Monday, September 30, 2019

It's Hot, Y'all! by Nancy Eady

This past Saturday in Montgomery, Alabama the temperature reached at least 95 degrees. On September 28, six days after the official start of fall. I am formally registering a protest with the Weather-Powers-That-Be as soon as I find out who they are. I get that I live in a state known for its heat and humidity in the summer and that summer extends from late May through early September, but at this point in the calendar, even here in Alabama, we’re entitled to lower temperatures. Nothing drastic, mind you, just temperatures topping out in the mid-80’s instead of the mid-90s. A little less humidity would be nice, too, but I’m trying not to be greedy. And to add insult to injury, apparently Yellowstone is being treated to an early snow storm!

I know for a fact that we hit at least 95 degrees yesterday because I took my daughter and her friend to the Montgomery Zoo. It was by far the worst trip we ever took to a zoo we enjoy.

I think the lions had the best idea—the two lions, one male and one female— found a shady spot in their enclosure and sprawled out sleeping, the male one lying on his back. Other animals looked at the people passing by and you could just tell they thought we were idiots to be out in the heat. I was tempted to agree with them.

The fashion industry runs on a colder clime’s schedule. This is unfortunate, since few of us are in the mood to buy winter coats, wool long-sleeved sweaters and mittens when it’s in the mid-90s outside. Now if they were selling swimsuits, shorts and short-sleeved shirts and T-shirts, that would be another story. I keep waiting for a fashion designer to discover this, but they haven’t so far.

So please do me a favor, if you’re somewhere with more seasonal weather—step outside, take a deep breath of the crisp air, view the deep blue autumnal sky and send prayers and good thoughts our way for your weather to arrive down here soon.


  1. Weather is so unpredictable, and unfortunately there isn't a thing we can do about it. We get what we get.

    Enjoying mid 60's right now (south central Pennsylvania) with possible showers. We need the rain.

  2. I think we've had a tablespoon of rain during September. Temps continue in the nineties, the trees are giving up and dropping their leaves, the yellow clay soil is baked solid with huge cracks. I am ready for Fall!

  3. I'm enjoying the rain-cooled air coming in my office window right now. Tomorrow through Thursday, they're calling for 80s and 90s. In OCTOBER. It's insane. Followed by a high of 60 with falling temperatures all day Friday. Weather whiplash.

  4. heat index of 100 yesterday in SC. ONE HUNDRED. And October starts tomorrow.

  5. I hear you, Nancy. My husband and I were in Williamsburg over the weekend, touring Colonial Williamsburg. It was unbearably hot, and we only saw a small portion of it. Too hot to want to see much more. Fortunately, my daughter lives in Williamsburg, so we can go touring later in the season.
