Saturday, October 19, 2024

Conducting a Book Talk on a Cruise by Judy L. Murray

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Milton Berle, comedian

If you follow my website news or have read any of my books in the Chesapeake Bay Mystery Series, you know my protagonist Helen is a sailor. Not a stretch since I am too. Yet, as much as my husband and I enjoy sailing, we had never taken a cruise. In 2024, we decided to travel the coast of Italy for ten days to celebrate our 50th anniversary. Yes, 50th.

Social media marketing is an important avenue to reach new readers, and I try to put some of these ideas to use. However, my favorite is to get out and meet readers face to face. These events are time consuming to set up and time consuming to run.

I decided to approach the cruise line we chose and pitch the idea of providing a book talk to their onboard guests. Remarkably, the line responded within days with a definite yes. They liked the idea of an author speaking and were attracted to a book series centered around the water. Now, don’t get excited. This wasn’t an opportunity for a big speaker fee. They compensated me $300 which easily covered my costs to bring my books and swag materials. They claimed 20% of the purchase price and handled the guests’ payments for me.

I was focused on expanding my readership base. This small cruise ship held approximately three hundred guests, a hundred and fifty cabins. They advertised my name in their Daily Events flyer placed in every guest room the evening before and made announcements by loudspeaker the day of the event. I was scheduled to present on their main stage for approximately an hour including time for questions and answers.

For a first-time cruiser, I knew nothing about the mechanics of a cruise ship’s events or expectations.. Would the water be warm? Or would all the guests opt for sunning on the deck with Prosecco in their hands? As it turned out, forty guests (twenty couples) plus a few singles attended. My topic centered on following a dream, the process of writing, and obtaining an agent and publisher. In talks I find listeners like to hear the good and the bad of publishing challenges. I often give examples of where I get my ideas, what I’ve learned and what I regret. The designated hour program flowed into an hour and a half.

I sold at least one copy to almost every couple or single. Was it a ton of copies? No. But another eight or ten people approached me afterwards to ask how to purchase online. They wanted to avoid carrying books in their luggage or were Kindle users. The Ship Events Coordinator asked if I wanted to conduct a second talk time. They were pleased. I declined. This was our vacation time and preparing my thoughts and setting up easily took four to five hours the day of the talk. I did have a second signing before we left the ship.

Throughout the ten days of our trip, I had at least another fifteen or so people approach me who missed the event. I met readers from Chicago, Seattle, Long Island, Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New England, Arizona, and more, along with Canadians, New Zealanders and Aussies. It was fun to hear that reading preferences from around the world had much in common. Hopefully, I’ve touched people in person far beyond my usual East Coast parameters.

What marketing efforts do you find rewarding? I’d love to swap ideas on opportunities you’ve tried.


  1. What a great opportunity you created for yourself and your fellow travelers. I'm glad it went so well.

    1. Thank you! It was rewarding to meet passengers that welcomed time with me.

  2. Well done, Judy. And good for you to refuse the second talk offering.

    1. Thanks Jim, I was tempted but made the right decision in the end.

  3. This sounds amazing, and very creative. Kudos, Judy.

    1. Thanks Kait, I really wasn't sure if it was going to work out. Glad I tried. We have mystery readers everywhere. :)

  4. This sounds like it was great fun!

  5. What a fantastic idea! I'm so impressed!

  6. Terrific idea. Congratulations on pursuing it. When is your next voyage?

  7. What a great experience, Judy! And good for you for approaching the cruise line with the offer. I wouldn't have been brave enough, but maybe now, if I ever find myself booked for a cruise, I'll give it a shot.
