Crystal Haven is the destination for
tourists seeking psychics, séances, and the promise of contacting the spirit
world. In this small western Michigan town, everyone knows the Fortune family.
Rose is gifted with Tarot card readings. Her sister Vi is a self-proclaimed pet
psychic. And her daughter Clyde is…
A cop.
When Clyde moved home for the summer to figure out her life,
she did not foresee that she would end up with a couple of rescued dogs, a
live-in nephew and a new romance. Her family is pushing her to join the
family’s psychic business. Clyde would prefer never to have another
premonition. If only her psychic insights applied to her own life…

Because this is the type of series I’d be
interested in writing, I wanted to ask Dawn about what factors are must-haves
in a fun-read series.
Please welcome Dawn Eastman to WWK. E. B. Davis What’s the attraction to paranormal,
supernatural, or however this series may be categorized?
I’ve always loved stories about witches, or
psychics, and I also love mysteries. I thought it would be a fun twist to have
a town full of psychics and a somewhat skeptical protagonist. There is always a
bit of tension surrounding any psychic proclamations because even though Clyde
has her own abilities, she is extremely reluctant to rely on that sort of
insight. Also, the research was a lot of fun.
What do you think constitutes a fun read?
A light tone, quirky characters, and some
Do you have pets, Dawn?
I have a Bichon-ShihTzu mix. His name is
Rowdy, and he thinks he runs the universe.
I pulled into the long gravel driveway and thought yet again that if there
any dead to wake, the rocks pinging my undercarriage would do the trick.
“I knew it! I knew you’d be home for lunch,” said Vi as she stepped
I wondered how much the gravel driveway helped my aunt’s intuition.

I try to write the books so that readers can
decide for themselves whether the characters really have any abilities. The
mystery is not solved using psychic insight and the messages from the sixth
senses can be either helpful or (in the case of Aunt Vi) get them into more
Clyde’s family, the Fortunes, all participate
in Crystal Haven’s paranormal tourist trade, reading tarot cards or serving as
pet psychics, except for her father—a dentist. Why a dentist?
I wanted the Dad to be as normal as possible
with no psychic abilities. He is tolerant of the psychic shenanigans, but tries
to mostly stay out of it. Also, I wanted him to be able to make a good living
without using any psychic talents.
Some of the problem with having psychic power
is in not using it. Grace, Clyde’s sister “knows” the stock market, but lost her
family’s and a shady client’s money when she failed to sell even though she “knew”
she should have. What happened when Clyde failed to act on her abilities?
Clyde has some feelings of guilt from the
past when she didn’t interpret her ability correctly and she feels she could
have prevented the outcome of some poor choices. Also, she left her police job
after a shooting incident that was a direct result of following her intuition.
In Be Careful What You Witch
For, Clyde has a vision of a vine-covered house set in a wooded area, and
she finds it. The owner, one of my favorite characters, has become Crystal
Haven’s pariah due to her terrible psychic talent. What is that talent, and how
does she help Clyde?
Neila helps Clyde take her talent seriously
and helps her work on interpreting the dreams and messages she receives. Having
a mentor who is not pressuring her to use her talent is very important to
Clyde’s development. Neila’s talent involves predicting the future of a
person’s children, with a sad twist.
Clyde solves mysteries in the traditional
way, tracking clues and putting two and two together. But she also gets
insights or intuits about clues, like many detectives do. In Clyde’s case it
may be her sixth-sense abilities or it may not. Why the ambiguity?
I wanted each mystery to be solved by
traditional means. It isn’t fair to the reader if he or she doesn’t have all
the clues. However, Clyde does get hints occasionally, and it is her interpretation
that leads her closer to – or further from – a solution.
When nephew, Seth, points out Clyde’s
similarities with her mother, she freaks. Why do we all fear becoming our
I’m sure many books have been written on that
topic! In Clyde’s case, she initially rejects the family business, which leads
to a lot of tension with her mother. Also, due to Neila’s unusual talent,
Clyde’s mom is very over-protective, which gets on Clyde’s nerves until she
understands its source.
Seth extends his summer visit to permanent
residence. Why does Crystal Haven feel like home to him?

Aunt Vi makes a bet with Clyde. If she wins,
they will start a PI firm. What’s the bet and why does Clyde take it?
The bet is that if Clyde solves the murder
first, Vi will stop trying to get Clyde to use her talents for business
purposes. If Vi solves it first, Clyde will open a psychic detective service
with Vi for one year. Clyde takes the bet because she thinks she can’t lose,
and that it will keep Vi occupied.
How did your series find a home at Berkley
Prime Crime?
My agent knew one of the editors at Penguin
who wanted to do more work in the cozy mystery area. Fortunately, she loved the
book and the premise.
Any advice for unpublished writers?
Read as much as you can, as diversely as you
can. Write as often as possible. Find a good critique group of other writers
and get feedback. Also, writer’s conferences are great for meeting other
authors and agents.
What’s your dream vacation, Dawn?
I’ve been very fortunate and have taken
several dream vacations! This summer we went to Scotland – it is stunningly
beautiful there. But a cabin in the
woods with a stack of books and some knitting sounds pretty awesome.
Thank you for the interview. You asked some
great questions.