A recent Nor’easter caused flooding
along Pamlico Sound. Behind my Sound-front home, I placed my mug of Irish
coffee on the still wet dock, spread out a plastic poncho, and sat down on it. A
candy cane leaned inside my cup. I used it to stir the coffee and took a sip.
The sharp Irish whiskey contrasted with the candy cane’s sweetness. Beyond my
dock, a glorious sunset sank in the western sky above Pamlico Sound. I wished
for calmness and peace, but my work shift on this Christmas Eve day had left me
As a Dare County Deputy Sheriff,
I’d spent months tracking the source of fentanyl-laced heroin, the cause of
three deaths on Hatteras Island. Today, I’d arrested the drug-dealing murderer,
Thomas Carson. I should have felt elated, but my heart focused on all his
The young addicts’ families would
feel no joy this Christmas. Unfortunately, the arrest occurred in the dealer’s
front yard—in front of his mother, Ginny Carson, and his two children, Cassie,
age seven and Tommy, age four. The scathing look on Ginny’s face told me I’d
made a new enemy.
With a sigh, I held back tears,
gulped my coffee, and sucked on the candy cane. There were too many victims. I’d
taken the children’s father away at Christmas and the main source of income for
the family. But, I’d done my job and was glad to get Carson jailed. I’d tell
the county’s social worker on the island about them. Maybe she could arrange
for assistance to the family.
I stared at the horizon as the
sun offered a final wink. Woody, my fiancé, had taken my son, Jared, along with
his daughter, Cindy, to his sister’s house earlier before he went on duty. He,
too, was a Deputy Sheriff. We’d been unlucky. As I went off, Woody went on
duty. I’d see him later. The kids were going to a church birthday party for
Jesus later followed by a sleepover at his sister’s house. We planned on
bringing everyone over here early Christmas Day to celebrate.
Glad to have these moments alone,
I tried to regain my equilibrium and feel peace. Instead, I thought of the
victims and felt tense. I looked at the darkness. My stomach tightened seeing a
streak light up the darkened sky. The streak zigzagged and shot toward me. The
Irish coffee jostled in its cup when I bent down to hit my head on the dock.
No—not today. I didn’t know if I could handle one more thing. Righting myself,
I lifted the mug and drank down the remaining Irish coffee before the banana
landed on the dock.
Standing on one narrow end, the lumpy banana
glowed beside me as if it emitted radiation. Its peel split at the top into
four sections and unfurled, revealing six-inch Pamela, the Sprite of Pamlico
Sound, and Nana, the dogs of Hatteras Island’s guardian angel. Nana didn’t like
me. I watched as Nana morphed from a minute size to her normal St. Bernard-size

“Why is it you sometimes need a
banana to fly?” I asked Pam.
“It’s needed to cross dimensions.
Otherwise, I can fly on my own.”
I decided not to ask about
dimensions and rose from the dock, anticipating Pam’s demand for treats. Then,
I noticed her attire. Not her usual trashy-tacky, diva style. She was dressed
like her version of a fisherman—plastic booties topped by a yellow plastic
raincoat. She looked like an electrified SpongeBob. Her fashion statement made
me suspicious.
“Wait, Sue. We need your help
“What help?”
“Get your skiff.”
“Pam, it’s dark. I don’t have
lights on my boat.”
“That’s no problem. I’ll light
your way, and I know exactly where we’re going.”
“That might not be a problem for
you, but I doubt the Coast Guard will agree with you.”
“Don’t worry about them giving
you a violation.”
I put my hands on my hips and
opened my mouth. Nothing came out. I’d tried arguing with Pam before, a no-win
situation, but I didn’t move at her command either.
“I have friends, Sue. If the
Coast Guard is out and about, they’ll create a diversion. We’ll be back in no
I couldn’t help but sigh. This
didn’t sound like a good idea. “Let me get my hat, boots, and jacket.” I took a
few steps toward the house.
“Also, get two bottles of water,
two bowls, and two blankets,” Pam called out to me.
I turned to face her, but decided
I didn’t want to pose the question and continued to the house. After getting
the necessary gear, I returned to the dock, jumped onto my skiff, and checked
the gas level. “Where are we going and why?”
“We’re going to that deserted
island down by Hatteras Inlet. I’ll tell you why on the way.”
The island wasn’t that far away.
My gas level was fine. I turned on the engine, kept it in neutral, and cast
off. Pam had flown onto the boat, but Nana jumped aboard causing the boat to
sway back and forth. “Really nice, Nana. Next time, just capsize us,” I said,
knowing I was taking my bad mood out on her.
Nana growled at me. Typical Nana,
but I might have deserved it.
“Now don’t start, you two,” Pam
said. To my surprise, she took Nana to task. “Sue’s doing you a favor. Be
nice.” Nana had the good sense to lie down, head on paws.
“Pam, can you find Channel Marker
10?” I asked and pointed out in the Sound. “It’s in that direction. Go sit on
it and light up.”
“But the island’s down there,”
Pam pointed to the Southwest.
“Yes, but I can’t go in a
straight line. The Sound has shallow spots, and we’ll run aground. Not
something you want to do going thirty miles per hour.”
“Of course. I know that, but
since I fly over it, it’s never an issue for me. Will do,” Pam replied and flew
off. Her acquiescence surprised me, but it also made me wary. Pam’s task was
urgent, whatever it was. I kept sight of her line of light, which became
stationary as she found the channel marker. I put the boat in high gear and
took off after her. Nana looked back at me in surprise, but she didn’t growl.
I didn’t want to bring attention
to my boat. Once out in the Sound, the noise of my engine wouldn’t carry as
much as it did near land, and no one would be able to see me in the dark. I
pointed in the general direction of the other channel markers to Pam in
sequence until the closest one to the island appeared. It was a dark shape
within the dark Sound. In the distance, I saw another smaller dark shape, one
where nothing should be. My edgy feeling intensified. My stomach clenched as if
a knife-point nicked it. This adventure wasn’t my idea of fun.

“Pam, what’s going on? Why am I
here?” I asked and grabbed a flashlight out of the boat’s bow.
“Shush. Can’t you hear them?”

“Pick them up, Sue. Get them to
your boat,” Pam said. “They won’t last much longer without water and warmth.”
To free up my hands, I placed the
handle of the flashlight under my upper arm and clamped down on it, bending
down into the rowboat to pick up the animals. The puppy was docile enough,
looking up at me with relief, but the kitten hissed and clawed my hand,
attaching itself to me. I straightened and made an abrupt about face, ran back
to the boat, and placed them in the bottom of my skiff. Nana took charge,
tucking them to her chest. Pam fluttered to the water bottles, straining to
upright one. I took it from her and poured water into each bowl. Nana nudged
the babies to the bowls, coaxing them to drink.
A light caught my eye, two
flashes in the direction coming from the dark shape I’d seen in the Sound. I
wondered if they saw my flashlight, wondered if they thought it was their
contact, wondered if that contact was Thomas Carson. We’d nailed the dealer but
not the supplier.
I took out my phone and called
911. Sometimes signals didn’t carry on the Sound, but Barb picked up after two
rings. “Call the Coast Guard. There’s a boat without running lights on the
Sound. But warn them. I suspect there are drugs aboard.” I gave her the
coordinates where I thought the boat was located and hung up.
After their drink, the babies
were content to sleep near Nana’s soft, warm, and furry chest. I threw both
blankets on top of Nana and tucked it under her sides. She licked my wounded
hand. My mouth popped open in surprise, but I had no time to waste.
“Time to scram, Pam.”
She looked up at me with raised
eyebrows. “You just called the Coast Guard. I thought you needed to stay away
from them.”
“I do. But getting them here is
more important than me getting a violation. Besides, I hope we’re gone and home
before anything goes down. Bad guys may be coming for us at two o’clock.” I
pointed into the Sound. “Drug runners, I think. Let’s get out of here. Can you
remember the markers?”
Pam looked at the dark shape
approaching the island. “Yep—I already knew where they were, I just didn’t get
the channel markers’ significance since I had no need for them. Follow me. I’ll
also contact my buddies to create a diversion.” She flew off.
I pushed the boat into deeper
water and hopped aboard. The engine was louder than I wished when it started,
but I followed Pam’s light stream. The larger boat charged forward in pursuit.
When Pam flew to the next marker, I made a decision I hoped I wouldn’t regret.
I cut diagonally across the Sound,
bypassing the channel marker where Pam sat. My risk was running aground. The
odds were in my favor. With a smaller boat, I might make it through shallows
that would ground a bigger boat, like the one following me. Pam must have seen
my change of direction. She flew back to the boat but kept ahead of me by a few
yards. When she flew to the right, I responded by steering to the right away
from the shallows, I assumed, Pam had discovered. The larger boat continued to
After a few nerve-racking minutes
of following Pam, who continued dodging shallows, I looked behind me. The boat
looked as if it had stopped. I slowed the skiff and shut off the engine. In the
silence, I heard swearing. Elated, I called to Pam. “They ran aground.”
“Once you explained about the
problem, my friends camouflaged the channel marker and put up a dummy marker in
a shallow area. They’ll stay stuck for a while—hopefully in time for the Coast
Guard to pick them up.”
My only response was to nod. I
couldn’t believe my luck or how well Pam was helping me. Of course, I was
helping her, too. But my end usually came with an embarrassing cost.
We headed home. After securing the boat and helping Nana and her charges out of the skiff, we headed into my house. All of our stomachs growled. Last Christmas, Nana and Pam had brought Jared a puppy for Christmas against my wishes. His bed and bowls were lined up between the kitchen and dining room. Nana placed both babies in the dog bed. I got chili out of the refrigerator and heated it up. I poured kibble in the dog bowl and opened a can of tuna for the kitten. Nana got kibble and tuna in a new bowl I placed nearby. I sat on a chair at the table while Pam sat across from me at the Barbie table Woody’s daughter, Cindy, left at my house.
“Great chili, Sue,” Pam said and
waved her spoon in the air. She probably thought it was her wand. “Now to
prepare for the second part of our mission.”
“Second half. You never told me
about the first half.”
“I never had a chance to explain.
The Nor’easter that came in over the weekend caused a lot of problems. One
mother stored all of her Christmas gifts in the trunk of her car. It was
flooded, the car totaled along with the gifts. Luckily, her insurance paid out
to replace the car and the gifts. But Ginny Carson wasn’t so lucky.”
“Ginny Carson?”
“Tommy wanted a puppy and Cassie
wanted a kitten. Ginny was trying to keep the pets a secret so she kept them in
their boathouse. They nested down in that old rowboat, but when the flooding
occurred, the rowboat got loose with them in it. Ginny’s been frantic worrying
about them. So, we rescued the pets. The only thing we have to do now is get
them over to her so the kids get their Christmas wishes, and she can stop
“To Ginny Carson’s?” My voice was
probably a pitch higher than normal.
Pam raised her eyebrows again.
“Problem, dear?”
“I just arrested her son. I’m not
her favorite person right now.”
“Pish-posh, Sue. She’ll be happy
once she sees the pets. But I’ve arranged a job for her at a real estate
company starting after the holidays so the money issue will be lessened.”
“She’s still won’t want me at her
Pam had taken off her raincoat to
eat. Forehead in a pucker, she groped her sides. The sparkling red Las Vegas gown
that had been covered by the raincoat seemed too tight for pockets, but she
pulled out her wand, smiled and said, “Problem solved.” Pam flew next to me and
clunked me in the head with her wand.
She waved off my complaint and said,
to transform her into Mrs. Claus.
So she can deliver all eight
“What? Wait!” But the
transformation occurred before I could say more. My waistline expanded. My
cheeks felt fat. My ankles thickened. I waddled into the bathroom to see what
had happened. In the mirror, a little old lady stood. The hat on her head was
red with a white band above chubby, rosy cheeks. A white pompom decorated the
bottom of its triangular shape. A Santa suit stretched over her fat, squat
body. I couldn’t externalize it anymore. I was her, Mrs. Claus. “Pam!” I yelled
and shuffled back to the table.
“Well it’s the perfect solution.
You said you can’t go to the Carson’s, but Mrs. Claus can go.” She thrust out
her hands toward me. “Perfect.”
“Why can’t you just give them
Pam looked at me as if I were an idiot. “He’s
busy tonight.” She turned to the door. “Now come along, we have to make this
look as real as possible just in case the children are still awake.”
We went out my front door to the
driveway. “What are we doing?”

“Cool! Let me start it up.”
“No dice, Sue. All Christmas vehicles have to
be powered by magic. Rules, you know.” Pam put two fingers in her mouth and
whistled a loud blast. I heard rustling in the trees.
Three large bucks emerged, one I
had become acquainted with before. “No, not Buck.”
“He doesn’t have to be your date
this time. He and his friends, Randy and Dandy, will pull the dune buggy to the
“Buck, Randy, and Dandy. I’m not
asking how they got those names.”
“Better off if you didn’t, dear.”
“Come on, let’s gather up the troops.”
After tucking a blanket around Nana
and the pets in the backseat of the dune buggy, Pam harnessed the three deer to
my “sleigh.” Buck was in the front with Randy and Dandy side-by-side near the
buggy. I took hold of the reins and shook them. “Come on, Buck, pull!”
Buck looked at me. Recognition
dawned on his face. He got a goofy look in his eye and circled around to me.
The dune buggy circled round and round. “Pam!”
“Buck, behave yourself.” Pam
shook the reins. Buck stopped circling but he also didn’t move.
Having worked with and been embarrassed
by Buck before, I knew of only one sure-fire way to tame the beast. I climbed
out, went into the house, and got a bowl of Chex mix. “Can you hold the bowl
while I steer?”
Pam sighed. “It never used to be
like this. Now, everyone wants something or nothing happens. No sense of
community.” She grabbed the bowl and flew in front of Buck, who walked toward
the bowl with his snout quivering. Pam continued grousing, “Now it used to be…”
I tuned out Pam’s rambling talk
as we got on Route 12 and headed north. In Buxton, we stopped in front of the
Carson’s house. Pam flew over to the house and tapped on the door with her
Ginny opened the door, looking at
the dune buggy. I got out and motioned to her to come out. Before she took a
step, two little people emerged behind her and ran down the sidewalk to the
dune buggy.
“Ho, ho, ho!” I said. My Mrs. Claus-self
seemed in tune with the role. I even chuckled. Ginny walked up the sidewalk, a
skeptical look on her face. I couldn’t blame her and hoped once she saw the
gifts her spirits would lift. “Santa told me an item on your Christmas Wish
List needed a special delivery he entrusted me to do. Now Tommy, what was your
biggest wish for?”
“A puppy!” he said while jumping
up and down.
I bent into the backseat, took
the puppy in my hands, and offered Tommy the dog. Tommy squealed with delight
and held the puppy. I heard Ginny gasp.
“Where did you find him?”
I gave her a wink. “The North
Pole, of course.” Turning to Cassie, I asked, “And what was your wish?”
A few years older, Cassie was
cynical. She put her hands on her hips. “A kitten. You have one for me?”
I took the kitten from Nana.
“Yep, I do have a kitten for you, but you have to promise to take care of it.”
I placed the kitten in her hands.
Innocence reclaimed the child. Tears
formed in her eyes. She said a quiet, “Thank you.”
“Take the puppy and the kitten to
the veterinarian in a few days. It won’t cost anything.” Not after I called
George, the vet, and bribed him. “They have pet food at the food bank, too.
“Okay.” Cassie walked back to the
house with her brother.
Life could be too hard for some
children. Everyone needed to win sometimes. I watched as Cassie closed the door
and then turned to Ginny.
“Where did you find them? And
don’t get all Mrs. Claus on me, Deputy Sue. Can’t fool me.”
“Someone told me what happened. I
was out on my skiff and found them in an old rowboat on the deserted island
near the inlet.”
Ginny let out a gasp. “Oh, my
Lord. If you hadn’t found them, they would have died, and the kids would have
been devastated. So far, the season hasn’t been very merry.”
“I know. I’m sorry I had to
arrest your son.”
“Not my son. I don’t have a son.
That was my daughter’s husband. Not that I know where she is, but at least she
isn’t with him. He dumped the kids on me and took off for weeks at a time. Of
course, I had my suspicions.”
“You aren’t mad at me? You sure
looked mad.”
“Yeah. I just didn’t like that it
happened in front of the kids.”
“No—I didn’t like that either.
Wish it hadn’t happened. But I had to do it.”
“I know, it was for the best.
Cassie and Tommy were afraid of him and his friends who would drop by. We’ll be
much better off without him around.”
“I hope so.”
“I got news today that I have a
job after the New Year with a real estate company.”
“That’s great.” I smiled at her.
“I won’t keep you. Have a Merry Christmas.”
“You, too, Sue.”
Ginny disappeared into the house.
I wrapped the blanket around Nana and picked up the reins. A patrol car drove
past. Woody stuck his head out the window and stared, his mouth dropped open,
and he hit the brakes. “Sue?”
“Mrs. Claus to you, sonny.” I
smiled. “On Buck, on Randy, on Dandy, down Route 12, to the bottom of Buxton,
to the middle of Frisco, now dash away all.” To my shock, they did as I’d
asked. I waved goodbye to Woody, who continued to stare at me as I left.
When I got back to my house, Pam
was already there. After letting Buck, Randy, and Dandy go, Pam turned to me
and reversed the transformation. “That went well tonight.”
She’d actually changed me back. I
was thrilled. “All except getting caught by Woody.”
“Nope that was according to plan,
I was about to protest when I saw
lights in the driveway.
“Tootles, Sue. Have a great
“Thanks, Pam. You and Nana have a
wonderful Christmas, too.”
Pam waved, swished her wand,
miniaturizing Nana, and together they zipped into the banana and disappeared
into the night sky over Pamlico Sound. I slipped into the house.
Woody knocked on the door moments
later. To divert him, I opened the door and asked him a question. “Did they
catch the drug smugglers?”
“Yep. They were beached like
whales in some shallows. I talked to Barb. How did you know where they were?”
“A little fairy told me.”
“Really. A fairy. But what
happened later—that was amazing,” he said.
“I had just wished to grow old
with you, and then you appeared looking old. And just like Mrs. Claus. What
could be better?”
“Grow old with me. The best is
yet to come,” I said, paraphrasing Browning.
“Exactly,” Wood said, smiling.
“Merry Christmas, Woody.”
He shook his head. “I don’t know
how you transform like that, and why does it always fulfill a wish I had?”
I shrugged my shoulders and
grinned. That would remain my secret.
“Merry Christmas, Sue.” Woody
pulled me into a hug, and I found the peace I had wished for.
The End
Your Christmas stories with Pam and Buck are always a fun read! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
ReplyDeleteI always look forward to Sue, Woody, and Pam for Christmas! Thank you, EB! Wishing you and your family a wonderful (and maybe not so magical) Christmas and new year.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the magical Christmas story, EB. I love these characters and look forward to them every year. Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteThanks Margaret, Shari, and Kara (good to see you back!). I love Christmas for its innocence. The birth of a child and the celebration of children. For that reason, I always must have a happily ever after ending with some fairy tale embellishments. Tis the season and all that. Have a wonderful holiday!
ReplyDeleteI loved this Christmas story with Sue, Pam and Nana. I'm glad to see them back.
Comfortable satisfying Christmas story. Glad to see the familiar characters back again! Thanks for sharing. And great pictures--especially the one of Nana.
ReplyDeleteI love visiting with these characters every year. I hope you are considering an anthology just for them!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Gloria, KM, and Kait. I love writing happy holiday stories. Guess I'm a sap or a sucker, but I still hear the bell. You gotta believe!