Saturday, October 28, 2023

Happy National William Day by Kait Carson

Writers get inspiration from various sources. When I was casting around for a blog topic this month, I hit the dreaded idea block. Writer’s block is bad enough, but idea block…that’s when you look inside your mind and find—nothing. Not an idea in sight. Gulp. Now what? Rather than bask in fear and pretend I forgot my blog day, I pulled out my handy dandy calendar of holidays. Every day is devoted to at least one holiday, and often more than one. October 28th is no different. In fact, two dear-to-my-heart holidays are celebrated today. The first is National William Day; the second, National Chocolate Day. How to choose? Hum. I’ll think about it while I down a triangle of Toblerone.

 First, a word from our sponsor. Do you love Toblerone? Bet you’ve been eating it all wrong. Chocolate connoisseurs insist that the proper way to munch a bar is to push two triangles together, not pull them apart. Frankly, I don’t care. It tastes great no matter how you get your fix. Oh, and one other thing, by the end of this year, Toblerone is set to be made not in Switzerland but Slovakia, which explains the missing Alp on the package.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled blog. National William Day. I didn’t know the name William had a national day, but I’m quite pleased that it does. Last year my husband and I visited the Central Aroostook Humane Society. Hubs was looking for a dog. I wandered into the cat room. That’s where I found an alleged sixteen-year-old ginger tuxedo cat named William. I fell in love. Wee Willie came home with us that day.

The poor guy turned out to be very ill. The shelter workers thought it was a vaccine reaction. Instead, it was a serious infection, possibly congenital, that may have been triggered by the stress of finding himself in a shelter. With the help of our vet, he fought his way back from the brink and became the most loving cat who has ever owned me. William turned out to be an estimated six, not sixteen, years. He is my muse, my shadow, and my evening back warmer.

There’s more to William than merely being a survivor. Critters play a role in all of my stories, as they do in my life. Hayden Kent’s cat, Tiger, is based on Hutch. Catherine Swope’s cat, Paddy Whack, is based on Starlight. Catherine’s dog, Bullet, is aspirational. He’s the German shepherd I always wanted. Sassy Romano’s cat, Jellyroll, is based on Cub.

Critters in stories do more than imitate life. They humanize the characters and provide a touchstone for readers. You can rest assured that William will make an appearance in one of my books. Be on the lookout for a red and white tuxedo with a white splotch on his back that resembles a stylized Holt Howard cat.

 Happy National William Day, William!


  1. Hello, William! I have immortalized several of my cats in stories over the years. Dr. Jessie Cameron's old black and white tuxedo cat, Mollie, was based on my Fluffy. In the Zoe Chambers mysteries, Zoe has two orange tabbies, Jade and Merlin, based on Sammie and BooBoo. The stories help me keep the memories of my sweet angel kitties alive. So far, neither Matthias nor Emma (Detective Honeywell mysteries) have a pet due to their living conditions, but I must find a way to sneak a kitty into Emma's life.

    1. That's fabulous, Annette. I love that your fictional cats are tributes. Emma definitely needs to have her cat find her!

  2. As I have named my cats after Greek and Roman gods, goddesses, and their offspring, I've never had a William. I have had chocholate, however. In fact, last night's birthday cake was chocholate cake with chocholate frosting. Yum.

    1. Oh, sounds yummy! Chocholate is a lucky cat!

  3. I have a brother William. I’ll have to tell him to celebrate.

  4. I live within sniffing distance of the Dove factory, when the wind is right. Nothing like going out to the car and smelling chocolate to make you decide some has to be on the grocery list.

    It's a place that suggests story ideas, too. Not long ago, several people fell into a vat of chocolate. Fortunately, it was almost empty. It's viscous, and they had to be rescued by having a hole cut in the side of the vat. Perhaps true "Death by Chocolate?"

    1. I remember that story, KM - Not sure I could live near the Dove factory. Way too tempting.

  5. It's funny, I never had a cat, but cats are supposed to be in cozies, so I had to interview a friend and then literally integrate her cat's look and behavior in my Sarah Blair series. Because I always had dogs, I added one that reminded me of our last dog in book two. I'm always more comfortable writing the dog scenes for obvious reasons.

    1. I wondered how you researched! As a cat owner - and a fan of the Sarah Blair series - I can say you got it spot on! I also love Fluffy - and the way she was rescued - twice.

  6. I don’t have a cat, I have never had a cat,. But when a reader asked me at a conference whether I had a cat in my work in progress and she turned away abruptly when I said no, I decided I better add a cat to my book. The problem with that is I needed to figure out how I could work in my main character, taking care of her cat, and what she needed to do. I had no experience with cats.
    Grace Topping

    1. I'm glad to volunteer if you need feline aid! This was recently a topic of conversation on one of my FB groups. General consensus - show the cat being fed/cared for at least once a day and always have a scene where the cat gets attention.

  7. How wonderful that William is only six and not sixteen! Shelter pets are the best!

    1. Indeed they are. We were thrilled to realize we'd get extra years with him.

  8. I live on William Street. We should have a street party! Thanks for the tip, Kait.
