Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Killer Questions - The Celebrity We Most Want to Meet

Killer Questions – The Celebrity We Most Want to Meet

Every writer, or for that matter every person, has someone that they would love to meet. Today, the WWK members share our secret dream persons to meet.

K.M. Rockwood - Can I use a historic figure? I’d love to meet Abraham Lincoln.

Heather Weidner - I would love to meet Dolly Parton. She is such an inspiration, and her gifts have benefited so many. 

Martha Reed - I’d love to meet Late Show Host Stephen Colbert because of his intelligence and wit, and because he doesn’t take himself too seriously.

Connie Berry - Princess Catherine, the Duchess of Wales, because I think she's a real person whose personal experiences have taught her what's important in life. If I got a chance, thought, I'd ask her to tell me the scoop about Meghan Markle.

Grace Topping - Jacqueline Winspear. She is the internationally bestselling author of the Maisie Dobbs mystery series. Maisie is a wonderful character that I admire immensely. Since there is so much of an author in their characters, I'm sure meeting with Jacqueline Winspear would be like meeting with Maisie. 

Paula G. Benson - I’d like to eat some barbecue with Jason Suedeikis and ask him about how he developed Ted Lasso. Even better, if we could have a conversation, Jason, J.K. Rowling, and I, aboard her yacht, discussing creative inspiration.

James M. Jackson - I think it would be a hoot to have an evening with Taylor Swift to discuss 

how she finds time to be creative while managing a huge financial enterprise.

Sarah Burr - Although there's a distinction between celebrity and royalty, my ultimate dream is to meet Catherine, Princess of Wales. I've admired her ever since she was thrust into the public eye during her college years.

Annette Dashofy - Robert Downey Jr. because…he’s Robert Downey Jr! And Ironman! Seriously though, the videos I’ve seen of him just being himself have been charming and entertaining. He’s had such an interesting life, I’d love to sit down and have coffee with him.

Kait Carson - There’s two I’d love to meet. Chef José Andrés to talk to him about World Kitchen, what inspired him to develop it, and what’s next. This guy always ends up in places where only angels don’t fear to tread. He’s fearless and committed. The other is Liam Neeson. Tough guy on camera, but wacky third grader off set. I’d love to spend a day and figure out how he reconciles the two very different parts of his personality – or persona if it’s all created.

Lori Roberts Herbst - Stephen King. What a fascinating and sometimes frightening mind he has, and what fun it would be to delve into.

Margaret S. Hamilton- Ann Cleeves. She stated that when she starts a new book, she opens a new word file and starts writing. That's it? No character sketches and plotting maps?

Korina Moss - Perhaps Stephen King since he was influential in my desire to become a writer.

Nancy Eady - I would have loved to have met Jimmy Buffett.  He brought, and still brings, a lot of laughter and good music into both my and my husband's lives.  We've shared a love of his music for years. 

Debra H. Goldstein – I would enjoy sitting down with Hillary Clinton and Louise Penny. Knowing they are friends, I’d like to explore politics and literature with them.

Mary Dutta - Chris Evans, AKA Captain America. I would invite him to visit the class I teach on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I think he would have an interesting perspective on the character, and he’s very pretty.

Molly MacRae - I don’t necessarily want to meet this person, because I’d act like a blithering idiot, but somehow I’d like to visit inside Richard Osman’s brain and watch it writing more of the Thursday Murder Club books. Why? The guy’s a genius.

Shari Randall/Meri Allen - If we're talking about people who are alive, I'd say Taylor Swift, because I'd bring my little nieces along and then forever I'd be the coolest aunt ever. Or...I'd love to meet the Librarian of Congress, Carla Hayden. Once a librarian, always a librarian!

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