Saturday, September 14, 2024



By Lisa Malice

Wow! That pretty much sums up my Bouchercon experience this year in Nashville. The five-day conference that brings together readers and writers passionate about mystery, thrills, and suspense was more exhilarating than I could have hoped for. And for good reason. It was my first conference engaging directly with readers as a published author. It truly was an unforgettable four days.

Going into Bouchercon, I had a game plan for getting LEST SHE FORGET in front of readers and enticing them to buy my book in whatever format they might prefer. Some strategies worked well to move the 19 hardcover copies of my novel in the conference bookstore, while others may have boosted online sales of e-books and audiobooks.

My first outreach to readers was my silent auction donation—a box designed with a skeleton-theme to highlight the closing scene of act two in LEST SHE FORGET that sets up the story’s thrilling climax. I surrounded the box with promotional signage highlighting my IBPA Award (“Best New Voice in Fiction”), marketing materials, and notice of a “Second Chance” raffle for all bidders for five chocolate skeletons. Visually, the display was unlike any other auction item, one that invited people to check it out closely, bid to win it or a raffle prize, and take a brochure or bookmark.

My second outreach to readers involved making my marketing brochure available for anyone to take a copy. This 4-page, folded booklet offers readers a wealth of information about me and my book: awards, author blurbs, reader reviews, book formats, author bio and contact info, and the first chapter of LEST SHE FORGET. I set a stack with signage in an alcove where other authors had left their bookmarks and left six on every table for the Debut Authors Breakfast. 

My first face-to-face encounters with readers were two back-to-back panel appearances with follow-up book signings. As I offered my thoughts, I felt a keen sense of belonging with my fellow panelists and connection with the audience. There I was, up on the stage, microphone in my face, discussing titles (session 1) and genres (session 2) with a line-up of well-established authors and speaking to readers and authors who seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say.

At the conclusion of the first panel, a reader approached me. “I read your book,” she said with a big smile on her face. “I loved it!” She then revealed she was one of the IBPA judges who honored “Lest She Forget” with the 2024 Benjamin Franklin Gold Medal for “BEST NEW VOICE IN FICTION.”  I couldn’t have been more surprised and delighted!

I didn’t really expect to sell any books during the follow-up signings—Bouchercon had just started. But as it turns out, I impressed four readers with my thoughts about each panel topic enough for them to hand over $20 of their Bouchercon budget for a signed copy of my book. I felt a compulsion to check my stack of books regularly to see if LEST SHE FORGET was selling, but it wasn’t. I stood nearby observing the shoppers and noticed people walk by my stack of books without a second look. I approached one reader as she picked up my book and started to read the back cover. It only took a minute chatting for her to decide to buy LEST SHE FORGET and get it signed.

The encounter made me realize that sales depended on me meeting readers, so I made it a point to spend more time in the communal areas, especially the hospitality room, where I could sit down and talk with folks as they relaxed with a drink and something to eat. My encounters always started with me showing interest in them, their Bouchercon experience, what genres they liked to read. If they happen to mention thrillers, then I pitched my book, and gave them brochures. I always asked about book clubs and encouraged people to let me know their thoughts on my book by contacting me through my website. This strategy worked particularly well with the winners of my second chance raffle—four of the five dashed off to the book room to buy a copy of LEST SHE FORGET and returned for me to sign the books (the fifth winner was an author).

Readers weren’t the only people I encountered with this strategy. I also met two librarians and two book bloggers – “bookstagrammers” – connections which may lead to exponential growth in sales and readership. (I’ll write about my experience with libraries and book influencers soon.)

All told, I sold twelve of my twenty hardcover copies of LEST SHE FORGET I brought to Bouchercon. With so many books and authors to choose from at a book conference, I consider that a good showing. Moreover, my Amazon sales rankings for the e-book version of LEST SHE FORGET jumped more than 1000 points—from 1,956 to 873 (my audiobook ranking is inaccessible), suggesting that my marketing strategies were effective sales tools. During this past week, the rankings have held strongly in the low 1,000s. I’ll follow-up over the next two weeks with those I met – newsletters for readers and authors, emails for librarians and book bloggers to further our collaboration. I hope to see continued growth in sales and readership. 

NEWSFLASH! One of those online sales just blossomed. I received a website inquiry from a Broward County, Florida, library volunteer who attended Bouchercon. He was "enthralled" with LEST SHE FORGET and how I used my psychological background so deftly to tell my story. As a result, I have been invited to schedule an author talk! With Florida MWA's Sleuthfest days away, the conference is a perfect opportunity to coordinate a book tour with Florida east coast authors.   

If you are an author, what marketing strategies helped you grow readership after your debut? If you are a reader, what draws you to learn more about a debut author and their book?


  1. Bouchercon is such an exciting experience! Lots of opportunities to learn, to connect, and yes to market.

    1. Really excited about all the connections I made going forward!

  2. Congratulations on making a positive impression at Bouchercon. As with your upcoming library appearance, you may be surprised with how long the positive tail of your interactions can be. I've had people approach me years after an event to tell me that's how they had first learned of me, and since then they had purchased all my books.

    1. Thank you! The request for a book club appearance so long after the initial library gig was a surprise.

  3. Wow! You were busy at Bouchercon. So many good marketing tools that you utilized!

    1. Great to meet so many people! The only downside of my strategy is missing the panels.

  4. What a great experience, Lisa, congratulations.

  5. Great report and super marketing job, Lisa!
