Tuesday, April 19, 2011

White Space or thoughts

Have you ever noticed how your friends and family glaze over when your excitement about your
novel gets you talking too much about your story? They may say, “Hazel who?” And we have to
explain she’s a character in our novel. Then they look at us like, “Good heavens. She must think 
her characters are her real friends.”

But if you talk about Myrtle Sue, Clyde, George, or Hazel to your writer friends, they know who
you’re talking about. They know you’ve been working with these folks for gone on a year, 
sometimes more. And the fun thing is we can make these folks to our liking or have revenge on 
someone we’ve met in real life by making them a character no one will like.

When speaking to other writers I have learned many of them were shy in their youth, weren’t in
touch with the “in” group in high school, and tend to be selective as to who their friends are. They 
have said they feel more comfortable with other writers who understand what they go through, 
the pain of getting rejections, the thrill of a sale or struggling with a manuscript. 

Writing can be a lonely job, but it helps when you look at your computer screen and see your 
characters with all their flaws and know they enjoy spending time with you—on the screen. Take 
Myrtle Sue. She has a family who can drive her to despair. I’m sure she enjoys knowing I, too, 
have a family that could drive a saint crazy. Well, she would if she could speak back to me. Right?

And what about that crazy Hazel who thinks she’s still young and the men should take her on dates.
Poor thing. Hmmm. Wonder if Uncle Freddy would enjoy her company. Oh, wait, he’s for real.

I had lunch with some writer friends yesterday. We talked about having to mix our real lives with 
our writing life. Some of us have to get up at 5 or 6 a.m. and head off to work. We come home tired. 
But we have to write or those characters in our books will turn ugly with you for making for them 
sit alone for so long. Geez, I better get back to writing now that my computer is once more up and 
running so I don’t find rotten tomatoes being tossed at me through the computer screen. 

I like to think of us as still having the child in us, no matter what age we are. Remember when you
were a kid and had an imaginary friend, or you talked to your toys, dog or cat? Wait, I still do talk 
to my dogs. And I guess with all those folks running through my head, I still have imaginary friends.

I find it strange when people tell me they have nothing going through their heads. How can you just
have white space in your head? And they don’t dream. I have thoughts running around in my head 
all the time. And I dream a lot. 

I wonder what went through the minds of those who wrote fairy tales. Some are rather—well, 
really strange. How about the one where the king is counting his money, the maid is in the garden 
and a black bird snaps off her nose. He must’ve had really weird dreams. Or the lullaby where 
the branch breaks and the baby falls. Did the baby crying in their house drive them insane until 
they wrote that song to get rid of their stress? After all, they didn’t have computers so they could 
share their thoughts all over the world.

So tell me, do you have white space in your head or thoughts always running around up there
in that skull?


  1. Never white space, Dee. I have the same problem. When I talk about my writing to my friends, they just sort of space out. Now, we can talk about their jobs ad nauseum, and they don't think they are being egocentric. I guess because my books haven't been as yet published, they aren't "real." So, I give up. Sometimes I'll give them an anthology when one of my shorts appears in one, or I'll email them with a website if published in an ezine. Beyond that, I stay mum.

  2. Sometimes friend will ask me what I'm writing but I've learned that is a polite question like, "How are you?" Friends don't really want to hear, "I've decided an 'and' is too weak and a paragraph break is too strong. HOw do you feel about a period versus a semi-colon?"

  3. Elaine, I know well the one-sided interest-sharing. Even if I talk about published authors that I like, non-readers will look at me as though I must have time to waste, time that they could use. I've spent much time listening to Marth Stewart wannabees. What about sports enthusiasts who can describe every play in every game since 1940? Maybe we need to cultivate the glazed look back.

  4. Too cute, Dee. Particularly the lines about introducing one of your characters to a relative. At times I have to separate my nonwriting friends from my writing friends. They do serve their purposes. My nonwriting friends are equally talented in different ways. I have a good friend who's a chef, another who's an interior designer. They have muses just like we do. It's the ones who aren't artistic and use mediums to fill their gray matter unlike us who have muses that say make room ;)

    Thanks for sharing your white space...er thoughts :)
