I sat on the dock behind my house gazing at the starlit sky. The
dark waters of Pamlico Sound slushed by the dock’s pilings. Unwanted images of
a young woman invaded my mind. She had gasped for breath and held her chest. EMTs
worked, trying to save her life. Then, her body went slack. The
technicians’ efforts were futile. Her stillness confirmed what my foreboding
had warned. This time someone had died.
I hugged my knees to my chest, wrapping my
arms around my legs, and squeezed. Was it an effort to comfort myself or release
my frustration? The young woman’s death earlier in the evening was as
self-inflicted as suicide but unintentionally so. A line of cocaine, a heart
attack in the making. A girl’s whim at a party killed her. I’d asked her
friends and family, but no one knew how she got the coke or where she’d been. It
was going on eleven. I wondered if the killer cocaine party had continued
somewhere on the island. Those attending, ignorant of her death.
My eight-year-old son was with my ex in
Norfolk celebrating Christmas a week early. In coming years, would I face what
that young woman’s parents now faced? Could I prevent that from happening? I
looked up at the stars, made a wish, and rubbed a tear running down my face
against my jeans.
Wishing was silly of me. As a Dare County
Deputy Sheriff on Hatteras Island, I’d made my peace with reality. As a
divorced single mother, I’d done the same. I could only do my best as a mother
and as the island’s only criminal investigator. Most of our crimes involved
alcohol abuse, unfortunate domestic situations, B & E, and traffic
violations. But drugs happened everywhere. The young woman hadn’t been the only
When the first incident occurred, putting a
young man in the Nags Head hospital, he’d admitted to using coke. But he
claimed the stuff came from Raleigh. The second time, the victim had suffered a
heart attack but recovered. She wouldn’t talk to me. I’d asked around. Friends
said she hadn’t been off-island for a long time. No one could or would tell me
the source of the cocaine. The third victim’s friend, whom I’d found sitting in
the hospital waiting room, told me she didn’t know who had sold the coke, but
the seller was a local. Someone in my jurisdiction was dealing.
I’d talked with the task force in Manteo, but
they couldn’t help. Their people were already stretched until after the holiday.
A week to go before Christmas Eve parties followed by New Year’s Eve parties.
Fearing another death and thinking of loved ones’ grief, I wanted to nail that
dealer. I stared at the stars, pondering my cocaine investigation, when my eyes
caught something moving in the sky—a falling star, an aircraft?
A pinpoint of light descended and circled,
lowering in the sky. I sat up and crossed my legs against the dock, stretching
my back upright. Now in the moment, all my senses were on alert. As the light
stream neared, I stood up and felt for the phantom gun on my hip. The light touched
down on the dock beside me. I eyeballed the light with a mixture of awe and trepidation.
The light peeled itself a section at a time,
like a banana undressing. Inside a tiny woman stood. Aglow, she stepped out
onto the deck. Tinker Bell? I had to be dreaming and pinched myself. Could I
dream the pain I felt? Sure. Before I could think up another test that would
actually prove something, the woman advanced. Her attitude was visible from her
strut, hands-on-hip stance, and sour facial expression. Could I dream up a
fairy combination of Melissa McCarthy, Rosie O’Donnell, and Roseanne Barr?
Maybe in a nightmare.
“Okay,” she said, her voice was low in pitch,
not the least bit how I imagined a fairy would sound. “What’tal it be?” She
sounded like a bartender.
“Huh,” I said.
“You’ll have to do better than that, doll.”
She heaved a sigh, crossing her arms over her chest and looking disgusted by my
lame answer. A trench coat, cinched by a belt across her bulky waist, covered
her body. Clad in high-heeled booties, she was no Tinker Bell or fairy
Godmother, more like a feminine mob Godfather. Her expression told me I hadn’t
fulfilled her expectations. I hoped no beach ponies died tonight.
“What?” My confusion and disbelief must have
“Your wish. What was your wish?”
What was she talking about? I had to regroup.
Her sudden appearance, breezing in from the sky and demanding answers, had
severed my thoughts. I took a moment to stare at her, questioning my senses.
“Look, I haven’t got all night. You made a
wish. For it to be passed on by the Powers That Be, it must have been
important. But if you can’t even remember it, how the hell am I supposed to
grant it?” She stopped ranting and tilted her head. “What’s your name?”
“Sue,” she said, clenching her fists and
standing as tall as a four-incher could. “You incredulous humans get my goat.
Why wish if you don’t believe?”
My jaw dropped. She rolled her eyes and shook
her head. “You got any swamp water, Sue?”
“Swamp water?” I turned to the right and
nodded toward the marsh.
Whiskey? I visualized a top cabinet in my
kitchen, one my son couldn’t reach even with a chair. “Bourbon—Evan Williams.”
“Nice. Go into your house and get a shot. She
narrowed her eyes at me. Make it a double. Cut a bar straw in fourths and bring
one part out with you.”
I slipped into my house and did as she asked.
If all of this were my imaginings, a morning hangover was the worst I’d suffer.
Been there, done that. I sat back down on the dock and placed the glass of whiskey
and straw beside me. She was still there, tapping her bootie on the wooden
She took the clipped straw, dipped it in the whiskey,
and took a sip. “Hits the spot!” Turning to me, she added, “Have a sip, Sue.
You need it.”
I lifted the glass to my mouth and took a
sip, too. It burned on the way down, clarifying my muddled thoughts. She was
right. It tasted very good.
She pointed the straw at me and asked, “Do
you remember your wish?”
“Who are you? What are you?” I shook my head
and figured she’d say—a figment of my imagination.
“I’m a Sound Sprite.”
“As in Pamlico Sound?”
“Yep, that’s my name, too, Pam—that’s how
wishes are divvied out—by region.”
“Pam, the Sound Sprite.”
“More formally, Pamela, the Sprite of Pamlico
Sound.” She bowed, pranced around, put her dukes up as if she were in the ring,
and then turned to dip her straw into the whiskey. She smacked her lips. “I
have quite a reputation to uphold. I didn’t bother translating the Spirit of
Christmas’s message. Getting it first hand is better. What was your wish?”
Equilibrium restored, I remembered my wish. “I’m
a law enforcement officer. I want to arrest whoever is selling killer cocaine
on the island. People are dying.”
“Got any suspects?”
“None, but it’s a local.”
“Got any
leads?” she asked, as if I hadn’t done my homework. She was starting to annoy
“The victim was dressed like she’d gone to a
party. Someone must have driven her home, called nine-one-one, and vamoosed. Cocaine
and parties go together. The party could have been in some local’s home, but I called
some of the property management companies on the island. There are two houses
nearby rented for the holidays by locals. One’s a photographer. He works
freelance for those companies on their rental-house catalogs. How would he have
the money to rent a big house? Makes me favor him as the suspect. The other
owns a spa and pool service company.”
“Have you checked them out?”
“I was thinking of scouting those houses
before you arrived, but everyone knows me. I’m afraid I’ll scare them off,
which is why I asked for an off-island task force’s help. But they won’t be
available until after the holidays.”
Pam asked me the location of the first house.
After I told her, she said, “I’ll do recon. When I get back, you’d better start
believing or I won’t grant your wish. You think about it.” Before she zipped up
into her peel, she said, “You got any munchies? Get’em out before I get back.”
She disappeared in a squiggle of light.
Before I could question myself too much, I went into the house, got a tray of
cheese and crackers, and a dish of North Carolina peanuts grown in Currituck
County, just up the road. Best peanuts I’d ever eaten. Supporting local
businesses was a priority for me. But the thought of local business directed my
thoughts back to the case as I carried the snacks out to the dock.
I took another sip of whiskey before helping
myself to the crackers and cheese. A poor substitute for dinner, but Woody, my
boyfriend and fellow police officer, was celebrating Christmas with his parents
and daughter in Greenville. On Christmas, his ex would have their daughter.
Woody kept me in takeout or often made me dinner. Without him or my son, I’d
skipped the meal. One of the crackers crumbled with an edge of cheese as I
picked it up.
Pam zipped back and landed on the dock. “That
was a nightmare.”
“Family feud time. No wonder the photographer
rented a house for his relatives. At least he can go home. I was only there a
minute when his father started a fight with his mother about something that
happened twenty years ago. The grandparents chimed in yelling about some past
incident. They paid for the rental house. Then his drunken brother started
taunting him like a twelve-year-old. I thought the photographer’s head would
explode. Grandchildren were running and screaming through the house, and their
mothers were sequestered on the deck drinking wine.”
“No drugs?”
“No drugs, no Christmas spirit. Let me try
the next rental house.”
I told her the location. She flitted off.
Alone, I leaned back, placing my palms on the deck behind me and wondered if
I’d lost my mind. Seemed like an easy way to eliminate suspects unless this was
all a fantasy.
My grandmother had talked of spirits and
sprites, but she also read me fairy tales and “’Twas The Night Before
Christmas.” At the time, I might have believed, but since then, I’d lumped them
all into the same category of sweet fictional tales. I’d loved my grandmother
for her imagination, for her willingness to believe. She’d been an innocent, a
pure spirit herself.
Me? Not so much. In my profession, I’d seen
too much to ever feel innocent. I wondered what image I projected to my son.
Was I more scary than warm? How did you educate your children to the horrors of
the world and make them feel secure? I shook my head, wishing I could be that
pure spirit like my grandmother. Maybe when I retired, removed from my job of
criminal horrors, I would tell the tale of Pam the Sprite of Pamlico Sound to
my grandchildren, if I were so fortunate. But how would that tale end? Could I
believe? What was the power of faith?
Light streaked in front of me. Pam returned.
“You got it right on the second try. Party and drug central,” she said, her
lips twisted into a grimace. She looked at the tray. “Thanks for making some
snacks my size.” She lifted the cracker crumble and cheese and popped it into
her mouth. “Yum, that beats eating mosquitoes any day.”
I tried not to think about insects. “So what
exactly did you see? How many people were there?”
“The place is packed. Must be forty people in
there. Twenties and thirties. Women were fancy dressed. Men in jeans and flannel
shirts. Drinking and snorting. Loud music. A game on the TV. No neighbors.
It’ll go on all night.”
“No neighbors at this time of year. Are the
drugs out in the open?”
“In the master bedroom on the top floor.”
“See anyone who looked like the ringleader?”
“Yep. Upper thirties, starting to bald. Built
like a rock. Dark hair, sort of preppy looking. He wore business casual, not
jeans and flannel.”
That confirmed what I thought. Darren Sutton,
the spa and pool service company owner. “I’ll call a few of my colleagues.
We’ll surround the place.”
“He’ll flush it. There are motion detector
lights on the ground level. Went off when I arrived. Partiers on the front
exterior decks can see anyone approach the house. They’ll alert your dealer
before you get up the front steps. Before you climb all the way to the top
floor, they’ll have the placed wiped clean.”
“Is there an elevator?”
Yeah, but they have it locked on the top
floor. You’ll have to go undercover.”
“I can’t fool anyone. Everyone knows me.”

Betty Boop? Who? I felt cold. My clothing had
changed into a bikini top with a skirt. “Are you crazy?” I asked, but my voice
sounded weird. High and squeaky.
Pam tapped her forehead and waved her hand.
“You’re right. Wrong era. Let me change you." She wrote with a lit finger again,
but this time said, “I want a Christmas clone like Emma Stone.”
I felt my face transform, my cheekbones
widened, my lips puffed, but before I knew it Pam said, “No, no, you’re not the
auburn type. Sorry.” She closed her eyes thought for a moment and smiled. “I
got it. Better than a Christmas box, now you look like Megan Fox!”
I felt my appearance change again. Goosebumps
formed. I looked down to bare skin and pushed up boobs barely covered in black lace.
“Oh my—” I didn’t finish my sentence and wobbled into the house. The bathroom
mirror revealed me—more of me than I’d ever show in public. A Megan Fox look-alike
stood before the mirror ensconced in a black stretch-lace top. I peered into
the mirror. I looked like me, but I could have fooled anyone at first glance.
With my hair darkened and lengthened and a face full of makeup, I looked like a
sexy reflection of the star. My eyebrows rose as I inspected the skin-tight
black leggings that hugged my butt and legs. The high black wedges on my feet
were the reason I couldn’t walk right.
Pam flew in behind me and sat on my shoulder.
“Perfect,” she said, smiling.
Disgusted, I couldn’t fathom her enthusiasm.
This look went against my grain. “I’m an officer of the law. I can’t be seen
like this. I wear a uniform.”
“Not undercover. Not tonight.”
I sputtered, “But, but.”
“No buts about it. You’ll fit into that
party. No one will recognize you. Act like an airhead. Mingle. The lights are
on low upstairs. Hide behind the draperies and get some good party pictures.”
I stared at myself in the mirror.
“What’s wrong? This is perfect. You have to
work hard to make your wishes come true. Did you imagine I’d wave my wand and
put the dealer in jail? With no evidence? Like that would work. You’ll get the
evidence, arrest the drug dealer, and save lives.”
I took a deep breath. She was right. I had to
do this. I looked in the mirror. Pamela, the Sprite of Pamlico Sound had to be
real. I never could have done this on my own—wouldn’t have—it was so not me.
Going undercover and dressing like this passed my comfort zone by at least a mile.
I thought of that young woman who died. I thought of my son. My core steeled.
No one would recognize the down-home styled woman I projected in my personal
life. The straight-edged, by-the-book police investigator couldn’t be found
within the image I saw in the mirror.
“You can do this, Sue.”
“Suzanne,” I said, giving the mirror a sultry
Pam smiled at me in the mirror. “Oh, good.
Get into the role. I will, too.” Her trench coat changed into a long
sequined-dress. Spiked heels winked from under her hem. “Let’s go finish that whiskey
before we hit the road.”
We finished the glass and walked out to my
garage. “I need two more things before we go. Give me a black clutch about a
foot long by four inches wide and six inches tall.”
“Okay. No problem.” The bag appeared in my
hands. In it, I stashed my badge, phone, and gun.
“I’ll need other wheels.”

“We should have an escort,” Pam said.
“Will anyone see you?”
“Not me, you. A woman arriving alone might
seem suspicious.” Pam squinted through the windshield. “Slow down. I can see
our escort coming from the woods.”
A buck lumbered onto the road and stopped, mesmerized by my
headlights. I slammed on the brakes. A common occurrence, island residents
sustained more auto body damage from deer than from car collisions. I turned
toward the passenger seat. “A deer?”
“Yep. Lower my window.” Pam flew outside to
the deer and started air writing again. I lowered my window and heard her say,
“A Christmas cheer for you my deer. But don’t make us late since you’re Sue’s
date.” The buck transformed into a startled brown-haired man. He tottered on
two legs for a few moments, getting his human legs to work. “Get in the car,”
Pam ordered. She opened the back door, and he got in. “Sue, meet Buck, your
I nodded to Buck. He got a goofy look on his
face. I looked at Pam. “Does he know the difference between date and mate?”
“I don’t think it makes a difference. He’s
under your spell so just tell him what to do.”
“All righty,” I said and hit the gas.
As we turned down the party house street, my
phone rang. I gave instructions to my backup crew. “Stay out of sight. I’ll
call you after I get what I need. Then enter the house and make the arrest.”
I parked on the street and opened the door
for Buck. We walked up the driveway leaning against each other. Buck was still
unstable on two legs. I balanced on high wedges unused to heels. We probably
looked drunk, which might have been a plus.
Pam’s observations were correct. As we
approached the house, motion-detector lights came on. Buck blinked, but he
followed Pam, who flew in front of us making come-hither arm motions. Some guys
on the top deck looked over the railing and leered at me. I realized they could
look down my already revealing top. I wanted to strangle Pam, but she was
granting my wish. I gritted my teeth, launched myself up the stairs, and found
the door unlocked.
A local sat on a stool in the foyer, watching
us. Carla Thompson. Tough-lady Carla was a mate on a charter fishing boat.
Moonlighting? She acted like a bouncer, looking us in the eyes and checking us
out. Her eyes slid over Buck, but when she looked at me, confusion entered her
eyes. She narrowed her eyebrows as if trying to place me.
“I know—Megan Fox, right?” I said, wondering if the comment was
too self-flattering. She didn’t say anything but angled her head as if trying
on a new hat. “Someone even asked me for an autograph one time.” I laughed and
gestured to Buck. “You know Buck—teaches kite surfing,” I said, as if everyone
should know him. She nodded. Buck twitched his nose as if he’d like nothing
better than to sniff her, so I took his arm and dragged him up the stairs. Two
levels later, the party swirled around us in the large great room. Buck pranced
a bit as if nervous. I couldn’t blame him. This wasn’t my scene either.

Pam fluttered by the kitchen island bar,
hovering beside a man who fit the description of Darren Sutton. Booze bottles
littered the bar. A man nodded to greet Sutton and rubbed the side of his nose
with his finger. Sutton gestured to the man to follow him. It wasn’t until they
disappeared behind a closing door that I realized a master bedroom suite was
located behind the kitchen.
A twenty-something girl in the group we’d hid
behind tittered and covered her mouth with her hand. Her eyes were trained
behind me. I turned. Buck had his head in a bowl of Chex Mix. I looked back at
the girl, affected a smile, and rolled my eyes while strong-arming Buck’s head out of the snack. I picked up the bowl and led Buck out to the deserted
back deck through a sliding glass door.
As soon as the night air hit Buck, he calmed.
I led him to a darkened deck space aside French doors. Light seeped out around the
curtain. I placed the Chex Mix on the deck. Buck advanced on it like a pig to
With him busy, I crept over to the door, took
my camera from my clutch, and peered through the curtain using the camera lens.
I snapped shots of the man snorting a line from what looked like a marble
cutting board. Darren’s smile at the man turned my stomach. Money exchanged
hands between the men, which I captured in pictures.
I was tapping my teeth with my fingernail
when Pam’s light squeezed through the crack between the French doors. She plumped
into 3-D on the deck side. “So do you have what you need?”
“Maybe, but I want more. I have to get into
that room. Stay with Buck. He’s cramping my style.”
Pam started laughing. “You don’t have style.”
I exhaled through my nose and closed my eyes
before slapping on an explanation that would satisfy her. “As an investigator,
I operate better alone.” Without waiting for a response, I left her with Buck
and returned to the great room, putting my phone on video. I hoped those around
me thought I was checking messages. At the bar, I grabbed a cup, filled it with
ice, and poured club soda into it. Darren and the man came out of the room and
parted ways. Darren approached me with a smile. “Well, looky here. I don’t
think I know you, sugar.”
Yuck. “Suzanne,” I said and almost put out my
hand. Too much. Instead, I cast him a coy smile, as if I were interested in
getting to know him better.
“Darren.” He looked at me much as his bouncer
had downstairs. “Don’t I know you from somewhere?”
“Oh, honey, don’t you know a better pickup
line than that?” I reached over and patted his arm.
He put his arm around my waist and pulled me
to him. “Yep, I sure do, sugar. I know a lot of things,” he whispered in my
As a come-on it sucked, but I smiled and
snuggled up to him. “I sure could use some candy right now.”
He placed his hands on my face and looked me
in the eye. “Say pretty please.”
I almost gagged. Pam had said I had to work hard
to make my wishes come true. She hadn’t lied. I narrowed my distance to his
face to an inch, my lips nearly touching his. “Pretty please?”
“Let’s take this somewhere private,” he said
and led me to the master bedroom, closing the door behind us. He pulled me into
his arms and ran his hands down my spine, executing a full-body grope. Head to
head, I looked over his shoulder and checked out the room. The marble cutting
board lay on the bed. Atop it, a rolled up fifty-dollar bill sat. Behind them,
Pam flew in, sat on the bed, and lifted her eyebrows at me.
“I might need something in return for the
candy,” Darren said into my ear.
I hoped my phone picked up his voice. “I’ll
be glad to pay. What are you charging?”
“Twenty a line, but I hoped you’d give
payment in a different form.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’ll make sure you get
your reward.”

As I wondered what Pam was thinking, Darren
looked up from the coke and screwed up his eyes. “Did you hear anything?”
“Not me.” I walked over to the French doors, angling my phone at Darren
holding the cocaine, opened the doors wide, and hopped out. Darren looked
bewildered, then alarmed, and then angry. He started walking toward the door. I
disappeared into the darkness of the deck, passing Buck as he entered the room,
his ten-point antlers barely squeezing through the door. I heard Darren scream.
I called my backup and told them the suspect
was in the top floor master bedroom. I fled down the exterior deck stairs. By
the time I descended onto the driveway, I heard a ruckus in the house. I walked
toward my car. A spotlight flared at me. I put my hands up to shield my eyes.
“Who the hell are you?”
“Woody?” The light went out. I staggered without
night vision. I heard Woody’s steps coming toward me. My vision returned. His mouth
hung open. “I thought you were in Greenville,” I said. Woody didn’t say a word,
his eyes trained on my chest. “I waved my hands in front of his eyes. “Are you
“Wow, you look awesome.”
“A girl died tonight. I wanted to get the
bastard who supplied the coke—now before anyone else died—so I went undercover.”
Woody’s intelligence seemed to return. “You
think it’s the same guy from the other incidents.”
“Yep. You up for taking statements?”
“Sure, whatever you need.”
“Find out if any of his guests were at the party
earlier when this girl was here.” I leaned into
the Lexus and found the picture her mother
had given me. “Here’s the victim’s picture.”
“Maybe we can get him for more than
drug distribution.”
“Let’s hope. But I have to get my uniform. I’ll
be back to process the scene.
Woody looked disappointed. “Go. I’ll take
I got into the Lexus. Getting rid of the
Megan Fox clothes was imperative. My fellow officers would roast me for the
apparel. I’d never live it down. Luckily, only Woody had seen me. Before I put
the car in gear, I saw Woody grab Carla Thompson trying to sneak out. My phone
rang as I got to the end of the road. “Yeah.”
I heard rapid breathing. “Sue.” Tara’s voice
was higher than normal. She gulped. “There’s a huge deer in the master bedroom
upstairs. He’s got the perp trapped. But we can’t get in either.”
I had to smile. “That’s just Buck. He loves
Chex Mix. Get a bowl and lure him out. He’ll follow you into the elevator. Just
be calm, pat him, and feed him from the bowl. Don’t let him get amorous. Once
on ground level, put the bowl on the driveway and let him finish it. He
deserves a treat for his assistance. He’ll walk back into the woods. You won’t
have to stick around.”
“But how did he get up there?”
“I’ll never tell,” I said and hung up.
As I neared home, the Lexus changed back into
my patrol car. Tara must have read Darren his rights. I called some off-duty
officers to help interview the partygoers, but I had to go back and process the
scene. In my bedroom, I couldn’t wait to strip off my Megan Fox clothes, but
when I tried, none of them would come off except for the high wedges. Twisting,
stretching, and tearing didn’t work. “Pam,” I yelled. But the dang fairy didn’t
appear. I ended up covering them with my uniform and pulled my hair back into
its usual ponytail. In no time, I hopped back into the car.

“Pam!” She didn’t appear. “Pamela, the Sprite
of Pamlico Sound—answer me!” I saw her zinging light spin from the still dark
sky. She landed on the dock.
“What’da ya want? Got your wish, didn’t you?”
“I can’t remove the Megan Fox clothes. Get
them off me.”
“No can do.”
“Look, I admit it. I’m lazy. When I knew I
could grant two wishes in one call, I took it.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Yours wasn’t the only wish I granted
“Who else made a wish?”
Pam raised her eyebrows and gestured to my
“Hey, the ex came early and took his kid home.
His parents fell asleep, and he was lonely, thinking about you. What can I say?
I’m a lazy old softie.”
“So how do I get rid of these clothes?”
“I doubt you’ll get rid of them, but there’s
only one person who can take them off you.” She winked.
“Are you kidding me?”
“Be a fairy godmother, too. Grant the poor
guy his wish.”
“I knew you were real.”
“Yes, you believed.”
I crossed my arms and made face at her. “Figures.”
“Hey, kid, what do you expect? Fairy tales?”
No, I thought, but a happily-ever-after
ending would be nice. Woody and I were already intimate, but I felt used, and
not by him. I sighed. “Pam, maybe you should take a remedial course in Fairy
She waved off my suggestion—couldn’t be
bothered. “Merry Christmas, Sue.”
“Merry Christmas, Pam,” I said. Pam zipped
off into the sky to...Never-Never Land? The North Pole? Who knew?
I walked back to my house and opened the door.
When I took off my uniform shirt, revealing my cleavage bound only by black
stretch-lace, I swear Woody got the same goofy grin on his face as Buck. He
poured us cups of coffee and clacked his cup against mine. “Here’s to Christmas
wishes,” he said, giving me a brilliant smile.
His eyes twinkled as had my grandmother’s when
she told us Christmas tales. The sign of a true believer. It was one of the
reasons I’d fallen in love with him. I rang my cup against his. “Merry
Christmas, Woody.”
The End
great story! hope we can read more adventures with Buck and Sue next year.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Margaret. I think this is my third Sue and Woody story. Here's the link to last year's story.
The other one was published at KRL magazine. Here's the link to that story:
Thanks so much for your advice in creating the story and to all of our Emeralds!
Loved it, EB, Pam was a hoot! Next time I see a falling star, I'm wishing for more Sue and Woody stories. Happy holidays and may you have a productive new writing year.
ReplyDeleteA delightful story! A nice mix of Christmas, paranormal and mystery.
ReplyDeleteI hope we will be seeing Sue again soon.
Thanks, Shari. I like "feel good" stories during the holidays--okay--really, I like them all the time. It's entertainment.
ReplyDeleteKM, we'll see if my muse conjures Sue and Woody again. I think I'm getting a thumbs up on those characters. Thanks for reading!
I loved, loved, loved this story, E.B. I'd love to see more of Sue and Woody. Pam, too, actually. Great feel good story.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Gloria. For Christmas, I can't get too heavy, and I do like feel-good stories.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever asked yourself how characters pop into your head?
I don't know how I created a Sue or a Woody, although, there is only one criminal investigator on Hatteras Island (and I don't think it's a woman) so Sue's job is real. Woody--he's someone I imagine on the force of Sue's age. If you live on Hatteras Island men are categorized by fisherman or surfer dude. There aren't any golf courses so men either fish the sea or surf it. Woody, of course, is the latter.
Pam flitted into my brain in the same manner she flitted into the story. That's what she does, who she is, and maybe she'll be back--especially if she can get food, booze, and do her job with a minimum of effort!
I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday.
Love it! Fun and magical. I hope you continue to write Sue and Woody stories.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kara! I hope to write more Sue and Woody stories given the opportunity. We'll miss you. Take care!