited for criminal justice than learning how
many ways she can burn a meal.
Although she wouldn’t mind learning some knife skills from her sous chef, Grace
Winston. An adjunct instructor who teaches cutlery expertise in cooking
college, Grace is considering accepting an executive chef’s position offered by
Jane Clark, Sarah’s business rival—and her late ex-husband’s lover. But Grace’s
future lands in hot water when the school’s director is found dead with one of
her knives in his back. To clear her friend’s name, Sarah must sharpen her own
skills at uncovering an elusive killer . . .

As Debra H. Goldstein explains in the forward of Four Cuts Too Many, the plot starts with a jump-rope rhyme.
Creepy! But very effective since the victim dies of a culinary knife wound—a
specific type of knife wound. (To find out how those two tie together—read the
book!) What I don’t know! Like there are methods to knife someone to insure a
kill. More creep factor—but the truth is that even though the premise and method
are creepy, the book is a fun cozy read—really cupcakes and Jell-O are
character, Sarah Blair, investigates the murder of a college official and
arrives at the scene minutes after the murder. Grace, an up and coming chef and
instructor is the primary suspect. We’ve met Grace before as a secondary
character in previous books. A black, gay woman, Grace has overcome a disadvantaged
upbringing. She’s a worthy person to champion, and Sarah strives to prove her
I miss any questions for Debra, please ask them for me in our comments
area. E. B. Davis
cover art of your book, Four Cuts Too
Many, is wonderful, delicious, and colorful. Do you have input in choosing
the artwork?
Kensington asks
me for general thoughts about my covers. I always ask for RahRah to be on the
cover (which I think would happen even if I didn’t ask) and I highlight
something to do with the murder or tied to the book’s title, but they create
something far better than I ever imagine.
you wondered why many nursery tales and rhymes are violent? Were they passed
down through the generations without thought? Were they supposed to be warnings
to children? I never really thought about it before. Have you?
There are two
schools of thought about why nursery tales and rhymes are violent. The first notes
that they originally were meant to be told by adults to less educated or
illiterate adults in a serial type of format. The violent elements made them
more interesting. The second theory, which I think piggybacks the first, is
that the rhymes reflect the political and social thoughts of the times that
couldn’t be directly expressed without the speaker being beheaded or arrested.
By couching the protests or beliefs in humor or silly rhyme, the point was made
to all who heard the tale or rhyme without the risk of bodily harm to the
writer. As it is often said, “A lot of truth is said in jest.”
cat, RahRah, was actually her mother-in-law’s cat. According to her
mother-in-law’s will, would Sarah be able to afford to give up her job and go
to school full time?
Although her
mother-in-law’s will created an animal trust that provides for RahRah to own
the carriage house and a caregiver who receives a stipend and reimbursement for
whatever expenses RahRah has, it isn’t enough for Sarah to give up working to
go to school full time.
would Dr. Williams, the head of the college’s hotel-hospitality program accuse
Grace of murdering Dr. Martin without any evidence? It made me think there was
something wrong with him.
Dr. Williams knew
there was an argument between Dr. Martin and Grace, so he jumped to a
conclusion that made sure not to cast any possible doubt on himself.
knows Grace well enough to call Harlan, the attorney she works for, to caution
and defend Grace during questioning by the police. What responses does she
anticipate Grace will make?
From her knowledge
of Grace’s background, she knows Grace stands up for herself and is honest.
Consequently, she fears Grace will be defiant with the police or blurt out
something negative about Dr. Martin that can be construed against her.
a student who was in Grace’s class and a former stepdaughter of the victim, Dr.
Douglas Martin, is very forthcoming about her dislike of him. That surprised
me. Why was she so verbal especially after his murder? Why would she choose to
go to a college where he was an interim official?
Because the
culinary program was so strong, Wanda was a student at the junior college at
least a year before Dr. Martin took his job there. She doesn’t say anything
negative about him in the hallway after he is found dead, but Wanda is lulled
into expressing her honest feelings because in a situation where she is being
protective and worries about Dr. Martin’s mother, Kait, who has been a grandmother
and somewhat of a mother to her. She also, perhaps subconsciously, realizes
that Sarah is liked and trusted by Eloise, a dear lifetime friend of Kait, who
has joined Wanda for dinner at the retirement center to break the news of Dr.
Martin’s death to Kait. I think her anger, fear, and churning emotions at that
moment are what loosen her normally more reserved tongue.
personal weaknesses the root of failure?
To understand the
concept of root of failure in any situation, one must analyze the base data of
the failure and determine if it is a failure, a human error, or of no
consequence. Sarah Blair is more frightened of the kitchen than of murder. Her
personal weaknesses in the kitchen, as well as her fears after her divorce,
result in her having a lack of confidence (and the potential for oven
failures), but that is not really a failure. She has the ability to grow. While Sarah can’t overcome every personal weakness, she
learns to live with them and to be successful despite them.
can a “no kill” shelter put down ten percent of its animals and still be
considered a no-kill?
That was my first
reaction, too, but as I researched it, I discovered that often it is the
animals who are ill or have other severe behavioral problems that are in that
ten percent. Most no kill shelters strive to be well under the ten percent, but
that is the defined permissible percentage. This is a significant difference
compared to shelters that don’t follow no-kill policies.
was surprised Glenn, the veterinarian, asked Sarah for a date. Doesn’t he know
about her relationship with Cliff, or is it because he does know about the
relationship that he did?
The period of
time that the Sarah Blair series covers isn’t that long. Consequently, most
people in Wheaton wouldn’t recognize Cliff and Sarah as being in a relationship
because their interaction has been on and off. Plus, Glenn hasn’t been back in
Wheaton long and, during the time he has been there, he’s been busy getting his
veterinarian practice going.
Grace lied by omission to the
police. What did she lie about?
Grace admits to
having a run-in with Dr. Martin, but she doesn’t go into the details beyond
what he did to one of her students. One of the subplots in Four Cuts Too Many
is the existence of a relationship between Grace and Mandy. As an author, I
treated them with respect, but Dr. Martin’s comments and actions reflect a
different societal viewpoint. Grace doesn’t feel that rehashing his behavior should
have a bearing on what happened, so because she considers the matter personal
and doesn’t want to involve Mandy, she leaves out any mention of that part of
their disagreement when she talks to the police.
did Jane propose to the college and the city? Would it have cut into
Southwind’s business? Is the college private or government-funded?
Jane’s Place,
Jane Clark’s restaurant and bed and breakfast, took a hit in Three Treats Too
Many from which it hasn’t recovered. She proposes as a win-win that because the
college’s culinary and hospitality classrooms are outdated, the college should
pay her a fee for students to run Jane’s Place. Jane argues the college can
claim a win by advertising to high-level culinary and hospitality students that
their program will expose them to a study/work environment where the kitchen equipment is
top of the line and the hotel side is up to date. In her own mind, Jane wins
because she would be drawing an income without paying the fees associated with
her building. She wants the city to enter into the partnership to give her
proposal and the program more credibility and to steer tourists and events to
Jane’s Place. Because she will offer discounts to the city for using or
recommending her facility and hopes the college faculty will support having all
of its events at Jane’s Place, the indirect impact, if the proposal is
accepted, would be a drastic cut into Southwind’s business.
is the “ice pick” method of stabbing?
The “ice pick”
method of stabbing uses an ice pick or a knife with a very sharp point. When it
is thrust into the neck or a part of the body, the point of entry and the weight
of the stab is focused on an exceedingly small area. Consequently, it is an
effective means of piercing the skull or a particular organ or artery. In Four
Cuts Too Many, this method of stabbing requires
good knife skills.
Martin’s mother, Kait Martin, lives in the Sunshine Retirement Home, as does
Sarah’s mother’s beau, Mr. Rogers. Kait suffers from early-onset dementia. How
did she come to have so much money?
Kait married the
love of her life and traveled all over the world with him as he worked himself
up the corporate ladder. When he died, whether it was from salary or
investments, she was left a rich widow. The money and the assets passed to her
rather than to their son, Dr. Martin.
Have you known any real-life
Yes. When I moved
to Birmingham, there was a woman in the community employed by one of the
organizations to do newcomer work. She decided to add a personal mission to her
work. If a newcomer were single, she would extend a “getting to know you” invitation
for lunch. After each lunch, she’d figure out the good matches and then concoct
ways to introduce the single men to the single women. Although she didn’t
formally claim to be a matchmaker, she was responsible, during a twenty-year
period, for many successful marriages.
Sarah gets together with Cliff, she drinks a lot of wine. Afterward, she drinks
hot chocolate with her twin sister, Emily. Is Sarah more a sweets eater than a
meat and potato gal?
Sarah will always
take pizza and junk food, which includes ice cream, cookies, and, of course,
the wonderful desserts served at Southwind, over meat and potatoes.
says to Harlan, “…but even as kind as you are, people view you as an authority
figure. I’m different. People identify with my lack of kitchen skills and
not-so-perfect life.” Is that the secret to Sarah’s sleuthing?
Yes, Sarah’s
ability to be the common person with troubles and tribulations in her past, as
well as an ability to listen, makes her a perfect amateur sleuth. People aren’t
intimidated by her as they might be by Harlan’s legal credentials.
notices that her mother and sister do everything for the right reasons. Is this
an affirmation of values that attracts readers to cozy mysteries?
It is an
affirmation of the values of good over evil or caring for others that often is
found in a cozy mystery. In writing the Sarah Blair series, I strive to bring
family values and relationships to the forefront.
certain points in the investigation, Sarah doubts Grace and her partner Mandy’s
innocence. Why?
Sarah feels,
rightfully so, that Grace isn’t being forthcoming with Harlan or her. She also
worries that as she follows the money or blood trails that the police chief
advocates, Grace and Mandy, based on the information she has, won’t have
completely clean hands.
ending surprised me—the sign of a great mystery. What’s next for Sarah?
released Four Cuts Too Many on May 25. On May 12, I turned in the fifth book in
the series, Five Belles Too Many. In
that book, which will be published in 2022, Maybelle and George are one of five
finalist couples vying to win “the perfect wedding” in a competition being filmed
in Wheaton by a national television show. To Sarah’s dismay, because the rules
of the show require each belle to have a live-in chaperone to make sure the
belle doesn’t engage in hanky-panky during the show’s taping, Sarah is drafted
by her mother to be Maybelle’s chaperone.