Marry in Haste, is
the story of two lives over a hundred years apart, both
the resilience of women in the small town of Endurance.
Kimball, retired teacher, is writing for the Endurance Register and
dating its
Jeff Maitlin. When he buys a huge Victorian house and borrows money
the bank, he sets off a chain of events that puts Grace in danger.
Folger, the bank president, is murdered, and his wife, Emily, becomes
prime suspect. Grace’s friend and Endurance police detective, TJ Sweeney,
and Grace also sets out to prove her former student innocent.
Grace is right and Emily Folger is innocent, who else had a motive to kill the
president? A list of possible suspects emerges: spurned lovers, unhappy
clients, and even family members.
and Jeff also find a diary from 1893 in Lockwood House, Jeff’s newly-bought
Written by a naïve 17-year-old who comes to Endurance from a small farm,
tells Olivia Havelock’s bittersweet story. She marries a powerful judge, and
as a joyous event quickly turns to terror.
Grace reads the diary, she soon sees parallels to the life of Emily Folger. Can
from the past help Grace clear Emily’s name? And can she do it in time,
a killer strikes again?
Susan Van Kirk’s first book in
her Endurance mystery series, Three May
Keep A Secret, captivated my interest. (Here’s a link to my first interview
with Susan.) Her main character is likeable; the MC’s friends, particularly
Detective TJ Sweeney, are smart, and the small-town atmosphere congenial. When
it took two years for the release of the second book, Marry In Haste, I had to interview Susan again not only to find out
why it took so long, but also because I wanted to read the next addition of the
cozy series. Please welcome Susan Van Kirk back to WWK. E. B.
When I interviewed you in 2014, you provided readers
with a short synopsis of Marry In Haste.
Why the two-year wait?
My publisher, Five Star/Cengage, is
responsible for the two-year wait between books. They had my manuscript for Marry in Haste when the first book came
out in November 2014. Like many publishing companies, they are overwhelmed by
people sending manuscripts. Unfortunately, if they have an author whose first
book sells well, that author’s second book still goes into a queue with
hundreds of other manuscripts. A long wait ensues. Now, Five Star is dropping
their entire mystery line, so I will self-pub my last book in this series.
What draws you to the sayings of Benjamin Franklin
(one of my heroes)?
I, too, am a Benjamin Franklin fan, and I
love his aphorisms in Poor Richard’s
Almanac. His sayings (often “borrowed”) tell so much about human nature. I
searched for a saying to fit the title of each novel that would reflect the
plot. After all, my main character, Grace Kimball, is a retired English
teacher, and chances are she taught American Literature. Even the last book in
my Endurance series, Death Takes No
Bribes, is a Franklin saying. I never found a good way to use “Lie down
with dogs and you’ll rise up with fleas,” or “He’s a fool who makes his doctor
his heir,” or “The things which hurt, instruct.” Lots of possible titles in
Franklin’s ideas.
In the beginning, Grace has
returned to Endurance from visiting her children and grandchildren in Arizona.
The contrast in weather makes her wonder about moving closer to her children in
a more moderate climate. Is snowy, ice-covered Endurance a place to be endured?
How did the town get its name?
“Endurance” acknowledges both the
past and present of my town of 15,000. Hardy Presbyterian stock settled this
town in west central Illinois, traveling through all kinds of difficult terrain
to endure harsh winters and create a tenuous settlement on the edge of the
wilderness. The present-day mayor always reminds us of their sacrifices
whenever he has an opportunity to make a speech. “Endurance” also describes my
main character, Grace Kimball, who survived some horrific experiences that only
made her stronger. I put her in scary situations, and so far, she has survived
and endured because of her wits, character, and loyal friendships.
Your theme is spousal abuse. Was there a specific
reason for choosing this topic?
I wanted to know more about
domestic abuse, but my book is less about physical violence and more about the
psychology of abuse. How does a person become a victim? Why does abuse happen?
Why do people stay in these relationships? How do abused spouses reflect
symptoms of PTSD? Has any of this changed in the last hundred years? People I
have known and loved have been in such relationships. That is why I wanted to
understand it better. Now I do.
Grace first notices trouble at the bank. Looking at
historical pictures in the bank president’s office of his ancestors, Grace
observes an important detail, which may underlie the trouble. As a retired
teacher, would Grace watch body language and facial expressions—is this
something teachers do?
It is absolutely something
teachers do. The photographs in the bank president’s office are a source of
interest to Grace because she notices the body language of the couples. Several
generations of the Folger family are associated with this bank. Later, she puts
together symptoms of abuse that everyone knows—it is too often passed from one
generation to another, and it appears across all economic levels of society.
Grace, like her friend, Detective TJ Sweeney, notices body language in many
situations: in the confident bearing of a young woman who returns to town; in a
strange conversation outside a restaurant that Grace watches from a distance;
or in the personality of the murder suspect’s sister-in-law, reflected by her
body language. Teachers observe body language constantly in their classrooms.
They watch for signs of disappointment or discouragement, signs of excitement
when a student “gets it,” or signs of impending trouble. Yes, Grace would be an
observer of body language.

Of course, people can change, but
you’d be surprised how often I’ve had conversations with kindergarten or first
grade teachers about a student I have had in high school. We often see the same
characteristics eleven years apart. When Grace sees former students in her
small town, she is seldom surprised by their adult behavior. It isn’t much of a
jump in logic to realize that Grace spent a great deal of time with accused
murderess Emily Folger, Grace’s assistant director when they worked on high
school theatrical productions. They spent many long hours together then.
Grace’s naivete about the terrible changes in her former student is typical of
her lack of understanding about how abusers take every bit of self-confidence
away from their victims. Grace learns about the “techniques” of abuse just like
the reader. Often I’ve read that anyone can kill given the right circumstances.
However, I doubt that Grace Kimball would believe that.
Letty, Grace’s sister-in-law and cook, is resistant
to change, but her mischief creates changes. Is Letty secretly a wild
Lettie (Lettisha Kimball) is one of my
favorite characters because she is, indeed, a 69-year-old wild child. She is
the sister of Grace’s deceased husband, and she comes to Grace’s house and
cooks every day. (Grace should weigh about 350 pounds by now just from pies.) Lettie
has a jungle telegraph and knows everything going on in town, often before the
police are aware of a crime. Highly opinionated, she believes crazy things she
reads in grocery store tabloids. She begins World War III with a retired
carpenter Grace hires to renovate her kitchen (which Lettie believes is “her”
kitchen.) She is the comic relief that
balances Grace’s more serious nature. Lettie drives Grace crazy, but they also
love each other. After all, they are family.
After reading the late 1800s diary of Olivia, Grace
is reminded of the deeper meaning of the word “wedlock.” It chilled me. Would
you explain Grace’s thinking in terms of spousal abuse?
Grace had a wonderful, albeit
short, marriage. She and Roger respected and loved each other deeply, so she
has little experience with spousal abuse. However, she begins to understand it
when she reads Olivia Lockwood’s diary from 1893. The position of wives in that
period was one of total dependence on their husbands. Laws did not protect
them, and once they were “locked” in marriage, i.e., “wedlock,” they were
totally without help if their husbands were abusive. Olivia writes about a
friend’s engagement and wishes she could prevent that marriage because she
knows firsthand how helpless women become in that institutionalized
relationship. In fact, Grace discovers in her research that short engagements
were advisable back then because a longer engagement might allow the betrothed
couple to know each other better and lead to dissolving the engagement.
That understanding informs
Grace’s actions toward accused murderer, Emily Folger. These marriages educate
Grace and the reader about the psychological effects of abuse, but with a
century intervening between these marriages, will Grace discover that community
attitudes, laws and policing have changed in abuse situations?
Do you know when you start writing whodunit?
Absolutely I know “whodunit.” I’m
an outliner, and structure is key to my writing, so I always know who will get
the blame in the end.
What’s next for Grace and her gang?
My current book, Marry in Haste, has a cliffhanger ending
that will be resolved one way or another in Death
Takes No Bribes, the final book in the series (May 2017). Grace Kimball has
been retired only eight months, and TJ Sweeney asks for her help with the
latest murder victim in Endurance. The high school principal, John Hardy, has
been murdered, and TJ wants Grace to sit in on the faculty meeting at the high
school so Grace can watch the reactions of her former colleagues. Grace—of
course, being Grace—cannot believe any of her fellow teachers could have
poisoned the principal.
It is a nostalgic journey for
Grace to go back to the school where she spent twenty-five years. But death
stalks the halls, and before the book ends, TJ Sweeney will add more suspects
to her list and another murder victim. Why? Everyone seems to have respected
the murdered principal. To add to the bizarre situation, “Arsenic and Old Lace”
is the high school play that is opening during the investigation.
Along with producing this book to
end the Endurance series, I’m currently working with a partner on a historical
fiction novel.
A winning concept. Looking forward to reading your new book.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Margaret. Hope you enjoy!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Susan, on the publication of the second book in your series. It sounds very interesting. I hope we'll see you at Malice this spring.
ReplyDeleteI like the plot line. It makes for a fun read.
ReplyDeleteGrace, Right now my plans are to go to Malice so, yes, I'll see you there since you are home from your travels abroad. Thanks for the congrats.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Warren. I am moving more and more toward adding history to my books. This one has been so interesting to research. Hope you like it.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you so much, E.B. Davis, for doing this interview and reading my first two mysteries. You are the best!
ReplyDeleteA fascinating interview and great!!! cover. Congratulations on your book.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Vicki. I'm glad you stopped in!
ReplyDeleteBest of luck with the second and third in the series. It's a shame you had to wait so long for the second to come out, but at least it's available now!
ReplyDelete~ Jim
Oh Susan, what an intriguing scenario. This book is on my must read list.
ReplyDeleteSusan, it sounds like a great series. I'm putting both of them down to order since I always like to start with the first in a series.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jim, and I look forward to talking with you on your blog site soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kait. I should be down there with you in the warm breezes of Florida, but instead I'm in the Midwest where the leaves are falling and the weather is changing...not for the better, I think. Thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Gloria. I hope you enjoy the series. Ben Franklin had so many good sayings that I could write an awful lot of books!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jim, and I look forward to talking with you on your blog site soon.