Those of us who live in the often frigid north look forward to summer "when the livin' is easy." No more coats or boots. No more shoveling snow or driving on icy or snow covered roads. No lengthy dark nights. We look forward to those long, warm, sunny days with flowers blooming, birds singing, vacations, shady walks through the woods, fishing, baseball, picnics, amusement parks, sun ripened tomatoes from the garden, corn on the cob and other pleasures associated with summer that go back to childhood memories.
The time of year that seemed so perfect last winter when I was using a hammer to break ice out of the ponies' water buckets is here, and life is blissful, right? Well, not quite. Now I'm hauling buckets of water to my ponies several times a day. After too much rain this spring and early summer, we're now in drought conditions. Instead of pleasantly warm days,there have been many hot humid days with heat advisories, and I hate hot muggy weather, maybe even more than the cold. It saps my energy. And all that rain we had earlier? Well, the weeds are thriving even though my potted plants, hanging baskets and the new plants I planted this year need lots of water to thrive or even stay alive. I can't worry about the perennial gardens, they're too extensive, but I am watering my vegetable garden every day and praying for rain.
I can wear sneakers for my morning walk in the woods instead of boots, and it's pleasant not plodding through mud or snow, and Maggie doesn't come in the house with muddy paws. The birds aren't quite as vocal as in spring, but there are still bird sounds so those morning walks are perfect. Not quite. Because of the dry weather the mosquitoes aren't bad right now, and that's good, but the deer flies are horrendous. Their buzzing around my head both in the woods and any where near the pond make it miserable, especially when they bite.
Speaking of insects, my nemesis has returned early this year. Japanese beetles. Every year I patrol my garden, sometimes twice a day or more, knocking them off into a jar of water I carry. Roses, grapes, beans and my 'Harry Lauder Walking Stick' bushes are their favorites. So far there aren't as many as other years yet. When I get a fair amount in the jar, I feed them to my hens. They love them.
Last year my vegetable garden was a disaster. Too much rain left me with few tomatoes. Not enough to can. And groundhogs ate almost everything else. This year my vegetable garden is thriving. I've already picked half a dozen ripe tomatoes, not counting the cherry tomatoes I eat off the plants. My tomatoes plants are laden with green and ripening tomatoes. They're a month early. Perfect. I'll be able to can lots of tomatoes for the winter months. Well, maybe not. I'm heading off for a two week vacation with siblings just when I fear most of them will be ripening. It's the same with the cucumbers I was planning to use to make bread and butter pickles. At least I've already picked all the peas and a lot of lettuce, and the beans will probably wait until I return. I'm picking and freezing blueberries now, but many more will ripen when I'm gone.
My siblings planned a July vacation so we'd be back in time to harvest and can our vegetables, at least the three of us in Ohio who plant vegetable gardens. Who was it that said, "The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray?" Ending on a positive note, my hundreds of daylilies are absolutely specatacular, the BLT's I'm eating are delicious, and the vacation with my three sisters, brother and brother-in-law will be great fun. They always are.
What do you enjoy about summer - or not?
My favorite thing about summer is that it gets over.
ReplyDeleteI love September.
Fresh produce, but not the insects. Hatteras Island becomes plagued by mosquitoes after a bit of rain.
ReplyDeleteI tried gardening. In the suburbs with clay soil, it is most unsatisfactory. When my son was a toddler, he and I planted peas We watched our little plot grow and then harvested them. Our entire harvest filled his little plastic bucket, maybe a serving each for the three of us (my daughter wasn't yet born). Our front yard is a steep incline up to the house. I momentarily left the bucket on the sidewalk and turned my back to it. He toddled up to the bucket and accidentally kicked it. All the peas went into the grass, rolled down the slope and disappeared. That was the last time I gardened.
KB, I'm with you on getting to September. Autumn's my favorite time of year.
ReplyDeleteGloria, isn't it amazing how all the weeds are thriving while every other kind of plant is gasping for water if this drought and heat?
Last summer I was in New Zealand facing an unexpected heavy snowfall. Now I'm in MO facing 100 degree plus heat. Last summer was better.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of summer, but don't really like hot weather. I miss living where I could grow things! I've been on clay soil for many years now and have completely given up. I put plants in pots and that's about it.
ReplyDeleteLast year in Texas was eerie because there were no insects. NO insects. No flied, mosquitoes, locusts, ants. It's kind of nice to see them back this year. The planet could survive without us, but most of the life here wouldn't last long without insects. (You can have mosquitoes, though!)