Monday, February 21, 2022

Different Shades of a Minute of Your Time

Different Shades of a Minute of Your Time by Debra H. Goldstein

Did you ever realize that Chopin’s Minute Waltz is actually longer than a minute? Piano versions run about one minute and fifty-one seconds while Barbra Streisand’s lyrical rendition, which made it up to #23 on the Billboard charts, clocks in at two minutes. Chopin - Minute Waltz (Op. 64 No. 1) - YouTube and STREISAND "THE MINUTE WALTZ" - COLOR ME BARBRA - YouTube.

According to Wikipedia, the Minute Waltz, which is also referred to as Valse du petit chien (French for "Waltz of the puppy") was dedicated by Chopin to Countess Delfina Potocka. Somehow, I don’t think either the Countess or Chopin envisioned his lively tune being given lyrics and made into a pop number.

Is it a matter of What’s in a Name? Revision? or It’s all in the Eye of the Beholder? I’m not sure, but I know I enjoy the classical version for the clarity of its notes and Streisand’s for her comedic spin.

The written word in books, poems, and plays can also be interpreted in an analogous manner. We all grew up hearing fairy tales read by parents or teachers, but for many of us, these were sanitized versions of the original. The gore of the original tales of the Brothers Grimm was stripped for our sensitivities. Later, if you were a fan of The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, you may have become addicted to Fractured Fairytales. Like Streisand’s song, Fractured Fairytales took the original bones of stories and hyped them in a deliciously funny way. In some instances, the subtle humor was more like the original Grimm stories.

Can you imagine if the rewrite of the Minute Waltz had instead emphasized a puppy related theme? Why don’t you try your hand in the comments at a few lines of how the song might have gone?


  1. Very cute, Debra, and I was a huge fan of the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.

  2. When I close my eyes I can almost see the puppy bouncing around. And, due to a puppy's very short attention span, the length...SQUIRREL!

  3. Great post, Debra. I remember, years ago, realizing that time moves at different rates depending on who's watching it and what people are doing.

    Years ago - is that five or six or is it decades? It was decades. But was it two? Five? Does it matter? Fodder for confusion and mysteries.

    How about the Minute Waltz for cats? Here's my effort:

    I want to go outside,
    Spend hours and hours outside,
    I want to go outside right now!
    I'm out, so what, been there, done that,
    And now I must come back inside MEOW!

  4. Glad to know I wasn't the only one who watched Rocky and Bullwinkle - especially for the Fractured Fairy Tales. KM.. I started giggling when I read your comment, but Molly you did me in. Your words brought back one of the summers my mother made me go outside to play and all I had wanted to do was stay inside where it was cool and read --- I thought the next hour passed so slowly. Years later, I couldn't and still can't believe how fast an hour flies. Your Minute Waltz for cats is perfect.... and apparently a nice distraction for at least a minute or an hour from whatever you were supposed to be doing.
