Thursday, February 20, 2025

A Plotting Predicament by Marilyn Levinson

Plotting has always been an uneven experience for me. While the basic theme/idea of each book usually comes easily to mind, there are many times in my writing when I have to stop and figure out how to move on. After all, a mystery writer's cast of characters includes suspects, murder victims, and a murderer all of whom have secrets, tell lies, and present red herrings. Rather a complicated situation. Still, I believe those of us who write mysteries have somehow trained our minds to create and resolve solutions that might first seem unsolvable. I've learned to trust the process will reveal to me how my sleuth will identify the murderer, hopefully in a new and unique manner.

New and unique are the key words here, because after having written sixteen mystery and suspense novels, I don't want to repeat myself. Sure, certain themes like friendship, romance, and  family relationships appear in my work, but I want every story to be fresh and different. When I began writing Death on Dickens Island, the first book in my Books on the Beach series that I write as Allison Brook, I knew exactly what the main issue would be and how it causes conflict that lead to deadly secrets and murder. However, the second book presented a problem. I often develop two storylines that conjoin near the end of the book, but this wasn't happening. My characters simply weren't cooperating. I knew I wanted the murder to be connected to both a white collar crime and a romance gone wrong some years ago, and it all starts at a book club meeting in the Dickens General Store's Book Nook. But what crime would fit my plot?

While I don't have Beta Readers or critique partners, I am part of a group of mystery writers. For the past twenty years or so, we've been helping one another with suggestions--from handy murder items found in everyone's home to catchy book titles. A friend sent me a list of white collar crimes; others threw in possible ideas, and voilĂ ! I chose the non-violent deceitful crime that suits my future novel and fits right in with my series. Somehow knowing that, has allowed me to plot most of the novel.

For me, it's the crimes and time-lines that require deep thinking and the occasional suggestion from my writing pals. The problem is never my characters.  Since I write series, my characters are well-developed and new ones quickly take on a life of their own. I especially love to see how they interact and mature, how they cope with secrets from their past.

Plotting a mystery is a challenge. The more books you write, the greater the challenge to do something fresh and unique. To explore a new setting, a unique situation, an intriguing reason why one character murders another. What do you do to keep each book and story that you write distinctive?


  1. Plotting is tough. I keep a pocket notebook of scribblings, ideas, and distinctive character traits, clothing, and hair (lots of hair colors these days).

    1. That's such a good idea. Sometimes I work out plot problems when I'm going to sleep and hope I'll remember it in the morning.

  2. It's all in the treatment.
    Mark Twain:
    “There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.”

    1. So true, Kathleen. New combinations; new characters.

  3. Great blog, Marilyn, and you've touched on something I think all authors of multiple books experience. For me, creating the puzzle is the biggest part of the fun! Well, that and character development...

    1. It is fun until you hit a snag. But somehow we always work out our plot problems, don't we?

  4. I agree with the variety needed when there are several books involved. We owe it to our readers. From my end, there are times that in order to make it work my only solution is prayer.

    1. Prayer and meditation reach the deepest parts of us and I'd think they are connected to our creativity.

  5. I’m looking forward to reading this, Marilyn. Sounds like a great book. I usually start with a crime and write that last scene first, then I let my characters tell me how they got to that point. It’s not the most efficient method, but ultimately, I get there!

    1. Kait,
      As they say, whatever works. We all have our own methods of coming up with a mystery novel that readers will enjoy.

  6. Marilyn, this post was well-timed for me as I just finished Draft #1 and need to shorten, and thus change, some plot points while still holding to the two interwoven story threads together. I, too, am working on trusting my subconscious to pull this off ( ;
    Your post has encouraged me to hold that line. Thanks.
