by Grace Topping
writing under the name of Edith Maxwell, Maddie Day, or Tace Baker, Edith writes
a terrific book, or two, or three each year that will thoroughly entertain you.
This prolific writer has a reputation for hard work and a commitment to her
writing career that is truly inspirational. She is currently working on four
separate mystery series. When once asked how she found inspiration, she
replied, “Butt in the chair.”
I had
the privilege of meeting Edith at a Malice Domestic Conference and later
talking to her at the Fall for the Book Festival, based at George Mason
University in Virginia, when she appeared as a guest speaker. She is as
delightful in person as her characters are in her multiple books.
the Malice Domestic board announced that Edith had been nominated for an Agatha
award in not one but two categories: Delivering the Truth for Best
Historical Mystery and “The
Mayor and the Midwife” for Best Short Story. I can’t wait for the end of April to
hear the results.
It is a pleasure to welcome Edith Maxwell to Writers Who Kill.
Please tell us a bit
about your series. I understand that you have series other than the one you are
currently working on.
![]() |
Edith Maxwell/Maddie Day |
First, thanks so much for inviting me over, Grace. What a
great set of questions you put together!
As Edith Maxwell, I write the Local Foods Mysteries, which
feature organic farmer Cam Flaherty, a group of local foods enthusiasts, and
locally sourced murder. It’s set in a fictional small town in Massachusetts
near where I live. I also write the Quaker Midwife Mysteries, with Quaker
midwife Rose Carroll hearing secrets, catching babies, and solving crimes in my
town of Amesbury in 1888.
As Maddie Day, I author the Country Store Mysteries. Robbie
Jordan is a chef and carpenter turning out breakfast and lunch in her country
store restaurant in lovely southern Indiana, and solving a few murders along
the way. Maddie Day is also writing the first book in the Cozy Capers Book
Group Mysteries, which are set on Cape Cod here in Massachusetts.
As Tace Baker, I have two books out in the Lauren Rousseau
Mysteries, in which a contemporary Quaker linguistics professor solves crimes
in her small coastal Massachusetts town.
You amaze me writing
four different mystery series. How many books are you writing each year?
I write three books a year. One series is ending but another
is starting, so it evens out!
When starting a new
book or series, what do you start with (character, victim, motive)?
For example, in my new, the Cozy Capers Book Group
Mysteries, my editor suggested the book group hook and I suggested Cape Cod. So
in a way I’m starting with the setting and the reason a group of village
business owners and other notables get together every week. My idea was for
them to read one cozy mystery a week (which is fewer than many avid cozy fans
accomplish) and then to be drawn into a real-life murder mystery in each of the
books in my series. But then I needed a protagonist, so I decided to have Mac
Almeida own a bicycle repair and rental shop, in part because I couldn’t think
of any other cozies featuring that career. Cape Cod is flat and gorgeous, with
many biking/walking trails, so it’s a reasonable occupation.
How do you make the
main characters of your series sound different? If we were to interview all four of them at the same time how would
they come across?
They sound different because they are different. It just
comes with knowing my characters, especially my protagonists. Of course, Rose
Carroll, the 1888 Quaker midwife, sounds the most different, with her “thee”s
and “thy”s, and I have to be careful that she doesn’t utter language that
wasn’t in use at the time.
Do you ever find yourself
mixing up your characters—attributing habits or characteristics to another?
I really don’t. They are so clearly distinct people. For
example, Robbie Jordan in the Country Store Mysteries is a Californian living
in Indiana. She’s a chef and a carpenter, a puzzler and a cyclist, who has been
burned badly by love not once but twice. She has a completely different outlook
on life than my Local Foods Mysteries farmer Cam Flaherty, an introverted
former software engineer who, over the course of five books, finds she’s able
to relate to people rather than just vegetables (or code), after all.
Do you have a
favorite among your main characters? Or is that too much like asking a parent
which of their children is their favorite?
Yes, it is! But I might admire Rose Carroll a little more
than my other amateur sleuths. Life is already challenging for a Quaker,
because they dress, speak, and act differently in 1888 than most of the
population. In addition, Rose is also an independent businesswoman and a forthright
as yet single woman not afraid to speak her mind and ask questions to get to
the bottom of the mysteries she encounters.
At what point did you
feel you had become a successful writer, or have you reached that point yet?
Have you had an “I’ve made it” moment?
Gosh. Every time I get a box of ARCs (Advanced Review
Copies) or final copies and I hold my own book in my hands, I can barely
believe it. By May my “shelfie” will feature twelve traditionally published
books, some in as many as three of the possible formats (hardcover, mass-market
paperback, large print, and audiobook). Also, when my twice-a-year royalty
checks keep going up, or when I bank a check for an advance, that feels pretty
good, too, as does being a double Agatha-Award nominee this year. But there’s
always room for more success, for more challenges, for more ways to feel that
I’ve “made it.”
With series with
different publishers, how do you handle conflicting or overlapping deadlines?
I am strict about my calendar, and I am disciplined about my
writing, doing my best to work on one series at a time. If two books are due a
month apart, I work ahead. This year I had books due in January, February, and
June. I wrote the January book last summer, the February book in the fall, and
am working on the June book now. But, as I’ve said elsewhere, my scheme blows
up sometimes. I might be in the middle of a first draft on series A, and I get
copyedits in on series B that are due back in two weeks. I drop the first
draft, much as I’d rather stay immersed in it, do the copyedits, and then
return. Same if I get proofs in from series C. The more immediate deadline
always has to take priority, no matter which publisher it’s for.
It’s the competing release dates that are a little bit of an
issue right now. Country Store #3 comes out March 28 written as Maddie Day from
Kensington. Quaker Midwife #2 comes out April 8 written as Edith Maxwell from
Midnight Ink. Yikes! Both publishers’ publicists set up blog tours that exactly
overlap on the same two weeks in April. So I’m writing a heck of a lot of guest
posts, and my launch party on April 7 is going to be Edith and Maddie
interviewing each other. My local indy bookstore owner thought that would be a
fun idea, so I’m going to launch both books together.
Do you ever have
moments of panic juggling so many books?
Of course! But lists, calendars, and discipline are holding
me together so far. And I always make time for my power walk midday, which some
days is also a plotting walk. Exercise clears my brain, keeps me calm, and gets
the oxygen circulating.
What is a good
writing day for you?
To wake up at 5:30 well rested, get my Internet poking
around, blog reading, and Facebook and Twitter posting done before 7, and then
to be writing from 7 until 11 or so. If
I’m writing first draft, I don’t let myself leave the desk until I’ve written
at least 1500 words, which often turns into more. Then I walk, eat lunch, and
spend the afternoon doing promotional and other less creative author work.
Now that you’ve had a
number of contracts, what is the most important thing you’ve learned that might
help new writers?
Write the best book you can. Keep that butt in the chair and
those fingers on the keyboard. Then find your tribe. Join Sisters in Crime or
whatever group writers in your genre hang out in. Talk to them. Learn from
them. Network your little ass off.
With a busy writing
schedule, how do you find time to promote your books? Do you enjoy doing promotion?
I do and I don’t. I don’t want to go around saying, “Buy my
book!” But I do want to gently let people know it’s available. So the times
between releases are almost more important. I get to know my community of
readers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and in person. I run giveaways and fun
contests from time to time. I never turn down an invitation to visit a library.
I promote my fellow authors and cheer them on. And I blog actively with the
other Wicked Cozy Authors, plus once a month each on Killer Characters and with
the Midnight Ink authors. By the time I have a release, people already know me
(or that’s the goal), and I hope they’ll be as excited by my new book as I am.
promotional/marketing efforts have paid off, and which ones were wastes of
It’s so hard to know what pays off in terms of sales.
Certainly a Goodreads giveaway of five ARCs, which I get for free from my
publisher, gets a lot of visibility. I just ended one for GRITS, and almost
2000 people signed up. I pay thirteen dollars to send five books in the US, but
two thousand people have the book on the Want to Read list. Does that result in increased sales? I don’t
What the most valuable thing you’ve
learned from good and maybe not so good reviews?
From the less-than-positive ones, I’ve learned you can’t
please everybody. And that’s okay. And
from the glowing ones? That I can make people really, really happy with my
stories. And that’s fabulous!
What is the most
touching comment you’ve received from a reader?
A fan wrote that she had to sit with a sick relative in the
hospital for some time. She said my book got her through several days and
helped her escape the pain. That note very much touched me.
You write both
historical and contemporary series. Do you find one easier to write than the
Certainly the historical series demands a level of research
the contemporary series don’t. I have to check all kinds of details about
language, train travel, clothing, carriages, heating systems, footwear – you
name it! But in terms of the mystery, the storytelling, I don’t find any era
easier or harder to write. It’s still a
story about people, their motivations, their loves and hates, and the puzzle of
the mystery.
With all the time you
spend writing, do you ever have time to read for pleasure? If so, what are you
reading now? Do you have a favorite writer?
I do read for pleasure, and read more when I’m on vacation
or laid up after a surgery (as I essentially have been since the start of
February this year). I couldn’t possibly say who my favorite author is, but I
was so happy to h ave time to read Deborah Crombie’s latest and Rhys Bowen’s
new WWII novel, and to lose myself in Ingrid Thoft, Fiona Davis, and Ausma
Zehanat Khan, all of whom I discovered on the Jungle Red Writers blog.
Describe your
favorite place to write.
I have an upstairs office overlooking our quiet street. My
office has a rocking chair, a futon couch, and lots of bookcases. I sit on a
ball chair and work at a lovely wooden desk made by a local artisan, and my
commute is thirty seconds long.
To readers new to
your books, which of them would you recommend they start with?
Well, of course I always think that my latest books are my
best, so they could start there (see next question). But to begin each series
at the beginning, they could start with A
Tine to Live, a Tine to Die (Local Foods Mysteries #1), Delivering the Truth (Quaker Midwife
Mysteries #1), and Flipped for Murder
(Country Store Mysteries #1).
What’s next for your
four series? Any books coming out soon?
Yes! As I mentioned earlier, When the Grits Hit the Fan, Country Store #3, comes out March 28
written as Maddie Day. Called to Justice,
Quaker Midwife #2, comes out April 8, and Mulch
Ado About Murder, Local Foods Mystery #5, releases May 30.
Any new series in the
See previous comments about the Cozy Capers Book Group
series! The first book will be out sometime in 2018.
Thanks again for having me. I’d love readers to tell me, if
they’ve read my books, which is their favorite – and why. And if they haven’t,
which series appeals to them most. I’m happy to answer questions all day, too.
Thank you, Edith, for
joining us at Writers Who Kill.
To learn more about Edith (and Maddie Day) and her numerous
books, visit her at
Here is a peak at
Edith’s (and Maddie’s) upcoming releases.
When the Grits Hit the Fan (A Country
Store Mystery) by Maddie Day
Despite the bitter winter in South Lick, Indiana, business
is still hot at Robbie Jordan’s restaurant. But when another murder rattles the
small town, can Robbie defrost the motives of a cold-blooded killer?
she started hosting dinners for Indiana University’s Sociology Department at
Pans ‘N Pancakes, Robbie never imagined scholarly meetings could be so hostile.
It’s all due to Professor Charles Stilton, who seems to thrive on heated
exchanges with his peers and underlings, and tensions flare one night after he
disrespects Robbie’s friend, graduate student Lou. So when Robbie and Lou go
snowshoeing the next morning and find the contentious academic frozen under
ice, police suspect Lou might have killed him after their public tiff. To prove
her friend’s innocence, Robbie is absorbing local gossip about Professor
Stilton’s past and developing her own thesis on the homicide—even if that means
stirring up terrible danger for herself along the way . . .
Called to Justice (A Quaker Midwife
Mystery) by Edith Maxwell
Hannah Breed confides to midwife Rose Carroll that she’s pregnant out of
wedlock, Rose promises to help her through the pregnancy and figure out a way
to break the news to her family. But that night, amid the noise and revelry of
the Independence Day fireworks, Hannah is found shot dead.
a former slave and fellow Quaker is accused of the murder, Rose delves into the
crime, convinced of the man’s innocence. An ill-mannered mill manager, an Irish
immigrant, and the victim’s young boyfriend come under suspicion even as Rose’s
future with her handsome doctor suitor becomes unsure. Rose continues to
deliver babies and listen to secrets, finally focusing in on the culprit only
to be threatened herself.
Mulch Ado about Murder (Local Foods
Mystery) by Edith Maxwell
It’s been a hot, dry spring in Westbury, Massachusetts. As
organic farmer Cam Flaherty waits for much-needed rain, storm clouds of mystery
begin to gather. Once again, it’s time to put away her sun hat and put on her
sleuthing cap . . .
has been anything but merry for Cam so far. Her parents have arrived
unexpectedly and her crops are in danger of withering away. But all of that’s
nothing compared to the grim fate that lies in store for one of her neighbors.
Nicole Kingsbury is the proud owner of the town’s new hydroponic greenhouse.
She claims the process will be 100% organic, but she uses chemicals to feed her
crops. To Cam’s surprise, her mother embarrasses her by organizing a series of
loud public protests against Nicole’s operation.
Nicole is found dead in a vat of hydroponic slurry—clutching another set of
rosary beads—Detective Pete Pappas has a new murder to solve. Showers may be
scarce this spring, but there’s no shortage of suspects, including the dead
woman’s embittered ex‑husband, the Other Man whose affair ruined their marriage, and
Cam’s own mother. Lucky for Cam, her father turns out to have a knack for
sleuthing—not to mention dealing with chickens. Will he and Cam be able to
clear Mrs. Flaherty’s name before the killer strikes again?
National best-selling author Edith Maxwell is a 2017 double
Agatha Award nominee for her historical mystery Delivering the Truth and her short story, “The Mayor and the
Midwife.” She writes the Quaker Midwife Mysteries and the Local Foods
Mysteries. As Maddie Day she writes the Country Store Mysteries and the Cozy
Capers Book Group Mysteries. Maxwell’s award-winning short crime fiction has
appeared in many juried anthologies, and she is honored to serve as President
of Sisters in Crime New England.
A fourth-generation Californian and former tech writer,
farmer, and doula, Maxwell now writes, cooks, gardens, and wastes time as a
Facebook addict north of Boston with her beau and three cats. She blogs at, Killer Characters, and with the Midnight Ink authors.
Fun interview! And congrats again, Edith--on all counts! :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great interview!! I love the Country Store Mystery series. I've had the privilege of reading When The Grits Hit The Fan, and as I've mentioned before, it's one of the best cozies I've ever read!! So much so that I went out and bought book 1 of the Local Foods Mysteries series, A Tine to Live, A Tine to Die, to familiarize myself with those characters, and then I'll buy the latest books in the series. I didn't even know about the Cozy Capers Book Group Mysteries series. Definitely looking forward to that when it's released. Edith Maxwell/Maddie Day is an excellent writer and I plan to read many more of her books in the future. Thank you for such an in- depth interview.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Art, and thanks, Laurie! It's such a delight to gain a new fan to share my stories with.
ReplyDeleteDifferent series with different voices. . . amazing skill and talent. Thanks for sharing a great interview. Marilyn (aka "cj")
ReplyDeleteEdith, I don't know how you handle so many series without getting confused. I started my 9th book in my series while waiting for the cover to be made for my 8th, and sometimes got confused about what I'd written in the book I'd just finished. Anyway, I admire you and your work for managing it. See you at Malice.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Marilyn/CJ! (Marilyn was my mother's name and is my middle name.)
ReplyDeleteGloria, well I do know that feeling. I'll be talking about a book to fans and realized I've written four books since I wrote it, including the following one in that series. Have to wrack the brain a little! Thanks for the kind words, and see you in Bethesda!
Edith, whenever I need writing motivation I just think of you! Your discipline and creativity are inspiring. I love Rose and I'm looking forward to your new series. Congratulations on your Agatha nominations. See you at Malice!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Shari! See you in a month.
ReplyDeleteWhat a font of information for us! I have to admire your dedication and discipline.
ReplyDeleteThe Quaker midwife character is my favorite.
Fun interview, Grace. Edith, WOW, amazing dedication, and what a wonderful ode to dedication. Your books are magnificent, I have read one from each series and now have set the goal of reading them all. See, you have created a monster. Every congratulation on your well-deseved success!
ReplyDeleteYou are truly a force of nature, Edith, and I admire you no end. Especially since you can do so much, so well, yet be so darn fun to hang out with! Congrats on the new book(s), and keep on keepin' on!
ReplyDeleteAs a fellow 4-series writer, I have to admit, your working schedule shames me! I don't write 3 a year, though. My hat is not only off to you, but I've tossed it in the air, Mary Tyler Moore style. Good luck with all the upcoming projects! I look forward to them.
ReplyDeleteThanks, KM! I am particularly fond of Rose, myself.
ReplyDeleteKait, but isn't it the best kind of monster? I'm so pleased you want to read all my books. Thank you!
Leslie - Thanks, and I can't wait for our next time to hang out.
No shame, Kaye! You are amazingly prolific, and whatever works for each of us, that's what we do. And thanks for the hat toss.