Monday, October 16, 2023

The Ebb and Flow of Creativity

The Ebb and Flow of Creativity by Debra H. Goldstein

I’m drained. Exhausted. Worn-out. Tired. And yet, I feel pretty good. This week alone, I’ve knocked out three blogs, wrote one 5000-word story that I like, am toying with revising another short story that hasn’t quite come together yet, and thought of a different way to approach the one more piece of writing I have a commitment to turn in by the end of October.

For me, when my writing is working, I get into the zone. Time flies. I don’t stop for food, e-mails, or anything else until I’m forced to come up for air. It’s wild how different being in the zone is from being frustrated when the right words won’t come. During those times, I willingly allow myself to be distracted. Surely, I won’t lose much time doing another jigsaw puzzle, word game, or cleaning out the closet that hasn’t been touched in three years.

These latter times are also when I ask myself why I write. I question if I have it in me to come up with something that should be read by other people. Am I a fraud or has-been? 

My mood lightens up when the words begin flowing again. Even if they come hesitantly before rushing out, my confidence returns. 

That is, until the next time.

Do you ever experience these feelings? 


  1. Yep, all sides of that coin: heads, tails, and the rough edges holding those two sides apart.

  2. Always a pleasant surprise when I get "into the zone" and the writing just flows. What bliss! But it's a rare treat. Then there's my usual working mode--a few hours of concentrated effort which yields good results. And the absolutely won't-work-today when nothing seems to mesh.

  3. I know that feeling all too well. And when it's working, I always expect it will "always be this way" and I'll churn out four books a year, etc. etc. Then the well dries up and I go a week feeling like a fraud. Nature of the beast, I suppose. Thanks for the reminder that I'm not alone...
