Friday, October 5, 2012

World Beaters

World Beaters

My wife was awarded emeritus professor status at the University of Kansas Medical Center, which traces its history back more one hundred years.  I’m not certain when the program stared to award emeritus recognition to administration and staff but 119 people currently share this distinction going back to 1987. 

I met a number of interesting people in the group, which, as a whole, has provided decades of distinguished services to thousands and thousands of people.  I was struck that the people I spoke with were interested in other people, unpretentious and funny. 

Over the years I have known remarkable people in all walks of life, from all ethnic backgrounds, with a varying levels of intellectual prowess and over a wide range of ages.  Most of these are people you’ve probably never heard of and you probably never will. Others have international awards and recognition.  At least one is a potential Noble Prize winner. Some are remarkable for the risks they took for other people, others for the horrors they survived, still others for their contributions to arts, sciences, teaching, healing or keeping the country up and running. Many of the people I am thinking about fit into more than one of groups listed.

Very few of the people I’m describing would come across as arrogant.  That’s not to say the people lack confidence, or lack awareness of their accomplishments. They are comfortable in their skin, competent and self-aware but not “full of themselves.”

What’s your experience? Do you find the real movers and shakers are surprisingly down to earth?  

I am off the grid right now. Please excuse my not responding to to comments. I will read the comments when I get back.  


  1. Not always, Warren--but then, when they're not, I wonder if they really are movers and shakers. People can have great abilities, but that isn't always indicative of character. I wish those people were all terrific, but add insecurity and the great are diminished. I won't name names, but a few politicians come to mind. ;>)

  2. I agree with EB, Warren. People who are truly comfortable in their own skin can often achieve greatness, but the reverse isn't always true. Some can be so driven as to completely overlook or forget about those who helped them along the way, & still others are aware of those who aided their climb, but couldn't give a rat's a$$ about them, both of which are unfortunate.

    But it's very nice when you meet someone whom you would term "great" who also happens to be a genuinely nice person. Those are the ones you truly hope will succeed.

  3. He was at a medical center. Health care providers as a group tend to be nice people.

  4. Congratulations to your wife, Warren. You must be quite proud of her and justifiably so.

    I find to a large extent that to be true, too, Warren. One of the things I'm always impressed with when I attend conferences is how approachable and friendly mystery writers are, even those with a large following. I'm attending Bouchercon this weekend and am not finding it as true, but that's more because it's so large a convention that once they're off their panels they get lost in the crowds.
