by Linda Rodriguez
I have been reading about “idea debt.” This is an
important concept that I had never given any thought to. This concept refers to
the baggage we carry in our minds of all the old ideas and ambitions we had at
one time, in which we've invested great energy and thought, that keep us from
doing the new important things we want to do and should do, because they're
stopping our energy and thought. I first heard about it from Sarah Swett and
Beth Smith, two highly regarded fiber artists whom I respect greatly. They
referred me to Jessica Abel's website,, where she discusses idea debt in great detail.
Abel talks about the importance of going through and
listing all of these old ideas and ambitions, in which we have invested so
much, and deciding which ones we will let go, just discard and no longer pour
our time and energy into them. She talks about the immense amount of creative
energy and excitement that was freed up when she went through this step. I
think it would be a good idea for me to go through this stuff, as well.
Abel also talks about developing systems to support
and bolster your creative work, systems based on your individual mind and way
of doing things. She is an award-winning cartoonist and graphic novelist
(editor of the Best American Comics series
for six years) and art professor, who teaches people to do their creative work
by using tools that she has developed to help them make their work rather than
simply dream about it. She has written the book, Growing Gills: How to Find Creative Focus When You’re Drowning in Your
Daily Life, She has a blog,, and a podcast,, as well as lots of free advice and articles on her
Abel asks
if imagining our future work is holding us back from creating the work we should
be doing right now. She tells us we are doing too much thinking and too little
making. Unfortunately, she is right. The term, “idea debt,” came from Kazu Kibuishi,
a name for this struggle with creative sunk costs of energy, time, and passion.
Kibuishi points out that “no matter what you do, it will never be as great as
it is in your mind. So you’re really setting yourself up for failure in some
As Abel
points out, this huge amount of idea debt not only sets the artist up for
failure on this great dream of a project, but also robs him/her of the energy,
drive, and passion needed to create the project that s/he wants to create right
now. As Abel explains it, “Idea debt is when you spend too much time picturing
what a project is going to be like, too much time thinking about how awesome it
will be to have this thing done and in the world, too much time imagining how
cool you will look, how in demand you’ll be, how much money you’ll make. And
way too little time actually making the thing.” Sound familiar to anyone?
According to
Abel, “Avoiding idea debt is about acting before you think too much and get
overwhelmed by how hard and how important your project feels.” If you're
willing to ignore your fears and shortcomings and just keep on moving ahead,
she says, you will eventually bridge the gap between now-you and future-you.
But when you carry idea debt for too long and your life moves on, it becomes a weight
hanging around your neck and keeping you from moving ahead into the projects
that your creative vision of now needs you to explore. It's only too easy to
become weighed down by old ideas that hold you back from creating the fresh new
work that you as an artist need to be making.
We grow up.
We change. We learn. One day, those old ideas that were once so exciting and
fascinated are no longer useful to us. As writers, we know that ideas
themselves are a dime a dozen. It's always what you invest in them and what you
do with them that makes anything worthwhile. I myself have more ideas, that
I've been listing in journals and notebooks for years, than I could ever
develop if I live for another hundred years. According to Abel, if I kick those
old ideas to the curb, I will regain huge amounts of psychic energy and
imaginative drive. I think maybe it's time for me to go through those old ideas
and be ruthless, weeding out everything that I've truly outgrown, anything that
gives me any hint of a pause, trying to cut them down as drastically as
possible. We'll see if that doesn't give me new drive and energy to focus on
the projects that I want to focus on right now.
What do you
think about the concept of idea debt? Are you carrying around old ideas and
fantastic goals that are robbing you of energy and drive that you could use

Rodriguez is past chair of the AWP Indigenous Writer’s
Caucus, past president of Border Crimes chapter of Sisters in Crime, founding
board member of Latino Writers Collective and The Writers Place, and a member
of International Thriller Writers, Native Writers Circle of the Americas,
Wordcraft Circle of Native American Writers and Storytellers, and Kansas City Cherokee
Community. Learn more about her at
Very compelling. Lots to think about.
ReplyDeleteSo much to think about here, Linda. Sometimes I feel almost literally tangled up in ideas and projects that I want to do. I'll be exploring more about idea debt. Thank you for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great concept! A few years ago I bought a "professional" scanner. That led me to dig out the box of newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, etc. that had sparked my imagination at the time. My goal, scan them so I could search them. The reality--I spent a lot of time wondering what I was thinking when I clipped the articles. They no longer sparked much, if any, interest. I ended up with far fewer gems than I originally thought. It was a freeing exercise.
ReplyDeleteThis is fascinating. I have many aborted projects and find myself feeling guilty about them. This concept might be much healthier!
ReplyDeleteInteresting concept, Linda. I think it applies to my experience yesterday when I went searching for a recipe among the hundreds that I'd saved. As I combed through them, I noticed how many of them I'd never tried—and never will.
ReplyDeleteI would add to Abel's list of things that stop creativity: When someone who intends to write a book keeps on talking about it instead of putting his/her ideas on paper or the computer.
A great concept that might help me sort through all the ideas swirling in my head, most of them demanding attention at some point.
ReplyDeleteMargaret, yes. It is a lot about. It's a complex set of ideas, but I think it's very important.
ReplyDeleteSherry, oh, I really know that feeling. All tangled up in so many ideas and inspirations that it becomes impossible to focus and work.
ReplyDeleteShari! Voice rec software strikes again.
ReplyDeleteKait, something similar happened to me during our downsizing. I had to go through a big file drawer full of folders of ideas and clippings and other ephemera of inspiration. I knew I would have to be ruthless in discarding, but as I went through them, I found that it wasn't difficult at all. I wondered why I had been saving so much.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, Carla! I think perhaps we fetishize stick-to-itiveness no matter what, and that can become really self-destructive.
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, Marilyn! I have hundreds of cookbooks, a huge loose leaf binder full of recipes, an oversized recipe file box crammed to overflowing, and multiple folders on my computer. Yet I consistently make a repertoire of, at the max, perhaps 30 or so recipes, many of which I know by heart.
ReplyDeleteKM, yes! It's funny how non-writers always ask us how we get our ideas, when actually we often have too many ideas, and they can cripple us into inaction and paralysis.