He hesitated a moment before shrugging his shoulders, finally
nodding his head and, in quite an inelegant gesture, suddenly threw up all over
the shoes that she wore that day, almost entirely covering them with the
contents of his poor stomach.
If I were to read such a sentence in a book—and it was not
intended to be an illustration of inelegant writing—it would be the last
sentence I read in that book. I would rant to Jan about poor editing and read
something else. I don’t expect to find so many egregious errors in one sentence
in anything I choose to read. A gradual accumulation of such errors scattered
throughout a book has the same ultimate effect on my reading pleasure: it
convinces me that the author is not a fine writer. At some point, unless the
story was really good, I’d give up and choose something else to read. Even if I
got through that book, I’d never read another from that author.
As the title to this piece suggests, my prejudice is for
tight writing over loose, sloppy stuff. I fill my first drafts with the type of
errors I’ve illustrated. I catch them as I self-edit, but invariably introduce a
new problem or two. My penultimate step before sending a manuscript to readers
(or to agents and publishers) is to eliminate my excesses.
I have a list of individual words I overuse, redundant or
inactive phrases I unthinkingly write and other faux pas I regularly commit. I
use Microsoft Word’s search function to find them; then I try to fix each one.
Try 2:
He hesitated a moment, before shrugging his
shoulders,shrugged finally nodding his
head and, in quite an inelegant gesture, suddenly
threw up all over the shoes that she wore that day, almost entirely covering
them with the contents of his poor stomachspewed
vomit on her feet.
This edited version is tight. It might even be too tight and
need fleshing out with powerful action or description. For example, in
reviewing the edit, I probably include a description of the “inelegant gesture”
to show what it was, rather than telling of its existence. However, with the initial
edit I eliminated many of my pet peeves.
All hesitations are for a moment. It is impossible to shrug
anything other than one’s shoulders (although one can shrug into clothes). Two
delaying tactics may be one too many, but a third is tiresome (and one can only
nod a head). ‘Finally’ occurs in the middle of the sentence. It is not his final
act; puking his guts out is.
‘Quite’ is superfluous, and if you require the emphasis, use
a more descriptive modifier. ‘Suddenly,’ rarely is. ‘Threw up’ is ugly, but not
very active; ‘spew’ paints a more vivid picture. The ’all over’ doesn’t add
anything (we didn’t think he vomited a single dainty drop on one toe, did we?) particularly
when we are told the vomit didn’t completely cover her shoes.

I commit other atrocities in early drafts, but I’ll save you
and not describe all my crap writing (N.B. not all OF my crap writing). After I
beat my blunders into submission, the final step I take is to reread the
manuscript and discover errors I introduced in fixing the last batch of
When you read, what sets your teeth on edge? When you write,
what sloppy habits must you fix in your editing?
~ Jim
Short story writing taught me about tight writing. It's a primary lesson every writer needs to learn. But in dialogue, I think writing too tight can seem unnatural since most people don't edit themselves, and there are those readers who like description that waxes on poetic--not me--but some--which is one of my problems in reading "literary" novels. Usually, they are "littered" with too many adjectives and adverbs.
ReplyDeleteI write a chapter probably seven times before I'm satisfied that I've written it tightly and have used the most effective verbs. But then upon revision, I change it again and again and again....and then I submit it to my critique group and they stab at it. Most of the time, I agree with their edits, so I change how I've written it once again.
My son had an English teacher in high school who was fond of saying something to the effect that "You never complete a piece of writing, you finally choose to abandon it."
ReplyDeleteI agree I can always reread something and find an improvement, but if you are going to write more than one story, you do have to spend time in draft one!
~ Jim
I have my own bad habits such as "seemed" and "appears" that are a hang over from writing medical progress notes. I also tend to change characters' names in mid story.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many lovely words out there to use in place of long prharses of ordinary words.